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  1. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. Problem: Create Group On Demand Scan Task of Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 Launch Group On Demand Scan Task Group On Demand Scan Task of Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 might detect infected object, but might not delete it. Solution: Delete created Group On Demand Scan Task of Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 Delete all created Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 Policies Add registry key on Kaspersky Administration Server 5_2_ksc_win_x86_fix.reg if Kaspersky Administration Server is installed on x86 operation system 5_2_ksc_win_x64_fix.reg if Kaspersky Administration Server is installed on x64 operation system Create Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 Policies anew. Create Group On Demand Scan Task of Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2 Launch Group On Demand Scan Task of Windows Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2/Linux Kaspersky Light Agent 5.2
  2. fdavidl

    Mouse/keyboard issues

    I recently purchased a Crumar Performer that has some keyboard issues. The bottom C is completely dead and the other 4 C's have a very long sustain, regardless of where the slider is positioned in the Strings section. All the other keys are fine. I've taken it apart and cleaned the contacts but that hasn't helped at all. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. Paul4A

    Renewal cost

    Thanks Flood. I bought the Premium version on Amazon but because I left it a day before buying the price had gone by £10 up to £33.99. Still, a much better price than renewing. So I have the purchase in Amazon and the activation code but can't find the download. Amazons instructions suggest that it's on the 'Your Account - Your Games and Software Library Screen' but its not. Listed are two software packages I've purchased along with their activation codes (one is the new Kaspersky Premium) but there's no download button whereas Amazon's instructions, and ive cycled through them suggests it should be. The screen indicates: Supported browsers include: Firefox Google Chrome Internet Explorer Safari Go to Your Games and Software Library. Select Download next to the game or software you want to download. Follow the on-screen instructions. Select How to redeem this item if you need help with activating your product. When the download completes, proceed with installation of the game or software. Tip: If your purchase includes a code, check Locate and Redeem Your Digital Software or Video Games. Enter the code when prompted during the installation process. There is no Download button to select. Amazon's AI doesn't seem to offer any suitable help to this problem. I use Windows 10 Professional with Microsoft Edge browser which is built on Google Chrome. I use Kaspersky as described above and have no pup-up blocker. I had a quick look on Kaspersky's site to see if I could download it from there, not knowing if the Amazon activation code would work using that approach. From the sitemap page Sitemap | Kaspersky I can see that there's a download for Premium but when I pressed that it downloads a file called kaspersky4win202121.15.8.493en_33703.exe I've not gone any further. Any suggestions on a way forward in ensuring I get a download that works with this Amazon bought activation coade?
  4. Was there and end date to Toal Security or did it stop supporting windows 7 at end of 2023 I was using Kaspersky total security on 12/30 but when I tried to use on 12/31/23 and then again on 01/01/2024 the program started loading quick scan and privacy clean just disappeared off screen and there was no indication that the database files were updating and loading new virus definitions. Was program officially gone on 01/01/24. Working from new computer now but trying to transfer files and make mirror copy of hard drive so I can work offline but having tremendous problems getting computer stay in working mode and when completed the Total Security home page screen where you could access the various functions such as data base update
  5. Hi Running Windows 10 - Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3930) I have Kaspersky Premium Every few days my Kaspersky VPN becomes completely non-responsive. I am unable to launch the app at all. A common trait is that auto-sign in fails, and I can see the Kaspersky VPN icon in the tray being grey. I can't right-click it, only way to end the task is through task manager. Once I end the task, it still fails to launch when I try to reopen. When I uninstall and reinstall Kaspersky VPN, it typically fixes the issue...But the issue comes back in a few days. It will resolve itself, but has a pattern of not launching for a few days each week. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. Eirinaios Ioannidis

