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  1. You're right, @nexon, it's a good idea to wait for the final version.
  2. Thanks, @nexon All in all, these are only some minor changes, nothing really exciting.
  3. According to the first post in this thread, the Premium version has some new features. Does anybody know something about these new features?
  4. Im englischsprachigen Teil des Forums wurde das Thema PC-Optimierung (PC Speed-Up) auch bereits thematisiert. Wie von @Schulte vorgeschlagen, habe ich dort auch meinen Unmut geäußert.
  5. Hi! I'm also reluctant to have Kaspersky fix registry issues without having any details of the issues to be fixed. Kaspersky keeps telling me that there is one Windows registry issue that can safely be fixed. The green "View" button reveals the information that it's got something to do with "false ActiveX objects registration", but I am not told what "false ActiveX objects" Kaspersky has found. Please provide more PC Speed-Up details and let (advanced) users know what Kaspersky intends to fix. Thanks in advance. Kaspersky Premium
  6. Vielen Dank für die Antwort. Dann bleibt wohl nur zu hoffen, dass Kaspersky vielleicht doch irgendwann einmal die PC-Optimierung optimieren wird, so dass diese etwas aussagekräftiger ist, als es bisher der Fall ist.
  7. Die PC-Optimierung von Kaspersky Premium hat ein Windows-Registrierungsproblem gefunden. Wenn ich mir das Problem anzeigen lasse, steht dort "Falsche Registrierung von ActiveX-Objekten". Gibt es eine Möglichkeit herauszufinden, wo genau das Problem liegt? Ich kann zwar den Fehler von Kaspersky korrigieren lassen, aber ich hätte schon ganz gerne ein paar Einzelheiten zu diesem Fehler, bevor ich irgendetwas korrigieren lasse.
  8. @CryluneThank you so much for your detailed information. I also think it doesn't hurt to use SysHardener alongside Kaspersky, so I decided to give SysHardener (another) try. I'm familiar with this app, but I wasn't sure whether or not it would be a good idea two use two security apps at the same time, albeit SysHardener does not offer real-time protection (unlike OSArmor from the same author). Anyway, thank you very much for your help.
  9. Is there anybody out there who uses both Kaspersky Standard/Plus/Premium AND SysHardener on a regular basis?
  10. @Cryluneand @Flood and Flood's wifeThank you very much for the info. Much appreciated.
  11. Dear all, I'm currently using Kaspersky Premium on a Windows 11 Pro machine. Is it a good idea to use SysHardener alongside Kaspersky Premium as an additional layer of security or should Kaspersky Premium be left alone? About SysHardener: Windows OS security application that allows you to harden Windows settings to mitigate cybersecurity threats. With this tool you can restrict functionalities of Windows and secure vulnerable applications (i.e Office and Adobe Reader). You can unassociate VBS, VBE, JS, ISO, IMG, MSI, CHM file type associations, disable Macros and ActiveX on Office, disable unused Windows Services, block outbound connections of specific programs via Windows Firewall, and much more. Source: https:// www . syshardener . com/ Thanks for your replies in advance.
  12. Yes, I do have a VPN, so I don't need another/a separate DNS service. Consequently, this message is not applicable to me. By the way, this bug is known to KL. According to their German support team, they are trying to fix it asap. They asked me to send them some log files, but this DNS message has so far not popped up today, so I'm currently unable to reproduce this issue. Strange.
  13. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution to this problem. Just wanted to let you know that I have had the same problem since last night. Strange. Let's hope this can soon be fixed. Just one more thing. If I switch off WiFi on my phone, the DNS warning disappears. However, as soon as I switch it on again, the warning reappears.
  14. Same here. Good to know that the K developers are already aware of this problem. Thanks for the info, @harlan4096.
  15. This has not been fixed yet, has it? If K protection is ON, formatting of web pages is still distorted (see Flood's screenshots above). As soon as K protection is OFF, formatting is normal. When will this be fixed? On a side note, if "Only URLs in search results (default settings)" is enabled in URL-Advisor settings (Web Antivirus), I cannot see the green K icon next to Google's search results. If "Check ALL URLs" is enabled, I can see the green K icon. This is also something that should be fixed. Thank you. Kaspersky Standard, Windows 11 Pro, Firefox
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