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Flood and Flood's wife

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Everything posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hallo Bebbi, Herzlich willkommen! (1) & (2) Bitte lesen Sie die Referenzartikel und alle verfügbaren Ressourcen, um mit der Kaspersky-Software und Ihrem neuen System vertraut zu sein. (3) Bei der Beurteilung der Systemleistung gibt es eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Es ist unmöglich, eine pauschale Aussage zu beantworten. Systeme, Hardware, Software, Netzwerk, Umgebungen sowie andere Faktoren variieren, manchmal dramatisch. (imo), KIS installieren (kostenlos), 30 Tage testen. Dann treffen Sie eine fundierte Entscheidung. Wenn es Ihren Anforderungen entspricht, treffen Sie eine dauerhaftere Entscheidung. Freundliche Grüße Für alle Programme: Vor der Installation Für alle Programme: Software-Kompatibilität Interaktion mit dem Windows Defender Security Center Systemanforderungen für Kaspersky Internet Security 20 Was tun mit Programmen, die mit Kaspersky Internet Security Kaspersky Internet Security 2020 Bibliothek
  2. Hallo Wallaby53, Schulte, Unipo Tiranon, diese "hot of the press" blogs kündigen keine an belebung des OL-Addons, leider! * Deutsche Nutzer am häufigsten Empfänger schädlicher Mails, 29 Aug 2019, Michael Roesner https://www.kaspersky.de/blog/deutsche-nutzer-am-haufigsten-empfanger-schadlicher-mails/20004/ * Spam and phishing in Q2 2019, 28 Aug 2019, Maria Vergelis, Tatyana Shcherbakova, Tatyana Sidorina (Englisch) https://securelist.com/spam-and-phishing-in-q2-2019/92379/ * How phishers steal e-mail accounts August 27, 2019, Tatyana Shcherbakova (Englisch) https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/email-account-stealing/28029/ :thinking:
  3. Corrupted post again:disappointed_relieved:. Moderators, please delete this reply.
  4. Ola Adilson Shiva Bem vinda! Minha resposta à sua postagem original foi corrompida:sweat: Além disso, pedi a um Moderador que corrija uma postagem duplicada. (1) Tente ID Ransomware o NEMTY está listado, (2) Se você licenciou o software Kaspersky, entre em contato com o Suporte técnico da Kaspersky Lab - escolha "localização", selecione "Vírus e Ransomware", selecione entre: Telefone (não disponível em todos os locais) OnlineChat (não disponível em todos os locais) Portal da web MyKaspersky - Faça login e crie uma solicitação de incidente usando o "Malware, meus arquivos foram criptografados" modelo. O seguinte (recursos) também pode ajudar: NoRansome NoRansome FAQ Kaspersky Club Pergunte ao expert: Jornt van der Wiel fala sobre ransomware Por que você não deve pagar resgate aos criadores de malware Muito obrigado
  5. [quote user="Adilson:[emoji]:s:[/emoji]:Shiva"]Fui infectado pelo ransomware de extensão ._NEMTY_kd52K8m_ nos arquivos doc, docx , pdf e jpg. Alguem conhece algum decriptor que funcione? Olá Adilson Shiva Bem vinda! (1) Tente https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/index.php?lang=pt_PT o NEMTY está listado nas Perguntas frequentes. (2) Se você licenciou o software Kaspersky, entre em contato com o Kaspersly Lab Technical Spport - https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/, escolha "localização", selecione "Vírus e Ransomware", selecione: Telefone (não disponível em todos os locais) OnlineChat (não disponível em todos os locais) Portal da Web MyKaspersky, https://my.kaspersky.com/, efetua login e cria uma solicitação de incidente usando o "Malware", "Meus arquivos foram criptografados" modelo. ----- O seguinte (recursos) também pode ajudar: NoRansom NoRansome FAQ Kaspersky Club Por que você não deve pagar resgate aos criadores de malware Muito obrigado[emoji][emoji]:pray_tone3:[/emoji][/emoji]
  6. Tiranon - Wenn der sturm vorbei ist und sie zeit haben: Verboten Banner (URLs) - exportieren, als textdatei speichern. about:preferences#privacy https://support.mozilla.org/de/kb/kontrollzentrum-datenschutz-sicherheit https://support.mozilla.org/de/kb/Cookies-von-Drittanbietern-blockieren
  7. Hallo Starracer81 / Alex, Vielen dank für das "ziel", Information. Bitte schauen Sie sich das bild an, is dies (benachrichtigung) ok? Das Popup/die Benachrichtigung, wird angezeigt, wenn die Regel "ausgeführt" wird, nicht, wenn die Regel konfiguriert ist. Is dies (benachrichtigung) ok? Fenster Programme verwalten Registerkarte Netzwerkregeln Benachrichtigungseinstellungen Bitte poste zurück, wenn die lösung nicht so ist, wie du es brauchst? Grüße. NB: (KIS & KTS, gleiche Konfigurationsfunktionen)
  8. Tiranon, Zeigen Sie ein Bild von chrome://settings/siteData bitte? & (Ihr) GC-Browser hat nicht "Seite kann keine Cookies setzen"
  9. :ok_hand_tone3: Alle rennen zu schnell (für mich):joy:
