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  2. I was able to uninstall it simply by using Ultra AVs built-in uninstaller. Then I rebooted my machine. Sadly, I had no idea that it was Kaspersky that installed Ultra AV. I just noticed Ultra AV popup on my PC and thought it was some bloatware, or worse, malware that installed itself by somehow getting by Kaspersky. I had never head of Ultra AV before. Installing this software without first notifying the user was a bone-headed idea on Kaspersky's part. I didn't receive any e-mail notification at all (and I checked spam folder) nor even a popup message via the Kaspersky AV app. Who thought this was a good idea? Had Kaspersky notified me first, I may have kept the Ultra AV software in the migration. But now that it's off my computer, I may or may not go through reinstalling depending on what I can find out about the company -- because once again I have never heard of them, and I have two certifications in Cybersecurity.
  3. Because Windows has a propensity to screw up their latest "updates" I went through the list first and anything I didn't recognize or use I uninstalled from my computer. As no information had been sent out from Kaspersky about switching over to this "Ultra AV", I uninstalled it. Is there a way to get it reinstalled if everything will migrate?
  4. Today
  5. Estou exatamente com o mesmo problema. A App rebenta logo após login …
  6. I recently got my son a phone and wanted to add his device to my existing subscription. Unfortunately we already have 5 devices on the subscription. How do I upgrade to the 10 device subscription? Do I have to cancel my existing one and buy a new one?
  7. Hi, Unfortunately there is no information about versions of KRD so I just can write I downloaded KRD 13 Sep 2014 and it does not boot. It repeatedly writes to the screen: "COMRESET failed .... retrying in 8 secs", etc. Fortunately I saved the older version I downloaded 9 March 2024 and it does boot but always says there is a newer version so it does not download the new database. What can I do, please?
  8. No se si has logrado solucionar, pero tengo el mismo problema.
  9. So that's kind of a loophole i guess, cause I can't know the password of a unkown file on my pc. So conclusion is to manually delete if it catches anything unkown that is password protected ,got it. Thanks for the help!
  10. Currently, there is available a Community Edition of our OS. But is only for developing purposes. https://os.kaspersky.com/latest/kasperskyos-ce-1-2/ System requirements: https://support.kaspersky.com/help/KCE/1.2/en-US/system_requirements.htm
  11. On a mint linux os. Is there a removal tool I can use from a thumb drive?
  12. Worth noting, my flatmate isn't tech savvy, but he works for a call center and had to install an app they gave him. My feeling is if it's possible for the MAC address to be changed by VPN then it could still be his device that was connected at 16:27 - but it was through a VPN he just didn't know it. At this point I'm not worried, new password would take centuries to hack. But I'd still like to be able to tag which is which with confidence so I can kick off any new devices.
  13. We use the FREE version of Kapersky. Will that still be available under Ultra AV? We did receive the announcement email on Sept 5th, but really didn't pay attention to it until the new software was downloaded on 3 of our computers without any notice.
  14. Hi, I'm unsure about some of the "new devices on my home network. Is it possible that there are different mac addresses due to the VPN being used? In the list there were 2x devices with the same name, one was connected, the other was disconnected but had history earlier in the day. They had different MAC addresses... neither of which match my flatmates. He's using the Kaspersky VPN - so I'm unsure if that's the reason? Further, so I decided to change my WiFi password, now there are 2 devices that say "unknown device"... how am I to determine which is which? All our devices, except the TV box, now have Kaspersky Premium installed under the same account. I'd like to ensure the TV box is correct because I can't install kaspersky on it. And I'd like to know which one is my flatmates phone. Attached, the devices with different MAC addresses. ~20:13 was the time I installed Kaspersky on his device and connected him to the VPN
  15. Because that's who bought the customers from Kaspersky. Must have offered Kaspersky the most money. Personally, I've never heard of UltraAV before and there is very little information about them, so I purchased from a known reputable company instead.
  16. @ziad189 I have been using Brave this way for years, by renaming brave.exe to chrome.exe. After that, the KAV plugin works in Brave. I made a simple PowerShell script to automate this and have it run every time I login. ############################################### ## KIS Plugin workaround for Brave ## ############################################### ## Kaspersky browser plugin doesn't officially work in Brave browser. However, if the executable ## for Brave is renamed to chrome.exe, the KIS plugin magically works. This script verifies that ## brave.exe matches the chrome.exe in the Brave Browser application directory & replaces it if not #################################################################################################### $brave = "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" $chrome = "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\chrome.exe" # Get the file hashes $hashSrc = Get-FileHash $brave -Algorithm "SHA256" $hashDest = Get-FileHash $chrome -Algorithm "SHA256" # Compare the hashes, copy files if different & log results If ($hashSrc.Hash -ne $hashDest.Hash) { Write-Host "Brave updated. Copying executable" Copy-Item $brave $chrome "Hash values of brave.exe and chrome.exe are NOT equal. Updated $((Get-Date).ToString())" | Out-File -FilePath C:\Apps\Brave-KIS-workaround.log } In TaskScheduler have it run at log on using the following parameters C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -file C:\Apps\Brave-KIS-workaround.ps1 Change file paths to wherever you decide to save the PowerShell script
  17. I had to do the same. Personally I could find very little information about UltraAV and no testing results, so I decided on another anti-virus software instead
  18. @ChrisN991 I have been using Brave this way for years, by renaming brave.exe to chrome.exe. I made a simple PowerShell script to automate this and have it run every time I login. ############################################### ## KIS Plugin workaround for Brave ## ############################################### ## Kaspersky browser plugin doesn't officially work in Brave browser. However, if the executable ## for Brave is renamed to chrome.exe, the KIS plugin magically works. This script verifies that ## brave.exe matches the chrome.exe in the Brave Browser application directory & replaces it if not #################################################################################################### $brave = "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" $chrome = "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\chrome.exe" # Get the file hashes $hashSrc = Get-FileHash $brave -Algorithm "SHA256" $hashDest = Get-FileHash $chrome -Algorithm "SHA256" # Compare the hashes, copy files if different & log results If ($hashSrc.Hash -ne $hashDest.Hash) { Write-Host "Brave updated. Copying executable" Copy-Item $brave $chrome "Hash values of brave.exe and chrome.exe are NOT equal. Updated $((Get-Date).ToString())" | Out-File -FilePath C:\Apps\Brave-KIS-workaround.log } In TaskScheduler have it run at log on using the following parameters C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -file C:\Apps\Brave-KIS-workaround.ps1 Change file paths to wherever you decide to save the PowerShell script
  19. Yes. App crashing on iOS 18 here too. can you please update the app?
  20. CTRL ALT DEL Task Manager Select AV one at a time and disable. This appears to do nothing but Start Button: Right Click on AV: Uninstall Repeat Right Click on AV : Uninstall : This time it uninstalled Reboot to check
  21. But it is not working with iOS18. Please fix this asap!
  22. No, You must know the password and type it, if you want K. to scan it... no miracles here.
  23. Got Rid of it. "End Task" in Task Manager (Crtl,Alt Del) Then Uninstalled Reboot Repeated once. Going to try it again on another computer
  24. Да, наверное вы правы, просто судил по дампу, но убрав его появилась другая ошибка, спасибо за время.
  25. Значит проблема не в том, что Касперский что то блокирует. Вам нужно обратится на другие форумы
  26. Да что старнно, как я понимаю, касперский переопредляет MicrosoftDefender может быть в этом дело(
  27. то есть даже удалив антивирус, проблема с CS2 воспроизводится?
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