    Email virus, virus, hacked socials

    Safe. both quick and selected on the hard drive that is not formated
  7. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. When administrator attempts to establish a connection between KS4O365 workspace and their Exchange online organization by doing the following in the administration console: Office 365 connection → Exchange Online connection → Grant Access → passes the consent validation algorithm but in the end gets the Error processing the request error: This error is usually triggered by the browser settings on the client host that is performing the consent validation. Upon executing consent validation algorithm we get the access token from Microsoft. Then we redirect browser to our web site's URL and attach access token as a cookie. Upon redirecting, cookie with access token is lost/blocked somehow, usually this is caused by one of the following reasons: Browser filters cookies on its own. For instance due to some extensions, browser settings, or due to some beta version of browser with paranoid default security settings. Some 3rd party program, for example a file anti-virus, is blocking access to the file with the browser's cookies on the local hard drive. Thus, the following action plan is suggested. Step-by-step guide Clear all history, cache and cookie in the web-browser, restart it and check the reproduction. If it doesn’t help, then please make sure that the same error occurs if you try to do the same operation in another web-browser supported by the product (https://support.kaspersky.com/KS4MO365/1.2/en-US/141858.htm) or in incognito mode of the browser. Also, temporarily disabling anti-malware solutions or any 3-rd party products that might be blocking/locking/inspecting browser's cookie files is called for. If the issue will persist, then please do the following: 1. Open Google Chrome web-browser. 2. Press F12 keyboard button. 3. Enable Preserve log option in Network tab. 4. Reproduce the whole scenario from the begging (log into business hub account) and the issue itself. 5. Make an error screenshot with time stamp. 6. Export Network debugging results to HAR-file. 7. Provide HAR-file + screenshot to the Kaspersky Support. Also we will be interested in the URL that will be shown when the error will pop-up in the browser.
  8. ElvinE5

    KATA ver. 6

    During installation, you had to set a password for the admin account, and after the first launch, log in under it and pre-configure the solution (in terms of performance) If this stage is passed, then to enter Administrator mode, enter your credentials login - Administrator password - Administrator Also, don’t forget to check the local login checkbox. After logging in, you can change this password to the one you need https://support.kaspersky.ru/KATA/6.0/en-US/247449.htm
  9. Bilal9890

    KVRT command line

    Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (KVRT) does not have a command line interface that allows fine-grained control over certain scanning components such as system memory, startup items, and boot sectors. However, you can influence the behavior of KVRT by adjusting settings through the interface. If you want to perform a targeted scan of specific folders and exclude other components, try the following steps: 1. Open Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool: – Kaspersky Launch the virus removal tool. Applications on your computer. 2. Configure scan settings:- Look for options that allow you to customize scan settings. This is usually available in the application's settings or preferences section. 3. Exclude system memory, startup items, and boot sectors: - Check your settings to see if there is an option to exclude specific components from scanning. Look for a checkbox or setting to scan system memory, startup items, and boot sector. Disable or disable these options if available. 4. Set scan destination: - Set the scan destination to the specific folder you want to scan. Most antivirus tools allow you to specify a custom scan path. 5. Start scan: - After adjusting settings to exclude unnecessary components and specifying folders to scan, start the scan. Please note that the exact steps and options may vary depending on the version of the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool you are using. We recommend that you refer to your product documentation or help resources for detailed instructions specific to your version. If you're looking for a lightweight and customizable command-line antivirus tool, consider checking out other antivirus solutions that offer command-line options for targeted scanning. Please note that the specific features and options available may vary depending on your antivirus product.
  10. Hello @Mexican Rose Welcome! From the left-hand-side list, select Performance, on the PC performance optimization page, scroll down & underneath PC resource consumption, make sure Launch Kaspersky at computer startup (recommended) is checked? Resource: Launch Kaspersky at computer startup (recommended) Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  11. I have tried several times to figure out how to set my Kaspersky Plus to launch upon startup. There are instructions out there on the internet, but in the "security" area, there are so many places...& cannot figure out which one to use. I always purchase Kaspersky products & have never had a problem with any, however this one is really confusing me. I think it important that the app launch upon startup, otherwise how would I know if I'm protected. Thanks in advance!!!
  12. Flood and Flood's wife

