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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Suel, Thanks!! Have you selected:
    1. [All updates for all known apps]? & run [Software Updater] https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/68950.htm manually?
    2. Have you [Reset] KIS [Restore settings] https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/68151.htm
    3. If not, please do so, if you've configured/changed any KIS settings (for example, added Safe $ www sites), & you'd like to keep them, BEFORE [Restore settings] do [Export settings], then, after we've got your patch(e) issue fixed we can [IMPORT] original settings.
    4. If a KIS [Reset] doesn't work we need to uninstall & reinstall KIS, but, let's not worry about that until you try the KIS RESET, let us know please if that works?
    BTW, you did super with the screen print, so I don't agree with your "I'm not very good with screen prints", the screen print is perfect! & a question Suel, please let us know if, in Google Chrome, you have the Kaspersky Protection extension loaded? It's a separate issue to patch(e), however, it's important:
    1. In a Google Chrome browser please (copy/paste) enter the following:
    chrome://extensions/?id=amkpcclbbgegoafihnpgomddadjhcadd > press enter
    1. post back a screen print of whatever is displayed please?
    Thanks again!
  2. Hello Miko, K won't be making GSI "more user friendly" at least not in our lifetimes. Please tell me what's complicated about GSI? I can help.
    1. Are you having trouble downloading the GSI tool?
    2. Are you having trouble running the GSI tool?
    3. Or, knowing which GSI options to select?
    or ? No problem if you don't wish to pusure GSI, however, can you please let us know:
    1. If you FULLY EXIT KIS, does/do the errors still happen?
    2. With KIS ACTIVE: can you try with another browser, e.g. Firefox, Vilvaldi, Brave, Opera - Same result?
    3. With KIS INACTIVE, can you try with another browser, e.g. Firefox, Vilvaldi, Brave, Opera - Same result?
    4. Wikipedia - same problem.... ? Can you please post several URLs that generate the errors please?
    5. And, re: using KIS WITH KSC, the error does not occur:
    1. Have you done:
    1. Disconnect from the internet,
    2. Turn off/exit network connection, in other words, if you have a wifi/adsl/cable conx, turn off the router.
    3. Press Windows + X
    4. Press “A” to launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
    5. Enter the following commands, one at a time & press ENTER after EACH command
    6. ipconfig /release
    7. ipconfig /all
    8. ipconfig /flushdns
    9. ipconfig /renew
    10. netsh int ip set dns
    11. netsh winsock reset
    12. Reboot/Restart PC.
    13. Restart Router.
    14. Restart KIS.
    Then retest, without KSC. Please let us know? Thanks!
    1. KIS
    2. Google chrome & Explorer 11.
    3. Wikipedia - same problem.
    4. GSI Log files - problem to download.
    What do you suggest?
    #Additional to all of the above# Hello Miko,
    1. If you FULLY EXIT KIS, does/do the errors still happen?
    2. With KIS ACTIVE: can you try with another browser, e.g. Firefox, Vilvaldi, Brave, Opera - Same result? With KIS INACTIVE, can you try with another browser, e.g. Firefox, Vilvaldi, Brave, Opera - Same result?
    3. Wikipedia - same problem.... ? Can you please post several URLs that generate the errors please?
    4. When GSI is generated, it creates a SMALLER GZI .zip folder INSIDE the master GZI.Zip folder (it may have your name, change the name of the folder: e.g. GSI-DNS-date.zip), please extract the master GZI.zip folder, then try to upload the SMALLER GZI .zip folder please?
    5. Referring to 29/04, Caos's and my earlier post, have you done any of the steps?
    Please let us know? Thanks!
  3. Hello Jerry, Please let us know the:
    1. KTS version?
    2. Operating system & version? For example Win 10, 1809, Win 7, Ver 6.1.
    3. Please capture a screen print of the message & post back.
    4. Are there any related Kaspersky application"events" in the system event log? If so please include when you post back?
    This image shows where to find the Event Log viewer & Kaspersky application events: Thanks!
