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Posts posted by nexon

  1. Quick update:

    @mstytn - you wrote about Bitdefender etc. Each AV have similar settings, each AV can block program etc... I saw Bitdefender settings. Are similar like kaspersky but kaspersky needs more click by mouse to set it up.

    I tried add (.exe program) to the UNTRUSTED zone by intrusion prevention and did restart. All was ok program was still there in Untrusted zone.
    Also i add into second method add program via firewall and rules into Untrusted zone and restart PC. All okay program was there.
    I did it on 2 versions of Kaspersky : which is newest commercial released version. And also i did it on which is not commercial released version.

    @Schulte - I assumed that he knows because he used kaspersky in the past (Tip for change language). I use it also like you because my primary language is not english and your primary language is maybe german?

  2. Hello,


    1. You should wait untill your current subscribtion will expire (you have activated unnecessarily via another license key)
    2. Kaspersky PURE doesnt exists... It was in past its weird (contact Tech Support) and also ask them if can deactivated your second key (subscribtion i mean reset days)
    3. If KISA (android) is still free you must log in on your KISA or simply add license key into KISA (KTS license)
    4. Yes it is KIS for windows and KIS for android (KISA)

    5. KSC is adaptive security solutions based on cloud. You can read on kaspersky website products about this.
    Read about KSC https://forum.kaspersky.com/topic/kaspersky-security-cloud-info-120/#comment-260
    6. Difference between Pure and total security is same product. Pure was in past and Total security is newer but same. Now is Kaspersky Plus which is same as Total security and will be replaced.

    TIP: try to number the questions next time. 


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