    Kaspersky not starting with Windows

    Hello @jbqld Welcome! So we don't have to guess, please: Read before you create a new topic! by Danila T. & provide the information? In the Kaspersky main window, are there any colours other than *green* & OR are there any *Notifications*? When the 'Windows Security to turn on Virus & Threat Protection' alert happens, in Windows hidden icons, when you look at the Kaspersky icon, what do you see? In Windows Task-manager - when the 'Windows Security to turn on Virus & Threat Protection' alert happens - how many Kaspersky application processes are running? Check & make sure Performance, PC resource consumption -> Launch Kaspersky at computer startup (recommended) is *enabled*? Has the computer been shutdown, using Shutdown, not Restart, then powered on by pressing the Power button & logging in at the login prompt - IF 'NO', please proceed with this *Shutdown* & power on procedure. Please post back? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  13. My desktop started refreshing every 5-7minutes after I bought photoshop I think? I didn't give much attention to it. After about 3 hours or so I closed my pc after doing a quick and full scan, scans got nothing. After one hour I opened my PC again and kaspersky VPN was failing to be opened with no explanation, I closed it from task manager and tried reopen it but no luck. Then I restarted my PC and all my files were reorganized, all next to each other on the top left corner.
  14. Ok @nexon, thank you very much for the quick and enlightening answer.👍 Greetings. Happy Holidays and a great 2024. 🙂
  15. Thank you. Just a quick update. I managed to run full scans on both computers today, reports came clean. Didn't have time to reset the router password and onward but I logged in to remove the unknown device, expecting to see it back in a couple of hours. To my surprise, it did't happen. I checked security reports, noticed three additional attempts to connect to my account but failed to add. It has been 10 hours no new devices were added to my account. Since I am busy preparing for Christmas I might as well just observe for the next few days before I take the next step. If all goes well I won't be back until after Christmas. Thank you again for your time and assistance. Happy holidays.
  16. Hello, Only quick reply. Kaspersky as many AV software uses AI long long years ago..... But it was called machine learning.
  17. Hello Flood, Thanks for your quick reply. 1- I was having error on Sonoma 14.2 then reinstalled MacOS 13.6.2 Ventura but I'm having same error. It's not about my Operation System I guess. 2- Yeah I don't want to switch my Anti-Virus Product provider. I know that Kaspersky is the best and I'm an user of Kaspersky since 2008. 3- Today I renewed it. I still have around 364 days.
  18. Thanks for quick reply 🙂 To arrive to this window: there are too many steps to do: 1) CLICK ICON SYSTRAY 2) OPTIONS 3) FIREWALL 4) APPLICATION RULES Is there any shortcuts? 🙂 thanks!
  19. Августин Берендеев

