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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks for the info and fast reply! I tried replicating a TunnelVision attack using Kaspersky and got a selective denial-of-service. I presume that as long as full-tunnel mode is used, no traffic is permitted outside of the tunnel.
  3. Hello @Jonatan1, Welcome! Kaspersky on X, have made a small statement: https://x.com/kaspersky/status/1789902869199757660: "A somewhat esoteric VPN attack, TunnelVision, uses the DHCP option 121 to relay VPN traffic without any encryption. Android is not vulnerable to this, while on other platforms, mitigating the vulnerability involves enhanced scrutiny of routing configurations transmitted via DHCP." & referenced the same article as you have: TunnelVision (CVE-2024-3661): How Attackers Can Decloak Routing-Based VPNs For a Total VPN Leak Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  4. @Jonatan1 Welcome. Kaspersky ‘s detection rate is close to 100% !
  5. Recently there has been a new VPN vulnerability discovered called TunnelVision. Link here: https://www.leviathansecurity.com/blog/tunnelvision I was wondering if Kaspersky is taking any measures against this and what are your thoughts on this new vulnerability?
  6. Today
  7. @Daniel Augusto RamboBem-vindo Infelizmente no momento não tenho disponível um produto corporativo instalado em uma máquina para lhe auxiliar. Por isso peço que por favor entre em contato com o suporte técnico corporativo → Suporte técnico para soluções corporativas
  8. Olá pessoal. Será que dentro do Kaspersky® Security Center tem alguma tarefa que monitore as atualizações do Windows das estações ? Por exemplo que verifique se as atualizações de segurança do Windows estão sendo realizadas/forçar para que sejam feitas e instaladas
  9. На роутере использую Яндекс DNS. Яндекс DNS работает на телефоне с Kaspersky VPN. А вот на телефоне настройку DNS делаю из настроек телефона. Не из приложения. Вы можете подумать, что проблема во мне. Поэтому я это уточнил.
  10. Danke Tschekker. Bin via KAS FREE App mit my.kaspersky.com verbunden. My Kaspersky: "Kein Abonnement" + "Problem mit dem Abonnement" KAS FREE App: verlangt einen Aktivierungscode Keine Lösung in Sicht. 😞
  11. Полное отсутствие интереса!!! Интересный ответ от службы поддержки, не так ли? Прежде чем обращаться в службу поддержки Лаборатории Касперского, я, естественно, обращался в службу поддержки DNS Яндекса. Так что похоже, что проблема исходит от Лаборатории Касперского. Забыл указать на форуме, что Google DNS или DNS Adguard... Работает. Проблема только с Яндекс ДНС.
  12. @Dingo as i wrote above FIRST do traces as @Igor Kurzin wrote..... Traces are important to identify problem. AND AFTER this you might try reinstall.... I gave you 2nd optional solution reinstall..
  13. @Dingo, no need to reinstall, just enable traces, restart PC to reproduce the issue, disable traces and share the logs with support. You can send me a PM with the link to download traces.
  14. Starting today I had problems with the program "FanControl" not reading CPU temperature after a few seconds and the RGB Control of my RAM through GigabyteControlCenter not working correctly anymore. Both problems are fixed by uninstalling Kaspersky Plus. Adding those programs to exceptions in Kaspersky doesnt work. Whatever got updated yesterday or this morning by Kaspersky caused those issues, since it was working fine before. I guess it has something to do with Kaspersky blocking access to hardware sensors and/or the SPD Hub of RAM. I got the hint from FanControl's issues tracker on github (https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases/issues/2571), where another person had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling Kaspersky. I hope this bug can be fixed asap or at least a workaround with exceptions for certain programs is made available.
  15. Hello @Treehouse Thank you for the information! Yes. Settings reset, reinstalling the browser is not required. 13th June 02:20, 2024: when (you) wrote the information about the version number missing - did you mean the version number information was missing from the Kaspersky Free app OR that the information had not been provided for this topic? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  16. 1- Yandex 2- No. Should i do that? lf i should, do i reinstall the browser or is resetting settings enough?
  17. @thiago.silva15Bem-vindo Informe a versão do produto Kaspersky instalada e o sistema operacional e sua versão Além disso, forneça mais detalhes.. Já tentou conectar usando um servidor (localização) diferente? Aparece alguma mensagem de erro?
  18. Hello @Treehouse, Thank you for the information! In Yandex browser, which Search engine is configured - check the Smart box? In Yandex browser - has a *full* browser reset been done, read: What happens when Yandex Browser settings are reset? When (you) wrote the information about the version # missing - did you mean the version number information was missing from the Kaspersky Free app OR that the information had not been provided for this topic? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  19. Хорошо, а еще может есть ли какие-то best practices по настройке фаервола?
  20. Проверку защищённых соединений отключить https://support.kaspersky.ru/help/Kaspersky/Win21.17/ru-RU/157530.htm
  21. зашел в Настройка сети - иконка справки не на уровне текста в проверке защищенных соединений. windows 10 pro, Kaspersky premium, hyper-v 11.0
  22. при наведении мыши на зону с чекбоксами перестаёт работать скролл мышью. windows 10 pro, Kaspersky premium, hyper-v 11.0
  23. Какие то службы у него можно отключить что бы этот антивирус не лез в сертификаты?
  24. Thanks for that quick response. We've done a second scan and the summary lines of the report is attached. It looks like the dll is now gone.
  25. продукт пишет, что автоматическое удаление отключено и не совсем понятно, где его включить (по факту надо нажать "Найти" и там уже есть переключатель). предлагаю на плашке добавить кнопку (шестерёнку) настроек (как у других функций) для удобства. windows 10 pro, Kaspersky premium, hyper-v 11.0
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