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  1. Hi there Kaspersky, i wish you guys chould make a kaspersky product thats more specific for gamers, and the name for the product chould be Kaspersky Gamer security like McAfee have made one named McAfee for gamers
  2. Eu instalei o aplicativo Kaspersky: VPN & Security no celular à 5 dias e segundo o recurso Antiphishing, mais de 19.5 mil links já foram verificados e esse número não para de crescer. Eu sei que alguns aplicativos acessam links em segundo plano, mas esse número não está alto demais para somente 5 dias? Outra desconfiança que tenho é que a cada 5 min eu recebo de 5 à 7 notificações dizendo que não foi possível verificar a segurança do link e então vem a notificação dizendo que o botão de emergência foi acionado. Devo me preocupar ou esse número de links é normal e as notificações são somente instabilidade na conexão?
  3. Eu instalei o aplicativo Kaspersky: VPN & Security no celular à 5 dias e segundo o recurso Antiphishing, mais de 19.5 mil links já foram verificados e esse número não para de crescer. Eu sei que alguns aplicativos acessam links em segundo plano, mas esse número não está alto demais para somente 5 dias? Outra desconfiança que tenho é que a cada 5 min eu recebo de 5 à 7 notificações dizendo que não foi possível verificar a segurança do link e então vem a notificação dizendo que o botão de emergência foi acionado. Devo me preocupar ou esse número de links é normal e as notificações são somente instabilidade na conexão?
  4. I bought the software the software and have been talking to their support by email for several months. They did not help me at all and their answer at the end is to reset Windows. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. The problem: I can't install the software. Every time I try to install it is stuck like this, like in the picture. I tried running as administrator, tried changing DNS, created GetSystemInfo and it doesn't show any particular problem. If anyone has a solution, then I'd be happy to hear it
  5. Hello, i started a website https : //www.certifygate.com/ but after I try to access it from my laptop where i have Kaspersky Premium installed, Kaspersky keeps threat it as a phishing website. please can you help on this ?
  6. Hallo und guten Abend in die Runde! Ich bin Neu in diesem Forum und habe eine Frage zum Produkt Kaspersky Premium (5 Geräte), ist VPN für alle Geräte unbegrenzt ? MfG Jens Uwe
  7. При попытке запустить подобный чат, который входит в подписку премиум. Открывает окно ожидания с на английском и нужно переключить язык на "Русско" (почему не русский не знаю). Но затем можно долго пялится в монитор и ждать и н____а не будет. А потом просто закроется сеанс. Зачем нужен сервис, который не работает. Есть вариант позвонить по телефону, вот только телефон МСК, а для жителей регионов это может вылететь в копеечку. Причем в первые дни перехода на новую линейку подписок все работало, а теперь видимо изменили ПО для работы с чатом, а баги исправлять дорого.
  8. Ich brauch mal euer Schwarmwissen: Ich hab aktuell das Problem, dass Kaspersky versucht einzelne Webseiten (selbst fritz.box oder eine IP im Heimnetz) über https aufzurufen und dieses entsprechend mit einer Fehlermeldung, was entsprechend vorab bestätigt werden muss. Kann man dieses irgendwie verhindern, dass er dieses umschreibt? Am Browser liegt es nicht, denn wenn Kaspersky beendet wird, ist das Problem nicht vorhanden.
  9. Всем доброго времени суток. После того как скачал с «хорошего» сайта фотошоп, видать словил майнер. До переустановки системы воспользовался другим антивирусом, он поудалял какие-то вирусы, которые являются таблеткой для приложений. В итоге ничего не изменилось, в планировщике задач также что-либо подозрительное отсутствует, но продолжает скакать степень загрузки ГП. После переустановки всё так же, в планировщике ничего такого, поставил Касперский, проверил систему 3 раза - вирусов не найдено. ссылку прилагаю:
  10. Estou tentando acessar o site https : //www.grancursosonline.com/ , contudo, quando o vpn está ativo a página passa a ser negada o acesso. Tentei abrir a configuração para excluir a pagina do vpn, mas não tive sucesso. Alguém pode me explicar como alterar? Sem precisar desativar o vpn?
  11. Hi, As per the attached screenshot, even though I have turned off all the options for notification, still the notification for junk files is coming, similarly, I am getting the notification for updating the software. Please note that I don't want to disable the functionality (junk file removal or auto update of software), I want to disable the popup of the notification. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hi there everyone! My first time posting, so I apologise for any mistakes. For the past month or so, my Kaspersky VPN app has just been showing 'connecting'. If I try to turn the VPN off, it freezes. I also get a 'Failed to connect' error occasionally. I've tried restarting my PC, restarting my internet, reconnecting. I've been through my settings and they all seem okay, plus my subscription is still valid until March. Does anyone have a solution to this? It's quite annoying to not feel protected right now, haha! Thank you in advance, all.
