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I have purchased the premium licence but not sure what is the safest way to scan my infected computer. Should i install Kaspersky on a USB and plug it into the infected computer? should I put the installed directly in the infected PC and install it there? wouldn't this then infect the anti-virus as well? Is there a better method?
Eu adoraria aderir um plano de 1 ano para 1 dispositivo que, seria o meu computador mas, poxa vida, por eu ser portador de TDAH, acabo meio que confuso em uma parte. O plano alega ser 69,90 durante o período de 1 ano. Vem alguma cobrança mensal ou, é um valor único CASO eu não opte por refazer assinatura? E outra, eu sei que quanto mais dispositivos o valor é outro, mas, posso comprar confiando que virá uma compra única de 69,90 durante 365 dias ou, enfim, como funciona isso????
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- kaspersky premium
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Aquí puedes encontrar enlaces de descarga para todas las aplicaciones de Kaspersky para dispositivos móviles. Las descargas y actualizaciones de las aplicaciones de Kaspersky desde Google Play no están disponibles temporalmente. Puede descargar y actualizar aplicaciones de Kaspersky en Android utilizando uno de los métodos de este artículo. Si necesita ayuda para instalar o activar aplicaciones en su dispositivo Android, siga estas instrucciones.
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- android 12
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I tried to explain events via pictures and links. I especially took the screenshots full screen for date and time. Hope it helps. I bought Kaspersky Premium subscription and tested some malwares with it's Real Time Protection feature. I download some samples from known malware sample websites. KP (Kaspersky Premium) is detecting "some" of them while downloading to my computer (i guess because of their HASH'es). BUT i tested some samples which i encountered on the internet and tried to copy to my computer and KP did NOT detect this KNOWN (Virustotal 52/73) malware and other one is KNOWN (Virustotal 48/73) malware. I rescanned these malwares at 21:13 or 21:14 (UTC +3) and still NOT detecting. I am curious is Kaspersky updating their data through Virustotal or NOT? Because first file's first submission date 9 SPT and second file's first submission is 19 AUG. How Kaspersky CAN NOT detect these KNOWN malwares? Can someone (Kaspersky Malware Analysis Team) explain me this situtation? I don't feel safe while using Kaspersky Premium because it doesn't meet my BASIC requirements. If possible may i buy Kaspersky EDR/XDR for home use with low price or big discount? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Kind Regards.
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- kaspersky premium
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The Background: First and foremost, I have been subscribed to Kaspersky for a couple years now and everyone has recently heard of the recent ban of Kaspersky services and products in the US which means that I won't be able to use their services. I also know that UltraAV is taking over as a successor to Kaspersky. The Problem: I have made several attempts to contact customer service through email, phone and support but so far I haven't received anything back. I even submitted several complaints and requests through the support begging them to cancel my subscription. I even went on my subscription page and there is literally no button to let me cancel the subscription. Ways I contacted them: Calling US phone number: (866) 328-5700 Emailing their US email: *****@*****.tld Submitting a couple complaints or requests through their support page: The reason being that UltraAV randomly installed on my computer without permission. It feels like a breach in my online privacy and safety. Why would I want to have software that I have never heard of to be in charge of providing protection for my computer? Also, I know cancelling the account would NOT cancel the auto-renewal and subscription. Would someone from Kaspersky please help me with this. I have tried everything possible.
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- windows 10
- kaspersky premium
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Hello there, So I turned off auto-renewal for my current subscription, and then found out I could not turn it back on. I then bought a different subscription for Premium, and now I have two premium subscriptions, one that is almost expired, and the one I just recently bought. I then checked the kaspersky app and it says that I am still on the subscription that is close to expiring despite having bought a new one. My question is once my current subscription ends, will it automatically transfer to the new subscription?
My Kaspersky Premium seems to stuck on removing some malware from my PC. It found 80 issues and I clicked to fix them. I did it few hours ago and the program is still "working". It looks like it stuck. I already restarted the system and nothing changed. Also, the program shows constantly: "Removing these objects requires your decision". It did ask me to make some decisions, which were limited to ignoring some of the issues it found. I did so hoping that maybe I will be able to remove it later by myself.
hola, soy nuevo comentando en un foro no pense que tendria que hacerlo 😕 pero estoy teniendo problemas para activar mi kasperski premium me sale con un mensaje cuando pongo la clave" EL ARCHIVO DE CLAVE ESTA DAÑADO" si alguien sabe una solucion ya mande un correo y un ticket pero no se cuanto esperar a que me respondan
Comprei o Kaspersky premium recentemente e ao intalar ele deu o erro da imagem abaixo, ja desisntalei e instalei varias vezes, reiniciei a maquina (Mac M3 Pro), coloquei o serial manualmente e nada resolve, se eu coloco email e senha, gera a mesma msg. já abri suporte mas nao obtive retorno ate o momento. Tambem nao localizei o local para solicitar o reembolso.
