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Posts posted by nexon

  1. Can not login into my.kaspersky and also on this forum. Only i left logged in on smartphone. That is why i am able to create post. Where is the problem? Wrong password but my password is correct. 

  2. I just want ask you if it is okay use not officially released product. So on my local website kaspersky.cz is still version 21.3... And i have link for download czech version 21.8 and also for 21.9 newest version i thinkg. These versions are not released officially on kaspersky.cz (will be later). It is okay use it? And what about share this link with others? Or it is forbidden?

    Please only special statement from KL employee for example @Danila T. or @Igor Kurzin

    Thank you

  3. Hi community!

    I know that in past was mail adress (newvirus kaspersky) for analysis file with answer from technician. But now it is replaced by opentip? 
    So i want detailed analysis from technician not from website. I have one file which is on virustotal but not seems to be clean and some AV detected it as Themida 39 AVs from 69. Kaspersky says clean but needed detailed analysis.

    So dont want use opentip which give me same result as kaspersky program. And probably always give me same result this web page like kaspersky program.

    Where i can send this file (archive)?

  4. 2 hours ago, AlekseyFK said:

    Когда новые линейки Касперского, типа Standard выйдут для России? Хотя в других странах они уже давно есть.

    When will the new Kaspersky lines, such as Standard, be released for Russia? Although in other countries they have been around for a long time.


  5. 6 hours ago, Xzz123 said:

    As for the detection of PUP software, ESET&malwarebyte is your best try. K is little soft-hearted to those adware.

    as for malware detection and disinfection in complex scenery, kaspersky is much better than malwarebyte

    these are my personal opinion

    Because Kaspersky is more friendly with PUP. Eset and MBAM agressive blocking PUP which is not virus. If you not happy with kaspersky you can use other AV or DO NOT download stuff from unofficial web site (cracks,keygens) etc.

  6. Hello,


    So which problems with malware do you have while you have MBAM turned off? 
    Also please note more than 1 AV solution will have conflict. It is not recommended run 2 AV in same time (real time protection). You can have MBAM as additional layer of protection - only for scanning for example.

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  7. Interesting that most important feature stopped working (i see it on detailed reports). So blocked then deleted then was stopped system watcher etc...
    Next thing is when you see this : System watcher was stopped yesterday 1/28/2023 time: 5:11 while was stopped also detected threats from 5:11 to 5:12 (12 items was blocked or deleted) and after this 5:15 was system watcher finally started again.

    Can someone explain this illogical situation to me?


    Snímka obrazovky 2023-01-29 131502.png

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