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Posts posted by nexon

  1. In detailed reports i see for example File Antivirus (started every day) but Web Antivirus started may 17th and from this date nothing in detailed reports that started yesterday or today nothing... also Mail Antivirus, Firewall same result.

    Or it is not needed write this information every day? If yes then File Antivirus every day is info about this. Also as i remember in older versions was this info every day when i login.

    So for now all is turned on but (in detailed reports i dont know if it was runed component succesfully and if i am protected).





  2. Scenario

    1. Open protected web browser (must have green frame) protected by kaspersky do print screen (PrtSc) paste into Microsoft Paint - here is fully displayed complete image of bank for example like in normal browser when you do print screen. So this NOT WORKING protection against screen locker.

    2. Next scenario simply hit combination Windows + PrtSc - this will automatically save your image into Pictures and folder screenshots or something like this (i dont have english Windows so i dont know exact name of folder) and there you will see your screenshot completely black which is good because screen locker WORKING.

    *Also protected browser runs in isolated mode which blocks any third party application so i see there is enabled and working Adblock plus.

  3. Can you people check if your mobile antivirus kaspersky mobile ran scheduled update database? 

    Mine not working automatically i have set it on 2:00 or previous i had set it to 10:00 and not updating still must manually tap to update. 

    *also i have idea for devs -  add more frequently update database for example every 3 hours. I know that mobile antivirus have less updates than pc antivirus is more frequently updated. Because now is it set run update only once per day but not working. 

  4. It is Simple as i wrote when is protection enabled and databases updated kaspersky will block virus as soon as possible without infecting your files... So dont worry your files will be untouched kaspersky remove virus and your files will be there. For example if you got ransomware which blocking all locking your files and operating system... Kaspersky will create before a backup of your files and then remove virus and after that restore your files. 


    Helpful? Or still not? 

  5. Hello, @nickdirect

    In default settings kaspersky is set scan removable media to quick scan, which scaning most possibly infected files (not all) but if you change to detailed scan it meant that kaspersky will deeply scan your usb media (all files).

    Also if you copy files into destination and then you will be scanning files it is same like usb scanning.

    In otherwords it doesn't matter when you do run scan (automatically or manually after copied files).. Still make you sure that you have kaspersky updated thats all. Kaspersky will protect you.

    Hope i helped more understand..

    • Like 2
  6. A long time ago and still not fixed... 

    Can you please verify that i am not alone? 

    Go to settings, apps, kaspersky and there is premissions (i want allow camera premission) because i need anti theft but phone always locked after ťap to premissions... 

    Try tap on the marked section then phone will be locked you need unlock your phone by your password or pin or whatever you have set up... 



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