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klflt.sys failed - Windows 10 crashes (code: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) [merged]

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I would like to report this fail that occurs in a blue print as the title says:


What failed: klflt.sys 

I’m home user and have found no informations about it. I tried to rename klflt.sys and kflt.sys in system32 to an “.old” file but it’s not allowed by Windows (saw this tip in a web page, but apparently only worked in Windwos Servers). Even I’m an user admin, I “have no SYSTEM permission” to rename these files.


I wouldn’t like to uninstall Kaspersky but I was forced to restart Windows already four or five times because this problem. Besides, the Windows informs that it’s collecting some datas and will restart, but I had to restart by holding power button. Someone could help? Any possible solution?

Brazilian Portuguese/Português Brasileiro:



Eu gostaria de reportar essa falha, que ocorre numa tela azul como diz no título:


O que falhou: klflt.sys 


Eu sou um usuário doméstico e não encontrei informações sobre. Tentei renomear os klflt.sys e kflt.sys para um arquivo “.old” no system32, mas não foi permitido pelo Windows (vi essa dica numa página da web, mas aparentemente isso só funciona em Windows Servers). Mesmo eu sendo usuário admin, eu “não tenho permissão de SISTEMA” para renomear os arquivos.


Eu não gostaria de desinstalar o Kaspersky, mas já fui forçado a reiniciar o Windows quatro ou cinco vezes por causa desse problema. Além do Windows informar que está coletando dados e que reiniciará, mas eu tive que reiniciar segurando o botão power. Alguém poderia ajudar? Alguma solução possível?


System informations/Informações do sistema:

Windows 10 Home Single Language x64 / Samsung

Kaspersky Security Cloud / 8, August, 2020, 15:24 (GMT -3)

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I’ve been getting BSOD on win 10 with the following code :


What failed: klflt.sys 

I did complete reinstall yet this happens. Is this error prevalent in this version of KIS because it didn’t happen before?


KIS version: Latest

Win version: 1942.685

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1.make you sure that you have only one antivirus installed

2.run disk check (cmd with admin rights and write sfc /scannow

Screenshot post Please of result

Note between sfc and / is space

3.completely remove kaspersky after uninstall run https://support.kaspersky.com/common/uninstall/1464#block2

After this restart PC and install newest version of kaspersky.... 

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It just happened again, i created a support ticket but there are no options, to upload such huge files. My dmp file even zipped is 9,6gb. I will wait instructions from the support staff on how to upload the file

Hello @rabanete218

Upload the data to any cloud service of your choice e.g. Google drive, Ice drive, One drive, Drop box, Mega drive, create a share link for the file, add the share link to your Incident request. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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I’m having the same issue here. However, I have bought more than 120 licences to my company. Every notebook I install kaspersky, starts to crash with the same error our friend mentioned above. Is there any updates about this?



Please follow the guidance provided above by @Anton Mefodys & @richbuff, prepare the data & log a request with Kaspersky Technical Support

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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  • 2 weeks later...


What failed: klflt.sys 

It is a big problem for a lot of people ... This problem has preoccupied many users for a long time ... but unfortunately Kaspersky is not doing anything to solve it ...

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Hi, sorry to hear about the crash issues. Each case has to be investigated, as the roots in majority of the cases are different. Please log a case with technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
Include a full memory dump, how to get the dump: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/10659

Include a system report, how to get it:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry but reading how many people do have the same crash problem with klflt.sys, including me, the repeatly statements of the Kaspersky support that every case would be different blah blah just seems to be an excuse. 

It`s not the first time KIS causes troubles, blue screens and system crashes. Therefore it would be great if Kaspersky finally stopped making excuses and instead worked hard on the solution. 

Always guessing to uninstall and reinstall KIS is ridiculous.


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If we are talking about same issue (but without dumps its unable to say that it is exactly the same issue) - then the issue should be fixed in MR3 version of product. Release should happened in the end of February - March.

If  you encounter the issue - then please contact Tech support: Create a request to Tech Support

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Long time waiting for a fix of this problem reported by many users for a quite a long time. I’ve sent memory dumps to Kaspersky automatically after each crash and they were many many along the past 6 months. I thought I’ll never had to remove the application but that is what I did, I can´t trust Kaspersky anymore while losing importat computer work after each crash. Looking for Norton Security, McAfee or AVG and hope never face this type of issue that Kaspersky was unable to solve. Good luck for those that fellows who are going to wait more time for a fix!

Paulo Farnezi, from Brazil

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@farnezi hello!

If you encounter the issue for 6 months that the most probably it is another issue. As concrete these thread started in Novemner.

Please clafiry:

  1. do you also encounter a BSOD issue? 
  2. or you encounter a product crash issue?

If you still enctouner the issue:

1) in case of BSOD - Create a request to Tech Support and provide complete memory dump in an archive.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​2)in case of product crash - do not agree to send crash dumps to automatically, then send these dumps to Tech support in an archive

For KIS 21 version dumps are stored here: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.x\Traces\

For previous vesions dumps are saved here: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\

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@farnezi hello!

If you encounter the issue for 6 months that the most probably it is another issue. As concrete these thread started in Novemner.


Oh! Only 4 month, not 6! So Houston, we don’ t have any problem!!! 

Kaspersky, shame on you!!! You admitted with this comment, that you were not able to fix that problem since meanwhile 4 month!!!

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Same problem here. I use the latest versions of Windows 10 20H2 and KTS patch B. BSOD is appearing randomically in my computer, accusing exactly the same error with klflt.sys file. I do not believe that it is an isolated problem, taking into account the amount of reports. 

I do appreciate if Kaspersky works on it ASAP.

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Hi @Reminder

Hi @william0557

There are many reasons why some particular driver (e.g. klflt.sys or any other) can fault and cause BSOD. Even though the error looks the same, it does not mean the root cause is also the same. Have you submitted a ticket to technical support? Can you kindly share its number? We would need a full memory dump, as per the instruction from Anton above, to analyze and find the solution. Please let us know. 




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