  4. Olá Leal2019, Bem como os posts acima: Eu tive exatamente o mesmo várias vezes desde a atualização do Patch (e). Na minha situação, eu estava usando o navegador Google Chrome, o arquivo txt / notepad, o Windows Explorer e o Gerenciador de Senhas Kaspersky. Neste momento eu não encontrei uma resposta / solução, posso dizer com segurança que não há vírus, malware, infecção ... Recursos dessa instabilidade inesperada do aplicativo Kaspersky, nos primeiros 6 a 9 dias do aplicativo do Patch (e) Kaspersky criava arquivos PR * muito anormais em C: \ Windows \ Temp - os tamanhos eram 40 gb +++, os arquivos não podiam ser excluídos, tentar fazer isso resultou na mensagem "A ação não pode ser concluída bc o arquivo está aberto no Kaspersky AV Service 19.0.0". Nessas situações, o conjunto de trabalho de pico de memória (para objetos Kaspersy) está maximizado, os processos do Kaspersky têm 400.000.000 de falhas de página ++, todos os outros aplicativos / processos do sistema nem atingem 500.000 pf ... Várias outras características "indesejáveis" . Eu tenho tentado capturar logs do ProcMon durante esses eventos, no entanto, o aplicativo Kaspersky está consumindo muitos recursos, tudo está travando / travando / travando. Várias vezes a única maneira que eu poderia voltar para um sistema utilizável é através de reinicializações rígidas. Para remediar, eu instalei / removi o aplicativo Kaspersky e reinstalei. Várias vezes, os estranhos arquivos PR * sendo criados / usados ​​pelo aplicativo Kaspersky estão agora com até 7gb> 14gb, muito melhor do que 40> 60gb .. Eu também implementei um cronograma de criação de pontos de restauração regulares, imagens do sistema e backups para vários dispositivos externos. O estranho comportamento do aplicativo Kaspersky foi iniciado antes da atualização do Microsoft Windows de abril de 2019 - KB4493509 (OS Build 17763.437). Eu sei que isso não vai ajudá-lo, no entanto, acho que alguns na Comunidade estão tendo comportamentos não-verbais desde o Patch (e). Re, um programa para gravar a tela do PC, eu uso o Steps Recorder [Capture passos com screenshots para salvar ou compartilhar] [psr.exe] C: \ WINDOWS \ system32, emitido pela Microsoft. Muita informação disponível, por exemplo:
    1. https://support.microsoft.com/pt-br/help/22878/windows-10-record-steps,
    2. https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-steps-recorder-psr-2625976.
    Não tenho certeza de como encontrar os documentos de referência em português, desculpe, espero que você possa encontrar esses documentos e eles ajudarão. O problema de usar "qualquer" gravador / registro, devido à "imprevisibilidade" do aplicativo Kaspersky que falha e do Balloon Notifications, é impraticável ter um "Gravador / registrador de etapas" funcionando 24 horas por dia ... Infelizmente KLAB "Suporte", não foram úteis ... Nós devemos persistir. Eu atualizarei com mais informações amanhã depois que eu revisar (novamente) vestígios que eu tenho capturado por quase 2 semanas ... Antes de eu ir, desculpas novamente, eu não aprendi a falar Português ainda assim por favor tenha paciência se minha gramática estiver incorreta. Completamente separadamente, relacionado ao problema do Navegador Opera que você levantou e nós discutimos, um cliente Kaspersky adicionou uma solicitação para a extensão através do Portal de Testes Beta - eu encontrarei o link e postarei no seu post do Opera. Cumprimentos!
  5. Я так понял что нужно в планировщике задач отсрочить запуск Thunderbird на 3 минуты после загрузки Windows?
    Привет Вишне Александр, Да, это правильно. Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать, если добавление продолжает разрешать проблему? Или если оригинальная ошибка или другая "появляется"? Большое спасибо!
  6. Привет Вишне Александр, Это отлично, отлично! Отлично сработано! Спасибо, что дали нам знать! И это ваш продукт? Еще раз спасибо! С наилучшими пожеланиями!
  7. При запуске вручную Thunderbird спустя 3 минуты после загрузки Windows проблема не появляется.
    Привет Вишне Александр, Это отлично! Значит проблема решена полностью? Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать? Большое спасибо!
  8. Я использую только Kaspersky Free. Других антивирусных программ у меня нет.
    Привет Вишне Александр, Спасибо за ответ! Что касается «Я использую только Kaspersky Free. У меня нет других антивирусных программ», Можете ли вы перейти в приложение Kaspersky на панели инструментов, щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по приложению, выбрать «О программе» и опубликовать точные данные, пожалуйста. Пожалуйста, введите информацию в сообщение, если это экранная печать, я могу "интерпретировать" русское изображение. Большое спасибо за вашу настойчивость. Относительно «проблемы / решения» Пожалуйста, позвольте мне 30 минут, и я отправлю обратно! Спасибо!
  9. I bought the premium version of Kapersky Kid Safe for my 14 year old son who has tech addiction, to limit his total screen time, and within about 15 minutes he had managed to uninstall it from both his Windows PC and his Android phone. He did not have my password: he used a registry editing technique he found on youtube for the PC, and for the Android phone he said he deleted it using the settings app. (I'm not so familiar with Android myself.) How can I set Kaspersky Kid Safe up so that it can't easily be uninstalled? Surely the Kaspersky company's software is more secure than a 14 year old kid in his bedroom?
    Hello DMW, As well as the above advice, specific to the PC, Windows, his current account, access needs to be re-jigged, remove all/any admin access rights, recreate his profile with reduced access, including ensuring he has no authority to create other profiles or modify registry in any way & also, review & limit his Windows account. Re: deleting the app from the Android, from memory you need to [disable guest account] by "rooting the device" (a technical term?)... Two final things, have you both had a convo about putting his tech skills to better use? And, don't let him read your https://community.kaspersky.com post/s. Kids - bleh, I've got one, I give "it" so many jobs there's minimal IT time? Good luck!
