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Everything posted by harlan4096

  1. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Just sent the URL to K. analysts, waiting the verdict.
  2. Here You can find official info about supported browsers: https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Win21.16/en-US/43520.htm Currently, only the main browsers supported are Chrome, Edge and Mozilla FireFox. There is a trick for Brave browser + Kaspersky Protection add-on, if You rename Brave.exe to Chrome.exe, but in every Brave update You'll have to rename again Brave.exe
  3. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please provide versions of K. product installed. You can find the differences here: https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Win21.16/en-US/85606.htm Probably K. won't add an Ignore option, due to security reasons, but You may try to add an exclusion manually, or change temporally to Interactive Mode, disabling these settings: And then, probably you will get a prompt warning with the possibility of creating an Exclusion.
  4. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Opera browsers are not supported (don't know if They will be in the nearest future), so Kaspersky Protection add-on can't be installed.
  5. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. I would try to migrate to the new product line, if already available in Your country region: Download: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product Your KTS license will activate the new Kaspersky Plus, currently in version 21.16 (soon 21.17).
  6. Ciertamente, estoy de acuerdo, no es normal ese comportamiento, mejor contactar con el soporte oficial. Saludos.
  7. Correcto, esto es un bug que solo se reproduce en usuarios de W11 cuando se actualiza una versión de Kaspersky sobreescribiendo la actual con la nueva. En parte se puede paliar el problema, de esta forma, sin necesidad de hacer una instalación desde 0 en limpio de Kaspersky: Saludos.
  8. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please run a ScanDisk of Your system drive. Also, You can try to disable Background Scan in Your KIS: Alternatively, I would try to migrate to the new product line, if already available in Your country region: Download: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product Your KIS license will activate the new Kaspersky Standard, currently in version 21.16 (soon 21.17).
  9. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please provide version of K. product installed. That detection looks like probably an own false positive 🤔
  10. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. I just sent the URL to K. analysts. To submit files/URL to K.: KOTIP
  11. About printer error, consider to enable these to settings, and Save: Delete that previous rule.
  12. Migra tu KIS a la nueva línea de productos: Tu licencia de KIS activará Kaspersky Estándar. Saludos.
  13. Where are You from? Is the new K. product line available in Your country? https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product KIS license would become / activate the new Kaspersky Standard, currently version 21.16 (soon 21.17).
  14. Hum it may be a false positive 🤔 since that file usually in that location it's a legit Windows system file.
  15. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please provide operating system and Kaspersky product versions installed.
  16. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Check this thread:
  17. Por favor, contacta con el soporte oficial de Kaspersky: K. Support
  18. Indica en qué país estás y si el error de conexión lo obtienes, incluso cambiando a otros servidores de la VPN. Saludos.
  19. Bienveni@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky. Por favor, indica país dónde te encuentras, y versión exacta de Kaspersky VPN instalada. ¿Has probado la velocidad en servidores de la VPN diferentes? Saludos.
  20. Ah, I thought You already knew that global link, and even using it You got Turkish lang. installation., so now is ok 🙂
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