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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @Claire Han , Check my.kaspersky.com - is your license present there? If not, check “How to connect your device to My Kaspersky” : https://support.kaspersky.com/common/start/13886#block1
  2. Получил ответ: обнаружили новый зловред, будет добавлен в базы как Trojan.PowerShell.Agent.pj @Vans99 через некоторое время можно будет обновить базы и выполнить полную проверку.
  3. Добрый день, отправил данный скрипт вирусным аналитикам, как только будут новости - отпишусь.
  4. Hi @OmerQussay , Thank you for this information, passed over to the responsible team, will get back to you as soon as there is news.
  5. Hi @OmerQussay , Can you do the following: open browser press F12 click ‘Network’ tab open support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ proceed to request creation Under the ‘Network’ tab in the column ‘Name’ find and click on any record with name support.kaspersky.com (see picture below as example). A new frame will open, click on ‘Headers’ tab and here look for ‘x-server:‘ parameter. What is this parameter value on your side? Also, what country/city you are located in?
  6. Hi @jason88fr , This alert can occur if a new virtual network adaptor is created. We understand the inconvenience caused by this, a corresponding requirement has been created to improve/simplify this behavior: 4227445.
  7. Hi @Omar Osama , Thanks for sharing the results! Glad you got it sorted out. Have a good day and stay safe!
  8. Hi @Snowwolfboi , The default settings for detection of malicious files that you get after the installation are the best combination of performance and protection level. For a more strict privacy protection you need to go to Settings → Protection → Private Browsing → and change it from ‘Only gather statistics’ to ‘Block data collection’. You can read more about Private Browsing protection component here: https://support.kaspersky.com/KTS/21.3/en-US/92363.htm
  9. Hi @OldSeaDog , Please contact technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ to fix this issue.
  10. Hi @Omala , Does the issue still persist? If yes, please contact technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/
  11. Добрый день, Обновите антивирусные базы и выполните проверку файла еще раз, будет ли детектироваться?
  12. Hi @jason88fr , Kaspersky does not block third party VPNs (at least not intentionally). Can you give a clue which issue, which particular VPN you are referring to? We cannot start checking the problem, unless we know which direction to dig. The name of the VPN, the steps to reproduce on our side - would help enormously.
  13. Добрый день, Если детектирование происходит при запущенном браузере, то удалите подозрительные расширения в браузере. Если не поможет, сделайте сброс браузера, например, можно сбросить настройки Chrome по инструкции: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3296214?hl=ru Если ситуация сохранится, проверьте наличие подозрительных ярлыков в папке: C:\Users\здесь укажите имя пользователя\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ А так же наличие подозрительно выглядящих папок (например, nPROhUCsLBxIugFeKW) в C:\Users\здесь укажите имя пользователя\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ Проверьте задания в папке: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\ Все подозрительное можно загрузить на opentip.kaspersky.com, в случае отсутствия детекта нажать на “Submit to reanalyze”.
  14. Hi Stuart, You can open the following URL while in Protected browser to install Bitwarden: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bitwarden-free-password-m/nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb
  15. Hi @Omar Osama , May be this file came as a part of some other solution. You can rename manually, it is a quicker route from my point of view. To be safe from any consequences you can create a Windows restore point before renaming. So if anything goes not as expected, you can either rename the file back or revert the system to the restore point. From my experience renaming of this .sys file does not bring any problems. If you give a try for bitdefender uninstalling tool, please let us know the results.
  16. @jhfrek666666 , Добрый день, Link
  17. Hi @Ratty , Try to reset Edge: Click the menu icon (three horizontal dots) > Settings > Reset Settings > Restore settings to their default values > Reset. (To prevent Edge from automatically restoring everything from the cloud, you can navigate to Settings > Profiles > Sync and click Turn off sync.) Will it fix the continiuous detect issue?
  18. Hi @master_flomaster, We got your suggestions, added to the existing feature requests. Thank you.
  19. Добрый день, данная проблема будет исправлена в патче ‘t’, который ожидается в ноябре - декабре 2021 года. Временное обходное решение - искать через My.kaspersky.com
  20. Hi @oscar132 , Protected Browser runs an isolated instance of browser, with its own settings/extentions. You can install your Bitwarden password manager extention while in Protected Browser.
  21. Hi @Omar Osama , on the screenshot I see bddci.sys, which is the BitDefender anti-virus driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\bddci.sys If you do not have BitDefender installed, simply rename the driver from bddci.sys to bddci_old.sys to fix this issue.
  22. Hi @leroy , Downloaded the IVPN-Client-v3.4.0, scanned it, and no detections… probably have to follow the ‘upgrade from previous version’ scenario to reproduce this. Let’s wait what happens with your submission at opentip.kaspersky.com…
  23. hi @whwhwh , You are most welcome, glad you have figured out the mistery. Have a good day and stay safe!
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