  10. Привет Вишне Александр, Спасибо за ответ. У меня Win 7 и Thunderbird, позвольте мне 30 минут, чтобы запустить некоторые тесты и посмотреть, смогу ли я получить всплывающее окно и способ сделать снимок экрана, прежде чем он исчезнет ... Должен быть способ, мы его найдем и поможем! А пока, пожалуйста, расскажите нам, используете ли вы Kaspersky Total Security? Kaspersky Internet Security? Антивирус Касперского? & перейдите в окно [Отчеты] приложения Kaspersky, проверьте [Список событий] и посмотрите, видите ли вы ошибку, которую показывает PopUp, поиск через 24 часа, 7 дней, 30 дней, все события, я уверен, что Kaspersky Приложение обнаружит ошибку, когда / если вы найдете ее, экспортируйте отчет в текстовый файл, найдите и найдите ошибку в текстовом файле и, пожалуйста, вставьте информацию и отправьте обратно. Если ошибка найдена, захват изображения всплывающего окна не понадобится. Этот справочный документ может помочь, если вы не знакомы с функцией приложения [Отчеты]: https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/ru-RU/69235.htm Еще раз прошу прощения за любые грамматические ошибки с моей стороны, однажды я научусь говорить по-русски!? Спасибо!
  11. Привет вишне-александр Можете ли вы опубликовать изображение экрана всплывающего окна? & Какое программное обеспечение Kaspersky [KTS/KIS/KAV] вы используете и какую версию, пожалуйста? & Какая версия Mozilla Thunderbird, пожалуйста? Извиняюсь за любые грамматические ошибки, к сожалению, я не говорю по русски ... (....вздох ? ) Спасибо!
  12. Hello Miko, Re [does Kaspersky internet security has something to do with that?] probably not. As well as the above post:
    1. Please post the website URL?
    2. Please advise Operating system, e.g. Windows 10/7?
    3. Is the error happening with all browsers or only Google Chrome?
    If it's only Google Chrome:
    1. Export Bookmarks
    2. Clear Browser , enter this into url bar chrome://settings/clearBrowserData select the options as shown in the image
    1. Reset Google Chrome to [Default]
    2. Enter this into url bar chrome://flags/ select as per image [Reset to default] - don't be concerned about the warning, that applies when selecting options that are NOT default.
    1. Reboot/Restart PC.
    2. Test the website again - if the error persists.
    If using Windows 10, please perform the following steps
    1. Disconnect from the internet,
    2. Turn off/exit network connection, in other words, if you have a wifi/adsl/cable conx, turn off the router.
    3. Press Windows + X
    4. Press “A” to launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
    5. Enter the following commands, one at a time & press ENTER after EACH command
    6. ipconfig /release
    7. ipconfig /all
    8. ipconfig /flushdns
    9. ipconfig /renew
    10. netsh int ip set dns
    11. netsh winsock reset
    12. Reboot/Restart PC.
    13. Restart Router.
    14. Restart KIS.
    15. Test website again
    Please let us know? Thanks!
  13. Hola tcwe Si compra una licencia nueva, compre un dispositivo múltiple, según la región. Aplique la licencia a su dispositivo de trabajo y cuando el dispositivo en reparación esté listo, desinstale el software de 2017, descargue / instale el software Kaspersky recién adquirido:
    1. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/43538.htm
    2. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/es-ES/60588.htm
    3. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/43556.htm
    4. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/es-ES/43551.htm
    5. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/43545.htm
    6. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/es-ES/43548.htm
    Por favor, disculpe cualquier error gramatical, lamentablemente no hablo español (suspiro ... ?) Saludos!
  14. Also, akhilrajau, Sometimes we go to a clean/legitimate web site that has embedded-automated-redirects to "less safe" links, unseen by us, make sure Kaspersky protection is enabled in all browsers you use. Chrome = extensions Firefox = addons IE = toolbars And, ensure [Private Browsing] & [Anti-Banner] are activated for safe web browsing always. Thanks! Blocked an advertisement website or a URL that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data http_s://s3._amazonaws_.+com/js-static/18fe990e484820dae3.j_s Object: http_s_://s3_._amazonaws_._com/js-static/18fe990e484820dae3._j_s Object type: URL
  15. Hello Gearond, Your post is a little confusing, sorry! Trial versions do not use [activation] codes. Would you post back please so we can assist:
    1. [Followed directions on site] Which site, please provide url?
    2. [logged in to new device] Please provide device type, operating system & version please?
    3. [add a device] Normally, with the KTS application, and an [active subscription [free] or [paid] selecting [My Kaspersky] redirects to your MyKaspersky account [portal] [ https://my.kaspersky.com/ ] & attached devices synchronise: refer next images
    1. The following image shows: via MyK portal, a device synchronised with the KTS application that is currently powered off....
    2. If your [new] device has synchronised correctly adding a device is automatic.
    Please let us know the answers so we may help? Thanks!
  16. Hello akhilrajau, As well, as the above: the detection is correct: I've checked: h_ttp_s:_ // s3_.amazonaws_._com/js-static/18fe990e484820dae3.js (url modified to ensure KC [rules] compliance) because, the original URL is ".....amazonaws-com....", not sure if the - is a typo:thinking: h_ttp_s:_ // s3_.amazonaws_._com/js-static/18fe990e484820dae3.js is being detected/blocked by Kaspersky Cloud & is also detected by other engines as malware: Thanks!
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