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  1. Past hour
  2. every time i try to start Kaspersky vpn it says " Error starting Kaspersky VPN " and not open any help ??
  3. @adrianapp Welcome. Your URL has been submitted to Kaspersky Virus Lab , the verdict will be provided when available.
  4. Today
  5. Hi Community, I hope that you are doing well. My son has a Motorola MotoG20 with Android 11 and every day I get a message "Important permissions on the child's device have been revoked" and basically the app stops working. After that, I need to go to Safe Kids app (on my child's device) to do the setup again and disable/enable Safe Kis accessibility twice to get it working again. Is anyone having this problem? Do you know how to resolve this? Thanks, Cr4zyf4ce
  6. hello Can you help me? My site reports a phishing and security error But there is no problem appleid24.ir Thanks We prevented a visit to a website that may cause data leak Visiting this website may pose the threat of losing money or personal data. We protected you from visiting this website. You can safely close this window. Detected: 17/06/2024 00:47:36 Web address: https : //appleid24.ir/contact Blocked: by Safe Browsing Reason: threat of data loss Detection method: databases I understand the risks and want to continue
  7. Чисто теоретически, сколько нужно времени разработчикам платного антивируса, который находится в топ 5 по миру лучших антивирусов, чтобы фиксануть баг с проверкой зашифрованных соединений? На сегодняшний день прошло уже более двух месяцев и ты считаешь это нормально? Это ведь не команда инди разработчиков, которые из подвала делают свои игры, а команда профессионалов с огромными оборотами. В следующей обнове будет дыра в антивирусе, которую вся вирусня будет обходить а её фиксить будут пол года, тоже нормально будет? Нафиг тогда такой антивирус нужен)
  8. Hello. I need help because I can't download the Nvidia driver from their official website - https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/224748/en-us/ I am having issues with the current driver and I wanted to download the version before this one, which was working fine. Additionally, I can't revert to the old version in the device manager because a clean installation was performed. The error I am getting is: Please, can someone tell me if this is a false negative and what I need to do in the application to allow Kaspersky to pass this file? Thank you! Windows version - Windows 11 Pro 22H2 Kaspersky version - Kaspersky endpoint security /
  9. Olá! Estou tentando instalar a ferramenta do Racelab (Racelab - Modern overlays for Simracers), mas o .exe é excluído assim que é baixado. É exibida a informação que HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Script.Generic Evento: Download negado Usuário: THIAGOXX-ASD\Thiago Tipo de usuário: Iniciador Nome do aplicativo: msedge.exe Caminho do aplicativo: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application Componente: Navegação Segura Resultado da descrição: Bloqueado Tipo: Cavalo de Troia Nome: HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Script.Generic Precisão: Análise Heurística Nível de ameaça: Alto Tipo de objeto: Arquivo Nome do objeto: cropped-email-hammer-32x32.png Caminho do objeto.: https://ironsidecomputers.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10 MD5 de um objeto: 8809F982714DE201400C4D5C7595802B Motivo: Análise especializada Data da versão dos bancos de dados: Hoje, 16/06/2024 07:32:00 Como confiro se está realmente correto e o arquivo está infectado, pois é do site oficial da desenvolvedora.
  10. Excellent, thank you @Stevex, for taking the time to update the Community!
  11. Chrome is up to date and I've never used remote access, but thanks for the info. Now I know what the warning is all about.
  12. @andrew75, так у меня и стоит бета, у меня же не один комп, а 5, включая ноутбук.
  13. Hello @Stevex, Welcome back! IF (you) drag the bar down - on the right-hand-side in the lower section of the Report window is there more information available please? -> Also, from (your) Report: The event "We found an application that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data." is typically used by Kaspersky to alert users there is specific software installed that could be used to compromise their security - in case the user did not know the software was installed on their computer - however - we would not expect that warning to show for Google chrome. Please post back? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  14. @Peter15NT, это раздел для бета-тестирования. Если у вас проблема с релизной версией, то трассировки вам нужно приложить к запросу в техподдержку.
  15. @Stevex, I regularly get a similar warning for TeamViewer from Kaspersky Premium because it permits remote access to your computer. The program is not infected and presents no danger when properly used. Kaspersky is simply notifying you of a potential vulnerability. I installed that program to assist my clients remotely. I am wondering if, at some time, you activated or used Chrome Remote Access. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/1649523?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop#:~:text=Access a computer remotely,select which computer you want. If not, then I am not sure why you are getting that warning. I will defer to my colleagues here who are far more knowledgeable than I am to respond to your query. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  16. @john10212, Thank you for posting back. I am glad that you are happy with your new product. It is YOUR computer, so it is always YOUR decision. AV-Comparatives Lab has just released its latest test results, which you can find here. https://www.av-comparatives.org/tests/real-world-protection-test-february-may-2024/ I hope your new product scores well. Having a robust backup strategy is even more important than the choice of security software. No one product can prevent all malware attacks. It is important to be able to quickly recover from any attack without data loss. Stay safe in cyberspace. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  17. Использую программы Ратиборуса. В файле "Test.exe", расположенном где-то в C:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Local..., обнаруживает угрозу и предлагает 2 варианта действий: лечение с перезагрузкой и без. Выбираю лечение с перезапуском, начинается быстрая проверка, и когда доходит почти до конца, застревает на сканировании этого самого "Test.exe". При этом меню Пуск и приложения перестают запускаться, даже перезагрузить штатно не получалось. Включил сбор трассировок, куда их выложить, в раздел "Дампы", или здесь?
  18. This was found on my latest scan. What part of Google Chrome is vulnerable? I hardly ever use Chrome, but it is up to date.
  19. Hola, soy yo, con la nueva dirección de correo. Un poco enrevesado, al haber sido ya cambiada anteriormente en MyK, pero ya he podido con ello (no creo que pudiera repetir el proceso de memoria 😵, pero ya está cambiada. La lástima es que he perdido todo el historial, tanto en MyK como en este foro, pero una cosa por otra. Gracias harlan4096 por tus indicaciones 👍
  20. @RoseyEm Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Saved me and hopefully alot of people. I could buy you dinner! Have a great day. Regards.
  21. Одна проблема правиться за 20 минут, потом тестируется 2 дня, потом выпускается исправление. Вторая проблема правится 4 дня, потом 3 недели тестируется. Никак не можете предположить, что разница возникает из-за этого? Ну как минимум теоретически?
  22. A few days from renewing my KIS and I find out it's being superseded. I decided to install Standard over KIS and it worked perfectly. It seems to be a definite upgrade to KIS and I don't know exactly what the Standard software has done but using the 'speed up your PC' selection has made a hell of a difference to the boot up time.
  23. Если быть точным, то русскоязычное сообщение появилось 21 апреля, а англоязычное 25 апреля. Но суть конечно не кто первый, а во времени исправления проблемы. Такое ощущение, то ей занимаются строго в выходные дни и только в свободное от отдыха время, тестируют видимо так же.
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