  13. Esiste un modo per importare tutti gli account salvati per l'autenticazione a due fattori da Authy a Kaspersky Password Manager?
  14. Esiste un modo per importare tutti i dati (account, carte, indirizzi, etc) da Brave browser in Kaspersky Password Manager?
  15. Hey, I am a new User, but I am already unhappy. Although fully secured with Kaspersky, my Private Phone which is connected to my Jobs Servers (Michelin), was hacked. I found the case. I don't know what got hacked but found the worm, see picture. How can I ad it to the infected apps list? I don't have a Laptop with me, I am on a Business Trip. But I Have Time if needed I can travel wherever you say. How big the damage done is I have to find out with the IT from Michelin. Thank You in advance, you can call/text/email me 24/7 another sleepless night, I thought I was pretty safe with Kaspersky. I am Sorry but I have no trust into Kaspersky anymore. I am ready to talk to Customer support. I am in Germany/Rheinland-Pfalz at the moment.
  16. Friends, I bought my newly purchased Plus membership for one year and now I want to switch to Kaspersky premium 10 devices for 1 year.. I want to buy that package, so I don't know exactly what I should do. Can you help me on the subject?
  17. merhaba arkadaşımla kaspersky premium hesap üyeliği aldık bu üyeliğin içinde vpn de dahil ancak beni sistemden davet etmesine rağmen ben vpne erişim sağlayamıyorum bu konuda yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.
  18. Buenas. Dentro de poco me toca renovar licencia y estaba entre Plus y Premium y viendo la comparativa me ha asaltado una duda con lo siguiente: Detección de accesos remotos Identifica cualquier aplicación instalada en tu ordenador que los hackers puedan utilizar para tomar el control de tu dispositivo y robar tu información personal. ¿Que diferencia hay con la parte de Protección antivirus, antimalware y anti-ransomware si esas aplicaciones son malware?
  19. HEllo, I have been getting this error "DENYLIST OF KEYS IS CORRUPTED" on some of my Linux and Windows devices for a few days. I have searched different sources and found a solution that works rarely and is something that states that "with KESL, you need to update first before activating the program." So, I am hoping you will let me know about your views and solutions regarding this issue. I am using the following products: KSC 14 KESW 11.9 KESL 11.3 Thanks!
  20. This is a Zoom question and a Kaspersky question: I run Kaspersky Total Security under Windows 10. My friend bought Kaspersky Premium under Windows 10 on my recommendation. So, we are running two different versions of Kaspersky. Under Kaspersky Total Security, I'm able to unblock the web camera under Zoom by going to Main Application Window > Privacy Protection > Webcam Protection > Off. In my case, this works each and every time. As soon as I turn webcam protection off, I'm able to see my image under Zoom and my friends are able to see my image as well. I've tried to help my friend do the same thing under Kaspersky Premium. From her description, it sounds like the interface is entirely re-designed. My experience with Kaspersky Total Security is not helping her under Kaspersky Premium. The problem? Turning off webcam protection under Kaspersky Premium does not seem to work. She still cannot see herself under Zoom and no one else can see her either. Furthermore, her microphone is not working. She believes her problem started when she installed Kaspersky Premium. Prior to installing Kaspersky Premium, she was able to participate in Zoom meetings and both her audio and video were working. It is difficult for me to diagnose her problem over the telephone since I cannot see exactly what she is doing. I suppose I could invite her to a Zoom session and have her show me what she is doing via Zoom. Not sure if that will work. Do you have any ideas? Is there a simple fix for her problem? Do you think it is Kaspersky Premium that is blocking both her web camera and her microphone? From the main window in Kaspersky Premium, I asked her to click on the tool icon in the lower left corner. We then went to privacy settings. From there we turned off a setting for blocking the web camera. While I could not see what she was doing, she told me that the privacy setting for her web camera had remained "off" after she turned it "off." Any help would be appreciated. She has tried getting into the settings for specific applications. I assume she set something for Zoom but I'm not sure what she did. Screen images would be particularly helpful. Since I can't see what she is doing, I'm having a hard time helping her. Thanks! Ed
  21. Olá, Estou com problema na extensão, e não consegui ativa-lo, qual seria o método passo a passo para ativar? O mesmo está ativado só no Edge, mas no Chrome e no Brave não está. Windows 11 Navegador Brave e Chrome Kaspersky Premium Processador 11th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz 2.69 GHz RAM instalada 16,0 GB (utilizável: 15,8 GB) Tipo de sistema Sistema operacional de 64 bits, processador baseado em x64 Placa de vídeo GTX 1650
  22. Please make some options like Spyhunter 5 such as url checking and deleting hidden malware such as from recent urls and edge preferences
  23. Please add an antivirus for IOS like Bitdefender has so I can control my phone from my Kaspersky thanks!
  24. Can I buy a license now that has black Friday (or a discount period) and use it in 2 - 3 months when my active license expires?
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