  10. Tiranon, Löschen! Schulte: https://www.golem.de/6445/sp_lrlp-201183_rc.jpg & GC-Browserprotokoll
  11. Tiranon, Auch als auch Beitrag von Schulte Haben du verwendet: Kaspersky "Clean & Optimize" Tools & Adwcleaner7.4 ?
  12. Welche Datenschutzeinstellungen sind in GC & FF konfiguriert?
  13. Ola edjunhoscj Configurações, Painel de controle \ Rede e Internet \ Conexões de rede, Gerenciar redes sem fio >> Desativar o Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter
  14. Ola Serge Anvarov Ok, o software (PREMIUM) Kaspersky (AV), Kaspersky Total Security, Kaspersky Internet Security e Kaspersky Security Cloud - todos vêm com o Kaspersky Secure Connection/VPN (GRÁTIS) - pré-instalado, que oferece 200 / 300mb / dia. Desinstalar o software Kaspersky não interromperá o problema. " Você pode fazer: (1) Desinstale o Kaspersky Secure Connection/VPN ou Altere o Kaspersky Secure Connection/VPN para não iniciar "automaticamente" e Windows, Configurações, Painel de controle \ Rede e Internet \ Conexões de rede >> Desativar o Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter Muito obrigado:pray_tone3:
  15. Hello Anwer, Thanks for providing iOS opsys & KSK version:pray_tone3:. KSK on iOS is very limited: How to limit or block game apps and online games on a child’s device This feature are unavailable on iOS devices. How to limit device use You cannot block your child’s device if it is running iOS. How to limit access to the game installed on a child’s device This feature is unavailable on iOS devices. Internet, where you can view the statistics on visited sites according to the content categories. On iOS devices, these features are only available for the built-in Kaspersky Safe Kids browser. --- That's pretty much 70% of all KSK's features?! I'm sorry this is not the news you'll be wanting to hear:disappointed: Best regards. Reference doc: https://support.kaspersky.com/12265
  16. Olá edjunhoscj Bem como os conselhos de DonKid O limite foi definido em Configurações do Windows> Rede e Internet> Uso de dados? ou Kaspersky Secure Connection? VPN? O Kaspersky Secure Connection / VPN (gratuito) possui um limite diário total de 200mb / dia; se a conta MyKaspersky estiver conectada, o limite diário será de 300mb. Por favor nos informe? Obrigado.
  17. Привет Serge Anvarov Да, я понимаю, KIS «премиум», KSC бесплатно, данных должно быть 300. Я рад, что ТП оказала поддержку. Я надеюсь, что решение будет успешным:ok_hand_tone3:. Пожалуйста, держите нас в курсе.
  18. @dzen2019 , Хорошее обнаружение:clap_tone3:! @Denis-NN, подтвердил:ok_hand_tone4:!
  19. Hello Vin, Welcome! Thank you for posting this important question:pray_tone3: Yes, according to the Kaspersky Lab Technical Experts, Monday, 29 April 2019 12:06: ""suspicious action was blocked" events appear when some process(es) (it can also be a trusted process) from the Normal container tries to read memory from other processes in the Protected browser container". According to the Kaspersky Lab Technical Experts, this "known" issue, is not an issue, When SafeMoney browser is active,"suspicious action was blocked (Window Explorer ) events" are logged by Kaspersky software, it is normal, by design. (imo), this specific event should be documented, many folks have been concerned upon finding it in the Kaspersky application reports. Best regards.
  20. Привет KocMQc Добро пожаловать! К сожалению, портал Сообщества не может решить проблемы активации и лицензирования. Вы должны связаться со службой технической поддержки Kaspersky, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/, выберите МЕСТО, выберите Закупки и лицензирование. С наилучшими пожеланиями:pray_tone3:.
  21. Hello jelabarre, Welcome! Thanks for posting. Did the Lab give you any feedback? Please let us know? Thank you.
  22. Hallo Starracer81 / Alex, Herzlich willkommen! Bitte geben sie den Namen der KIS Version an, damit wir sie anleiten können? & benötigen sie Informationen, um KIS Firewall "BLOCK" oder "Notifications" oder beides zu machen? Vielen Dank und beste Grüße.
  23. Hello John, Thanks for posting back and the information. Genuine Kaspersky software. confirmed. During the KISA install process, each user grants the software permissions and accepts EULA & Privacy Policy. Privacy Scanner(Antispy) benchmarks certain criteria, for example, location - when PSAS, runs, it detects KISA, because (as an example), KISA uses location data to keep our phones/us safe, one of KISA's features being Anti-theft. ---- May I ask please why a duplicate topic was posted? https://community.kaspersky.com/kaspersky-internet-security-13/mobile-device-scanner-app-finds-e-a-company-name-like-this-kaspersky-ldj0b-is-this-a-real-company-name-3154 Completely confused me!. I was certain I replied "yesterday", then I thought, maybe the portal had a hiccup:thinking: Let's ask the MODs to close your original post. Best regards.
  24. andrew75, У вас есть копия (старой) таблицы, чтобы мы знали, что вы ищете? Пожалуйста, сообщите какой (конкретной версии) вам нужна информация? Ничего не изменилось, Касперский опубликовал обновленную, исчерпывающую документацию. Жизненный цикл поддержки приложений охватывает все программное обеспечение Kaspersky Home, на всех этапах. {Усмотрение Лаборатории Касперского}, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Лабораторией для получения информации.
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