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Everything posted by SystemInfo

  1. This update that will be released in (MR8) will take a long time, could you tell us when it will be released? 1 or 2 years? ? Thanks! ?
  2. Good afternoon, I was taking a look at the KASPERSKY support option, the information it shows is not the same as that of my Operating System as the images below inform: In this image below is the information of my system. How to solve this problem? there is information that kaspersky shows different from my operating system. Kaspersky says that my Operating System is Windows 10 Enterprise, but my system is Windows 10 PRO
  3. About consumption what I have to say about this is that it is not consumption to slow down a machine or compromise the performance of the machine. What can you do and remove all transparency that windows makes available for windows 10 and 11. Could you inform the settings of your machine, so we can talk better if the transparency of your Kaspersky Plus is slowing down the machine.
  4. Good afternoon, I was seeing KASPERSKY installed on my machine and a message appears stating the following: "Hardware virtualization is not available. Incompatible Hardware or Software has been detected." ? As the image below says: The problem that my machine says I have virtualization enabled on my computer. the image below informs: What to do to fix this error that is appearing in Kaspersky? ?
  5. I understand when you say that switching from KTS to Kaspersky Plus is not free. I have a question to ask: 1 - I use KTS, to make the change to PLUS, I just buy the serial for PLUS and put it in my KTS that automatically Update the Product to the new generation? 2 - Or will I have to uninstall, download a new product and install it and have all the work that will take that I have on computers?
  6. I was looking at some links posted here, talking about comparisons of previous versions with the most current ones. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium Q1. How all countries compatible with older apps? Kaspersky Anti-Virus Kaspersky Basic Kaspersky Internet Security Kaspersky Standard Kaspersky Security Cloud Kaspersky Plus Kaspersky Premium - ??? My Premium question will be which product?
  7. Now it has become complicated for your mother's name to appear, it is difficult to answer on this subject.
  8. Meu amigo o seu problema e muito complexo, isso se não for o problema no seu sistema operacional. teria que ver o Relatórios de log de eventos do Windows para ver o que ele informa o que você está passando. Vamos fazer uma tentativa. possa ser que não funcione mais é bom tentar. Tenta desabilitar o IPV 6 salva e ativar novamente e tenta entrar na VPN e conectar para ver se funciona. Ultimo caso se o suporte da Kaspersky não informou o jeito e formata o pc e fazer uma instalação limpa do Sistema operacional, porque se for alguma atualização do Windows que esteja fazendo isso, não tem como saber qual delas.
  9. What are you saying that because of the war a type of email like this can be suspicious? you will switch to antivirus for which?
  10. It was reported that they made an incorrect configuration. I just think that the Kaspersky team had such an error because they made an incorrect configuration, I don't think that was it, because they should already have all this automated. How is a configuration error going to write an email with customer data and send it? ?
  11. It would be very bad if there was a data leak. if there are really any data leaks we will never know.
  12. The best way is to try to contact support. https://support.kaspersky.com/
  13. Poderia mostra uma captura de imagem para da uma olhada no problema?
  14. I don't usually put it as automatically, but I believe it's like this as the image below is informing, you try and come back informing if it worked.
  15. Thanks for the reply. when he said next update he is saying database update or product version update?
  16. That's why I asked this question and so far I have not had an explanation of what is happening. KTS antivirus base is not protecting me? We have two pieces of information the KTS says and a threat is the website https://opentip.kaspersky.com/buurkracht-online.nl/ informs that it is safe, are there two databases? we are protected by thinking about other threats. we have different results. this is wrong.
  17. This is the problem, I already sent the site itself informs that it is safe, however when I go to access the KTS it does not leave informing that it is a threat.
  18. Isso vai depender de qual produto você esta instalando. Informe qual produto você instalou em sua maquina?
  19. Could someone from the Team explain, technically, why on the site. https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ shows that everything is ok. but when we update the product with new definitions it never works, my doubts remain, we are really protected. is Kaspersky's update database really protecting us? this problem has been going on for ten of the 28th of June - it's been 7 days so far it hasn't been updated on our PCs. this sets a precedent for thinking we are unprotected.
  20. Kaspersky Team: After more than 14 hours after my post it's still being blocked by KTS.
  21. I checked now after many hours later, almost 15 hours later and still without accessing the site the updated base but it is still blocked.
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