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Posts posted by nexon

  1. Hi,


    Are you tried contact Adobe? they maybe know which IP address is it (where is it from).
    Also if you dont trust these devices simply click End session after that change password and log out. Then again log in and set up 2 way step password (if you log in then you recieve SMS with code for example).

  2. So quick update (dont want create new topic)…

    For KPM was released patch (p) which officialy supports brave, comodo and vivaldi browser. But Kaspersky protection addon not working still.

    Always i am on still same place without any changes. 

    If i have brave.exe (KPM working), kaspersky protection not working.
    If i have renamed brave.exe to chrome.exe (KPM not working and same source code like google chrome), but kaspesky protection addon now working.

    So my question is : Can someone in KL finally fix this problem?? How long i must wait ? I want both features not 1 or 2. 



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