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  1. Past hour
  2. I also don't trust the current US government either. I just made a post in this thread highlighting just a tiny portion of all the corruption by the current administration and other areas of the government; but, for some reason, it looks like Kaspersky deleted my comment from view, censuring basic facts from the conversation, the same way the current US government has pressured and teamed up with many social media companies to censure people. I'm not sure why they would do that, so now I don't give a crap what happens either way. Everyone can go to hell, on all sides.
  3. Dear friends, First of all thank you for your trust and support! We understand you are insterested now mostly in answers to practical questions but we need some time to analyze the situation throully in order to provide you with more specific information. We will keep you informed. Currently it's what we can officially comment: Kaspersky is aware of the decision by the U.S. Department of Commerce to prohibit the sales and distribution of Kaspersky software in the United States. Kaspersky believes that the Department of Commerce made its decision based on the present geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns, rather than on a comprehensive evaluation of the integrity of Kaspersky’s products and services. While at the moment we are ensuring the fulfillment of our obligations under existing contracts and the uninterrupted work of our solutions to our users and customers in the United States, Kaspersky’s management team is currently reviewing the provisions of the Final Determination with a view to pursuing all legally available options to preserve our current operations and relationships. The Kaspersky team is diligently working to provide further guidance and respond to the questions of our clients as quickly as possible. We intend to release additional information on the company's support website soon.
  4. Today
  5. Not allowed Kaspersky on BYOD Devices. Can I cancel/get a refund? Lots of companies have BYOD policies and you have to agree to the terms and conditions. Unfortunately there is nothing myself as an end-user can do to reverse what is considered banned etc. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/21/us-kaspersky-antivirus-software-ban-russia-ties#:~:text=Joe Biden's administration has banned,US over national security concerns.
  6. Hello. Why does Kaspersky premium speed up the computer feature delete files in Outlook? We encountered the same problem for the second time. Isn't it ridiculous to delete outlook files to speed things up?
  7. Про виртуальные среды понятно, спасибо. Но вопрос был не про них а про "железные" сервера, и серверные ОС на них.
  8. Hello @Richchad, You're most welcome! Thank you for posting back! Correct, it was not at all clear! Going by (your) / Dashlane explanation - we'd expect the same requirement for accessing banking & all other sites designed to protect *your* financial security? No? How? Presumably you don't wander off and leave vault open? IF (you) wish for the software to be enhanced, (you're) welcome to log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select Email or Chat, then select Feedback, I have a Suggestion, or Feedback, I have a Complaint template - provide a *detailed history* & explanation/reasons for the request - include screen-prints IF they help to explain the request - support will submit the request to the relevant team(s) & provide you with feedback. *Note, not all requests/suggestions are implemented & those that are, may take a long time, sometimes a very long time.* Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  9. Hi Flood, maybe I didn't make my question very clear, I do have my bank cards saved in KPM but once you enter your password to access KPM you have access to everything, accounts, bank cards etc, whereas with Dashlane you had to enter your password again to view sensitive data like bank card details. I realise that some may see this as overkill but it does prevent someone accessing bank details while you are logged into KPM unless you enter your password to view particular bank card details.
  10. Hallo 🙂 Ich habe ich diese Meldung. Bei mir ist es eine UDS Adware Meldung. Sie ist irreparabel und im task Manager kann ich sie auch nicht finden. Was mache ich damit?
  11. @Алексей666, если у вас была активирована триальная версия, а после окончания ее действия вы установили Kaspersky Free и пытались активировать его на том же аккаунте, то это не будет работать. Или как оно было? Вы можете описать последовательность событий подробно, чтобы нам не приходилось гадать? Как следует понимать вашу фразу?
  12. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Try in K. Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Application, find iDrive executable / service, edit its Rules and create an Exclusion for Encrypted traffic, similar example to this:
  13. ну да,там ведь полную версию дают по-пользоваться на время (30 дней),а потом переходит во фри... как-бы учётка и так только-что созданная,куда ещё новее-то ?)
  14. The Kaspersky product we are using is perfect for antivirus and other security measures, but for some reason, it's quite poor when it comes to VPN
  15. Even being in Trusted, an application that write in Windows system host files it's considered suspicious.
  16. Hello @Mike S, Welcome! We use KSK on multiple Androids & have never been able to replicate the issue; if KSK has been clean installed & the issue persists log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images & OR a video of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you: Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  17. Nvm, I managed to get it removed. I had to delete all the left over registry and folder, then restart my computer. Would recommend creating a PowerShell script to query it for you so you don't miss everything.
  18. I downloaded the Free version and I ended up not liking it. I ran into issues uninstalling it via Add or remove, so I ended up using the Removal Tool. I thought I got it all removed, but I'm still left with with the Safe website search in all my Google searches. I tried to see if it was in Extension, but it was not. So I checked Add or Remove and it's also not there. How can I get this removed from my system. It's a bit frustrating that this company is forcing me to go through hoops to get this software uninstalled and even when using their tool to remove all traces, it fails to do that. Thanks,
  19. Olá eu vinha usando a versão standard do KIS, ao atualizar para a versão premium parou de reconhecer o microfone do meu headset da SteelSeries, é um artics nova 3, no aplicativo SteelSeries GG ele não reconhece, já fiz de tudo e mesmo assim, já deixei autorizado no proprio kaspersky e mesmo assim continua não reconhecido.....
  20. Здравствуйте! Мы убрали все формы, с сайта rabota-zarabotok ru, и в дальнейшем не планируем размещать подобные баннеры, чтобы не возникли проблемы. Просьба снять сайт с базы. Также нужна помощь, как подключить kaspersky на сайт rabota-zarabotok ru, чтобы максимально было безопасно
  21. Nein, das darf doch nicht wahr sein! Offensichtlich verfeinert Amazon seine Geoblocking Strategie. Seit kurzem ist der Video-Spaß mit KasperskyVPN leider wieder vorbei und Amazon teilt in der Prime Video App mit: Der Fehlercode 4601 wird auf der Hilfeseite von Amazon aber doch nicht näher erläutert. Insofern scheint es einen "Wettkampf" zwischen den Anbietern der Videostreams und VPN-Services zu geben. Ich hoffe mal, dass Kaspersky dabei hier noch weitere Fortschritte machen wird. Für meinen vorherigen Post habe ich die Kennzeichnung als Lösung wieder aufgehoben.
  22. Managed to get it working on Kaspersky Premium so that it writes to the hosts file. It's the Intrusion Protection Module, that's causing the issue. Try the following: 1)Go to.... Settings>Security settings>Intrusion Prevention>Manage Applications 2)Find your application in the list. 3)Right Click on it and go to "Details and Rules" 4)Go to "Files and System registry" 5)From the list go to Operating System>System files>Critical Settings...and select Hosts 6)Under the "write" column select "Allow"...then save. 7)Select the Heading "Exclusions" and put a tick in the following Do not monitor application activity Do not monitor child application activity Do not inherit restrictions from the parent process (application) See if that works...it did for me!!
  23. Yesterday
  24. @avz_admin, здравствуйте. В публичном доступе должен появиться в скором времени. На всякий случай скажу про пару недель.
  25. Same issue here both on old and now on new device (OnePlus 12R, Android 13 and 14) It's quite a showstopper actually
  26. Здравствуйте! Когда будет релиз KSC for Linux 15.1? Очень нужен Mobility Management
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