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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Demian, Until we hear back from Kardip please read on: If you do have another Kaspersky application installed on the Windows 10 Desktop, you need to disconnect that Kaspersky app via the app, not your MyK portal, reboot, then sign into MyK portal & check if KSK has "appeared" in https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices? Also, it would be helpful if you could confirm for us please the Kaspersky software installed, including version numbers please? I'll be back. :slight_smile:
  2. Hello Demian, I have KSK installed, am testing to see if I can help.. so a few questions please:
    1. When you're signed into https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/ you can't see:
    ? Specific to not being able to see KSK in the MyK portal, have you rebooted? If not, please do. I know it sounds too simple but for the device / connectivity it may be just this... If you have rebooted & you still are unable to see the device in your MyK account please let us know? In the meantime I'm checking:
    1. check/edit settings
    2. excluded sites - still accessible
    It may be, until we get your device connected via your MyK account, these 2 may not work... I'm about to disconnect KSK via MyK & see if this is an accurate statement. I'll be back:relaxed:
  3. Hola Hugoalo, Disculpas, no hablo español, perdóname si hay errores gramaticales. ¿Y mi impresión de pantalla también está en mi idioma, espero que no se confunda? Además, asegúrate, después, de que:
    1. desinstalar / reinstalar Firefox]
    2. compruebe Windows] [Configuración] [Aplicaciones predeterminadas] asegúrese de que [FireFox] esté configurado.
    Por favor, háganos saber si el problema está solucionado? ¡Saludos!
  4. I have done full scans the past few days and the first scan took a while. It reported it scanned 2 million files. I did another scan back to back and kaspersky reported scanning 1.5 million. The next day I scan and it reports only 1 million files. My question is why is this happening? I'm not deleting files on my system. The scanned files seems to get lower each scan.
    Hello ThatBuild, Also, check [Scan only new and changed files] setting: https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/85746.htm Thanks!
  5. That's the one Frammelpie, Very happy to hear it helped and for letting us know. [Always scan] does have it's purposes, you've analysed it correctly & applied [Scan encrypted connections upon request] so that no security issues will result:thumbsup:. Thanks for documenting it, excellent doco (as yours is) always helps others. I was running short of time & reading your original post, I "surmised" you were pretty proficient with performing "bowel" surgery on the innards of Kaspersky app. Happy gaming!
  6. Hello Frammelpie,
    1. Can you let us know which Kaspersky version you have?
    2. Patch(e) has recently been released.
    3. Has the problem been ongoing for a while or is it new?
    1. Post in "old" Kaspersky Forum matches your information BUT not followed thru: (at least you know your not alone)
    1. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/SWTOR-won-t-launch-after-I-press-quot-play-quot/td-p/4958112
    mentions adding exceptions for launcher.exe and swtor.exe in [scan][secure/encrypted connections], try, if you've not already done so.. Also, contact Kaspersky Technical Support: https://my.kaspersky.com/, provide logs, full description, actions taken. Hopefully there's SWTOR Gamers in this Community who'll be able to solve this for you...? Thanks.
  7. Hello Igor Kurzin, Confirmed, vanished!! (imo) the wording of the alert/popup could be changed to indicate a "Kaspersky update requires a device restart." Alerts like: "Your PC needs to be restarted to finish setting up this device", are something we'd expect & have received from Windows.. & "Kaspersky Lab power events provider", to the "uninitiated", implies "power" event of some kind. I've had 7 years of patches, never had "Your PC needs to be restarted to finish setting up this device", "Kaspersky Lab power events provider" alerts/popup before. And, as I mentioned in my original post, the popup happened on 1 device, not the other, both transitioned to patch(e)... Even a generic help article, available somewhere in Kaspersky's https://help.kaspersky.com/ repository, would be most helpful....?
  8. Olá Leal2019, Bem-vindo à "Comunidade", Infelizmente, a Kaspersky avisou: "O Kaspersky apenas fornece / suporta extensões / barras de ferramentas / suplementos para:
    1. Mozilla Firefox,
    2. Google Chrome,
    3. Internet Explorer,
    4. MS Edge.
    Mesmo que você consiga instalar a extensão em outros navegadores, o Kaspersky avisou que eles não são compatíveis e podem não funcionar. No caso de uma ferramenta ser instalada em qualquer navegador que não seja o acima, no caso improvável de a ferramenta funcionar, ela pode não ter a funcionalidade completa. A Kaspersky avisou que não fornece suporte para resolver qualquer problema em qualquer navegador não suportado. " Por favor, desculpe quaisquer erros gramaticais, infelizmente eu não falo sua língua, desculpe! Desejo que eu fiz .... Obrigado!"
  9. Hello Nexon, Welcome to the "Community". I can offer an answer to the question, "why i was not notifed about this?"as I've asked KLAB exactly the same question, not regarding Sonic Suite 3, but other apps... This is the KLAB response: quote: "Application vulnerability information is not as critical as others so it does not appear on the Notification Centre screen. However, the information is available on demand by accessing “Task Manager” on the “Scan” screen, or the “Vulnerability Scan” screen in “More Tools”, and in Scan reports." unquote In other words, we, the unsuspecting masses, have to review reports & look into the bowels of the app "just in case" there's a little bit of information that we REALLY might need to know about. Same with Vulnerability Scans, often times the detections never show an alert on the main application display, even when there's a "Critical" KLA detected....:scream: It's a bit like that horrible, merchant posterior covering statement: "buyer beware". I'm not familiar with Sonic Suite 3 app/s, but sometimes, similar alerts are captured/reported when "private browser" is active.... Hopefully, others in the community may be able to help answer your query... Thanks!
  10. Мне было интересно то же самое:thinking:, может быть, если вы репост: Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 с пакетом обновления 2 для Windows Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 для Windows Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 для Windows (упрощенное шифрование) _10.2.6.3733 Kaspersky Security 10 для Windows Server_10.0.0.486 Жирным шрифтом, с точками и смайликами. Я бы хотел, чтобы на форуме была доступна функция «цвет» для «текста», специально для этой цели. :wink:
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