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Danila T.

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Danila T.

  1. Ciao! 1) Il problema è nel sito stesso. Invia un errore quando si accede alla risorsa. 2) Nelle versioni future, sistemeremo il comportamento del prodotto per ignorare gli errori. Tali messaggi non appariranno in questi casi.
  2. @RanasHello! Fixed. Please check again. P.S. You probably chose USA when you registered 🙂
  3. @winterboi hello! Need try to change password for My Kapsersky account and check issue again. See this guide: https://support.kaspersky.com/KPC/1.0/en-US/95243.htm If persists: 1) Uninstall the KIS 21 for Mac: https://support.kaspersky.com/15587#block2 2) Restart Mac. 3) Try to install a new build from our site.
  4. Hi all! Need try to change password for My Kapsersky account and check issue again. See this guide: https://support.kaspersky.com/KPC/1.0/en-US/95243.htm
  5. @EkoSixStrings Stiamo lavorando su questo problema. Grazie!
  6. @Francy61 Non lo è. Vedere INC000012035542 Non hai risposto a nulla e la richiesta è stata chiusa. Sarai contattato a breve dal team di supporto. Si prega di fornire le informazioni richieste.
  7. @Francy61 Vedo che ti sono stati chiesti i log, ma non li hai inviati. Sarai contattato a breve dal team di supporto. Si prega di fornire le informazioni richieste.
  8. @Francy61@EkoSixStrings Creare una richiesta di supporto: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c
  9. @Francy61 Creare una richiesta di supporto: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c
  10. Hallo, Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Support: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c
  11. Veuillez contacter le service d'assistance : https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c
  12. The product works correctly. But there are differences in how it works on different systems.
  13. @Poppy4 It's about the different architecture of iOS and Windows. Different applications work differently on these systems. They cannot work in the same way. There are peculiarities of each system. Using a fingerprint takes a few seconds. Why not?
  14. @Poppy4 This setting has no effect on unlocking via the system menu (when autocomplete on websites). It only affects the opening/closing of the application itself.
  15. Closing the app (the app is not running in the background).
  16. Это было ошибочное срабатывание. Оно будет исправлено. Благодарим Вас за помощь
  17. Hi All! Please contact with support team: https://my.kaspersky.com/en/support about this problem.
  18. A breve, per accedere al sito www.unicredit.it e alla Banca via Internet sarà necessario utilizzare un browser capace di gestire il protocollo di sicurezza TLS 1.2. https://www.unicredit.it/it/info/sicurezza/i-requisiti-minimi-di-sistema/aggiornamenti-importanti11.html
  19. @Bernyand @Poppy4 The autolock option works if the product is not unloaded! If the product was unloaded, unlocking will be required regardless of these settings. Restarting the product after unloading counts as a new start (always requires unlocking). By Design.
  20. Yes. Can you click “After 3 minutes” and check problem?
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