Prezados, boa tarde! Sou usário da versão Kaspersky Standard, porém o mesmo irá vencer no mês que vem e fiz a compra da versão Premium hoje. Fiz o download para instalação da versão Premium, ao abrir o aplicativo para fazer a ativação do produto ele informa que possuo duas assinaturas (imagem anexo), seleciono a versão Premium para ativação e ocorre um erro '' O arquivo de Chave está corrompido''. Já desinstalei e instalei algumas vezes, selecionando a vesão Standard ele funciona normalmente. Poderiam me auxiliar de como proceder com este erro? Atenciosamente,
He recibido mensajes que me indican que tienen mi control... pero no me han secuestrado ningun archivo. ¿Puedo estar infectado?, he instalado después del aviso Karspersky Premiun Puede Karspersky Premiun detectar si estoy infectado ¿Qué tendría que hacer para realizar esa acción? Gracias
Olá, boa tarde a todos! Estou com um probleminha meio estranho no google chrome mais exatamente no google. Não é toda hora que acontece isso Faço uma pesquisa normal no google e quando clico no site para ir até ele, o navegador faz download sozinho de um arquivo chamado 'download' tem pesquisas que acontece isso e outras não acredito que seja a opção navegação segura do Kaspersky, desativei e parou o problema Gostaria de deixar ativado mas com isso é chato
Buen día amigos, El día de hoy me causó curiosidad que estoy obteniendo muchas alertas del siguiente tipo relacionado con el navegador Brave, cabe esaltar que soy muy precabido con el tema de descargar archivos maliciosos, adicionalmente no he descargado dado nada sospechoso: File 1: C:\Users\malea\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage\ba00623a413aef1be0c65618db85f0b8176e803d\7891746b-4a74-41ef-a59e-90c64f0af3bd\046097c811953f25_0//046097c811953f25_0//./arsenal-kit/kits/udrl-vs/ File 2: C:\Users\malea\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage\ba00623a413aef1be0c65618db85f0b8176e803d\7891746b-4a74-41ef-a59e-90c64f0af3bd\046097c811953f25_0//046097c811953f25_0//./arsenal-kit/kits/resource/ Espero puedan ayudarme a identificar que esta pasando y de que se tratan esos archivos.. Gracias, Cordialmente M.L. Adicionalmente,
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- kaspersky premium
- windows 11
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Adquirí la version premium y no puedo acceder al cliente de Riot, me indica que no hay conexión, (como si estuviera desconectado). Añadí la exclusión y coloqué los archivos .exe de la app como aplicaciones de confianza, incluso le di "sin restricciones" o habilitado para las reglas de cada aplicacion para que tengan libre movimiento. Y aún así continúa el problema. Unicamente puedo acceder (de forma parcial, ya que me permite acceso a la aplicacion pero no a jugar en pantalla completa) cuando tengo la VPN activa, pero no me interesa ejecutar esta aplicación a través de la vpn, me gustaría ejecutarla normalmente.
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- windows 11
- false positive
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Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
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- kaspersky plus
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Hello. I’m wondering if it’s possible to prevent an application from starting with Windows by double-clicking on it in the Kaspersky > Performance > Current Activity > Startup tab and then adjusting the application rules. The default options provided under Performance > Quick Startup have a limited list of applications to control, so I’m curious if it’s possible to manage applications through the Startup tab.
I miss a whitelist possibility in the Kaspersky call filter. I'm using another call filter at the moment, only the excisting contacts are able to call me. Is a whitelist possibility in development?
Bonjour, malgré avoir effectué de nombreux antivirus et formater mon pc, mon adresse mail continue à avoir des activités suspectes à des heures où je dors sur mon pc, je soupçonne donc qu'un virus est encore sur mon pc, le hacker ne touche quasi à rien sauf à mon adresse mail. Bien évidemment cette situation est à cause de moi, j'ai récemment crée et installer un jeu sur si cela peut aider, (mais aussi sur stg gege)
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- kaspersky premium
- trojan
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Hi, I am facing some serious issue here. I was not able to login despite successfully installed the application. It keep prompting Sign-in is temporarily unavailable. I waited one whole day and retry but is still the same. I am not sure what happen, Last week, when I reformat my pc and install the application, I do not have this issue. But yesterday when I reformat my pc and reinstall, this issue start popping out. I have check my subscription and the number of devices that is currently using this, subscription is still active and I have not exceed the number of devces. Please help.
Доброго времени суток! Недавно приобрел себе ПК (i7-13700F, 64гб DDR5, В/к MSI 4070ti), далее в течение нескольких месяцев пользовался им для игр и работы, иногда скачивая разные программы из разных источников. В последнее время стал замечать, что при открытии диспетчера задач на вкладке производительности есть странная активность в разделах ЦП, Интернета и графического процессора (на скриншотах), а именно в сразу после открытия отображается большая нагрузка на вышеуказанных показателях. Со своей стороны приобрел Касперский Премиум, произвел все возможные предложенные проверки, как быструю, так и полную, во время которых были выявлены и устранены пара троянов, но основная "проблема" так и осталась. Подскажите, пожалуйста, с чем может быть это связано? Возможно ли, что именно диспетчер задач при открытии в первые доли секунд каким-то образом нагружает вышеуказанные компоненты ПК для получения данных и, как следствие, отображает эти нагрузки у себя или это майнер так шифруется? Заранее спасибо за ответы.
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- kaspersky premium
- kaspersky plus
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Merhaba, Kaspersky büyük ihtimal kullandığım DNS ile ilgili sertifikayı doğrulayamıyor. Asıl sıkıntı ise uyarı mesajını sürekli göstermesi. Her ne kadar sertifikaya güven seçeneğini seçsemde bir süre sonra tekrar aynı uyarı karşıma çıkıyor. Ne yaptıysam sorunu gideremedim, kullandığım DNS ise Cloudflare'ın DNS'i yani güvendiğim bir DNS. Ne yapmam lazım? macOS: Sonama 14.5 Kaspersky Sürümü:
Merhabalar, Mevcut plandaki otomatik yenileme özelliğini kapatmak istiyorum bunu nasıl yapabilirim?