    Предложения к Kaspersky Password Manager

    Добавьте пожалуйста шорт каты https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сочетание_клавиш keyboard shortcut, quick key, access key, hot key Сворачивание программы в трей, сворачивание программы в панель задач, закрытие (выход из программы, с завершением процесса и службы), блокировку базы, создание новой карточки, редактирование уже существующей карточки, листание разных учёток в одной карточке, создание новой "группы", открытие настроек, синхронизацию, копирование значений из полей user name, password,переход к определенной группе "аккаунты/банковские карты/заметки/документы/" Раздельные горячие клавиши для копирование значения из поля "логин" в буфер обмена и отдельной клавиши для копирования значения из поля "пароль" (не ctrl+c) в буфер обмена. Нужно для того чтобы можно было alt+tab'абаться между программой и менеджером паролей. И копировать конкретное поле сразу, а не водить мышкой. например открыл steam чтобы залогиниться atl+tab, появилось окно менеджера ctrl+f, вод пары символов для поиска, из активной карточки (если нужная карточка не активна, "активируешь её стрелочками") нажимаешь ctrl+z (копировал в буфер логин), alt+tab открылось окно ввода в стим ctrl+v, alt+tab ctrl+x (копировал в буфер пароль) alt+tab ctrl+v. можете даже их за хардкодить, без возможности что-то настроить не нужно отвечать на моё предложение формулировкой "функция мало востребованная, маловероятно добавим", это нужно было сделать много лет назад ещё до запроса от пользователей, простите меня конечно, но программе больше 12 лет, и в ней всё ещё нету базовых вещей. За двенадцать лет можно было уже и с дистрибутивом под линукса определиться, и обеспечивать работу только на одном конкретном дистрибутиве. Почему такие простые вещие нужно выпрашивать у разработчика который претендует на место среди лидеров рынка?
  20. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. Prerequisetes: Supported vSphere by Kaspersky Agentless solution Usage of NSX version 3.2+ Deployed Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 Antivirus or/and Network Attack Blocker Appliance Problem Anew registration and Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 Antivirus or/and Network Attack Blocker Appliance deployment completes successfully. By attempt to create Service Profile for Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 Antivirus or/and Network Attack Blocker fails with error AntiVirus and Network Attack service registration might fail with the error "Service Definition id <ID> <Kaspersky Component> not found in MP Root cause NSX-T does not delete service references of Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 Antivirus or/and Network Attack Blocker Appliance Solution Through terminal like putty you need access to NSX-T appliacnce and launch the command curl -kG https://admin:<PASSWORD>@<nsx-t address>/policy/api/v1/infra/service-references The path value should be remembered for Kaspersky File Antimalware Protection and for Kaspersky Network Protection Delete service reference by path value by launching the command curl -kX DELETE https://admin:<PASSWORD>@<nsx-t address>/policy/api/v1/<value of path> After it delete previously created profile service for Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 Antivirus or/and Network Attack Blocker and create it anew
  21. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. To achieve this goal for Kaspersky Agentless 6.1 solution you should: Shutdown Kaspersky Agentless Appliance Disable the option "Сonfigure/vApp Options/edit/OVF Details/OVF environment transport/ISO image" for Kaspersky Agentless Appliance Launch Kaspersky Agentless Appliance
  22. Flood and Flood's wife

    Is Kaspersky Rescue Disk No Longer Supported?

    Hello @Bukkdog, Welcome back! 1. Post an image of "opening menu, where you select graphical mode, not graphical mode, hardware info, etc." - BEFORE the reboot - we need to see what you saw please? 2. KRD is still supported, looking at (your) search - it appears as tho the starting point may have been Showing results for 'Rescue Disk' in content posted in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - instead of generically: Home: https://forum.kaspersky.com/search/?q=RESCUE DISK&quick=1 Either search from Home or change the search criteria to Everywhere or, 3rd option, search directly in the KRD topic: https://forum.kaspersky.com/forum/kaspersky-rescue-disk-78/ (which is not represented by our image) ☢️@Crylune, Kaspersky Support is *not* available for Kaspersky's free software - read: Support Rules for Kaspersky Software☢️ @Bukkdog, don't waste (your) time contacting Kaspersky Customer Service > Kaspersky Support is *not* available for Kaspersky's free software -> prepare 1. 2. & 3. below, then wait for Support to respond, they have been advised, they respond when they are available. Copy the Hardware information file from the USB drive. Trace files, How to enable tracing in Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18 & How to create a full report about a scan performed in the system with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18 ***Don't share the logs or trace files here in the Community, wait for instructions from the Kaspersky Team please*** Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  23. Block the launch of the file? If you only use the basic functionality, you must have the application control component enabled. However, you will need to get SHA256 since MD5 was used by older versions. 0. Get SHA256 1. create a category to control such files. I skipped some of the steps, it's mostly just Next, Next, Ok. 2. Create a rule to prohibit application startup in the policy for KES, select the group we created 3. Test PS: in principle it is not necessary to use external tools ...if there is a sample file all data can be obtained directly from it when creating a category and use the parameters that suit you best.
  24. Hello, Which edition of Kaspersky is it? Basic, Standard, Plus or Premium? Are you sure that Kaspersky isn’t scanning? No app vulnerability, quick or background scan ongoing? Have you already done the age old solution of restoring to default settings?
  25. Hello, Assistive Ball is a feature on Oppo phones. You should be able to disable it in the Android quick settings that you get by sliding down from the top of the screen. Disable it and see if the issue persists. As for the contact form, the issue is known and in the process of being resolved.
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