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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello ReidelHPB, You're very welcome! Hmmm! Router first: I'm happy to be wrong but I'm 99.9% sure you'll not be able to load Kaspersky software direct to the ADB Router. Have you configured VPN on the ADB? Pi 3B/Raspbian/Pihole Again, happy to be proved wrong, however, (im assessment) KSC is not compatible. I'm not sure, I think I understand the objective, if I'm on the right track there's ways to do what you wish to do (but not using KSC)? & I'm sure you very aware, there's always potential slowdowns if traffic has to go "travelling"... Thanks!
  2. Hello BullFroggie, Thank you for the data. Does the issue happen when using original Edge browser or only with Chromium-based Edge? Irrespective of which Edge browser you're using, some of Kaspersky's utilities do not work with Edge - there are bug requests raised & under investigation with KLAB. Specific to the certificate issue, if the issue exists when using original Edge browser please let us know? If it's only with Chromium-based Edge, (that, as Superssjdan, correctly advised, is a beta release), we'll have to wait for Edge Chromium to be officially released & retest the certificate issue. Thanks.
  3. Hello, Rmlazzari, Sorry for the delay, I replicated the problem on one system, however, not on the other. Please allow me a few hours to continue the comprehensive test. I will provide more information. In the meantime, to reduce your concern, can you use another browser (with which Kaspersky is compatible)? For example, Google Chrome? Kaspersky is also compatible with IE (I personally do not like IE, so do not use it, but in this case, if Google Chrome is not to your liking, use IE) (Kaspersky is also compatible with Edge, however, some of Kaspersky's utilities do not work with Edge), so choose Google Chrome or IE while patiently waiting for my next post, please? Thank you very much!
  4. Hola Espauliman, ¡Bienvenido a la comunidad! Por favor, proporcione un poco más de información: Respecto a "He bloqueado el navegador Chrome". Uso del navegador Google Chrome: ¿es un sitio único que está bloqueado o todos los sitios? Si es un solo sitio, ¿podemos tener el nombre del sitio, por favor? ¿Usas algún otro navegador? Si es así, ¿el problema es replicable en otro navegador? Además, please sea amable y nos proporcione: Kis version? Sistema operativo, versión y compilación? Google Chrome Version? ¡Muchas gracias!
  5. Hello Bootlegger, (according to advice from Kaspersky) Kaspersky have "replaced" System Changes Control - https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2018/en-US/95486.htm with Application Manager/Installation Assistant. https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/95482.htm. Kaspersky acknowledge "some functions are no longer available". The issue has been escalated to Kaspersky experts to advise "why"? We'll update you/this post as soon as we receive the advice. Thanks!
  6. Hello Lemarque, Welcome. (For my understanding please) when you enter the url you're presented with a black screen or? Please provide details of: Operating system, version, release? Browser/s, version/s? Any more urls, presenting the same issue? Screen image of the issue? Please let us know? Thanks!
  7. Olá Rmlazzari, Obrigado por postar de volta. Posso perguntar por favor: foi mais alguma coisa removida pelo Revo? & Por favor, forneça uma impressão de tela do Firefox, extensão Kaspersky, o detalhe "estendido" da extensão está disponível, clicando no primeiro ecrã "addons" apresentado. Por favor, possamos ter um GSI: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Não há nenhuma seleção de idioma português disponível, se isso é um problema, por favor postar de volta para que possamos ajudar por favor? Obrigado!
  8. Hello bullFroggie, Welcome! Thank you for the screen print. In the KIS reports window, can you please export "Web AntiVirus" report for the period where the errors present, then, from the exported text file, find, copy & paste the certificate error information back here please? Note, there may be many entries of the same error, only one example is needed unless, the error information differs. Also, may we have a GetSystemInfo (GSI) please? https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632 Thank you!
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