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  1. Past hour
  2. Thank you. Any insight on why it was flagged so we can be aware of any changes we can make on our side to avoid in the future?
  3. Der Support hat sich nun gemeldet und möchte einen GSI-Export. Diesen habe ich eben erstellt und hingeschickt. Mal schauen, was zurück kommt. Welche Daten werden eigentlich mit dem GSI-Tool genau exportiert? Ich hoffe es handelt sich hier um keine privaten Daten meines PCs und es werden keine Einstellungen im System verändert.
  4. Today
  5. There is a bug in build 17 when working through a VPN connection. as a temporary solution, when using a VPN, disable scanning of secure connections https://support.kaspersky.ru/help/Kaspersky/Win21.17/en-US/157530.htm
  6. today ( 13/5/2024) my kaspersky plus automatically updated to the latest version ( , after this update my surfshark (premium vpn) extension on chrome stopped working and it doesnt connect anymore, by pausing the kaspersky protection the extension will resume working again i have tested windscribe extension as well. it gets very slow when protection is running and websites would be opened after several refreshes thank you for your help
  7. Добрый день! Отключил, буду наблюдать за работой
  8. Добрый день! Подскажите пожалуйста, я верно понял, что ситуация была "единичная", и за эту неделю больше не повторялась?
  9. Добрый день! Как и по соседней проблеме. Посмотрите пожалуйста, без верифаеров.
  10. Добрый день! Вы можете отключить верифаеры в окне производительности? (значок беты в углу должен стать серым) и попробовать понаблюдать за системой неделю? Если дампы продолжат генерироваться - заводите, а если нет, напишите пожалуйста в личные сообщения.
  11. Добрый день! Проще из реестра читать: $ZeroTime = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 $isWOW64 = if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { "WOW6432Node\" } else { "\" } $KES_Ver = [string](Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\$($isWOW64)KasperskyLab\protected\KES" -ErrorAction Ignore)."(default)" "LastStart", "NeedReboot", "LastSuccessfulFullScanStart" | %{ Write-Host "$_ : " $ZeroTime.AddSeconds( [string]"$( (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\$($isWOW64)KasperskyLab\protected\$KES_Ver\Data" -ErrorAction Ignore)."$_")" ) }
  12. Hi Thank you! Before I reset my PC, I did run a full scan as well. And there were four threats detected but all deleted or disinfected by Kaspersky. The issue of lagging and frozen/black screen persisited. So I reset my PC and ran a full scan again, which was the one I reported as above. No other detection as of now. My Kaspersky version is My system is Windows 11 And by the way, I just ran a full scan again and this time the Kaspersky even froze (it stuck at 1% and the blue circle wasn't spinning anymore, as shown in the attached screenshot)
  13. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Can You provide the versions of K. product installed. Also, no additional detections entries in Reports?
  14. Got absolutely frustrated with my Lenovo Yoga Slim laptop. Everything started to run especially slow one day and even occasional screen freenzes happen. The laptop went over-heated but memory and cpu usage was actually quite low. Couldn't properly load Youtube video in full screen. Everything is lagging hard. I full scanned my laptop using Kaspersky Standard and a malicious objected was detected. It was a kind of Trojan named HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l But Kaspersky seemed to do absolutely nothing about it. No disinfection, no quarantine, no deletion? And the next time I full scanned it, Kaspersky simplied told me that No threats are found. Please help me. I have got work to do and I have even tried restoring Windows but in vain. Details are as below: Event: Malicious object detected User type: Active user Component: Virus Scan Result: Detected Result description: Detected Type: Trojan Name: HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l Precision: Exactly Threat level: High Object type: File Object name: powershell.exe Object path: proc:\C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 Reason: Expert analysis
  15. "clientIdleTimeout": 2147483600, "clientLogoutTimeout": 2147483600, "serverLogoutTimeout": 2147483600, The value is in millisecond units. Timeout for a day = 60 x 60 x 24 x 1000 = 86400000
  16. Good morning everyone! I have a problem with KSC version 12.2 on server, and KES 12.4 with NetAgent 15.0 on client. I get this error when deleting old tasks, and a similar message when creating a new remote installation task on clients. I attach screenshots of the problem. Thank you for your kind reply, have a nice day! Davide from Italy
  17. Спасибо. А как это в винде сделать? Я нашел в ней такое C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.16\Data\reports.db С отключенной самозащитой открывается: 203 таблицы. Поможете разобраться в какой есть даты запуска ODS?
  18. Möchte diese Version auf die neue Version umstellen.Welche muss ich nehmen Standard oder Plus. vielen Dank
  19. Доброго дня, аналогичная проблема - HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Crypmod.gen Не могу найти следов.
  20. Спасибо. Но я забыл уточнить: винда. Я нашел в ней такое C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.16\Data\reports.db С отключенной самозащитой открывается: 203 таблицы. Поможете разобраться в какой есть даты запуска ODS?
  21. Adicionalmente, indica la versión exacta de Kaspersky Small Office Security, S.O., adjunta captura de pantalla del mensaje, etc.. Hay que facilitar la mayor cantidad de información posible para que podamos ayudarte de la mejor manera posible. Saludos
  22. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please check these links: https://support.kaspersky.com/KSOS/8.17/en-US/43520.htm https://support.kaspersky.com/KSOS/8.17/en-US/118604.htm
  23. Hola, Abre un ticket de soporte en el Kaspersky Company Account, envíales el getsysteminfo (gsi) del equipo para que lo revisen los técnicos de Kaspersky. Cómo generar un informe con Get System Info https://support.kaspersky.com/sp/common/diagnostics/3632 Descarga: https://media.kaspersky.com/utilities/ConsumerUtilities/GSI- Saludos
  24. @Tschekker bei mir ist es auch recht selten der Fall, dass ich Kaspersky überhaupt über Teamviewer nutze, aber es gab diese halt schon. Es geht mir hauptsächlich darum, dass es laut den Default-Einstellungen eigentlich nicht möglich sein sollte, aber trotzdem geht. Auch wenn ich die Funktion sowieso haben möchte, macht es mir aber Sicherheitsbedenken, dass die Einstellung an sich momentan nicht richtig zu funktionieren scheint und dann fragt man sich halt, ob alles andere so funktioniert, wie es soll. Ich hoffe ihr versteht mein Anliegen.
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