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How to cancel subscription?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @silver_mica

Also above posts.

You need to do this.

Login to your My Kaspersky Portal. https://my.kaspersky.com/

Then follow the Script below.

To cancel a subscription for Kaspersky Total Security, you typically need to follow the steps outlined by Kaspersky Lab, the company that develops Kaspersky products. Keep in mind that the exact steps might vary depending on the version of the software and any changes they've made to their subscription management process. As of my last knowledge update in September 2022, here's a "general guide" on how to cancel a Kaspersky Total Security subscription:

1. **Log In to Your My Kaspersky Account**:  https://my.kaspersky.com/ and log in to your Kaspersky account. This is the account you used when purchasing or activating your Kaspersky Total Security subscription.

2. **Access Subscription Details**: Once logged in, navigate to your account Toolbar settings or subscription management section. This is where you'll find details about your subscription.

3. **Cancel Subscription**: Look for an option to manage or cancel your subscription. There should be a button or link that allows you to cancel the subscription. Follow the prompts and instructions provided on the screen.

4. **Confirm Cancellation**: Kaspersky may ask you to confirm the cancellation. Review the information and confirm that you want to cancel your subscription.

5. **Follow Additional Steps**: Depending on Kaspersky's process, you might need to provide a reason for cancellation or complete additional steps to finalize the cancellation.

6. **Check for Confirmation**: After canceling the subscription, check your email for a confirmation of the cancellation. This email should provide you with details about the cancellation and any remaining subscription period.

7. **Uninstall Software**: While canceling the subscription stops future payments, you should also consider uninstalling the Kaspersky Total Security software from your devices if you no longer wish to use it.

8. **Check for Billing Changes**: Make sure to monitor your credit card or bank statements to ensure that no further charges are made by Kaspersky following the cancellation.

Thank you



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  • 2 months later...

Need help, I found cancelation button on Nexway, however there it showing canceled already. I try to press again on cancel but nothing happened. Its Showing on Nexway subscription is already canceled, but on kaspersky account it showing active. Due to this i cannot use my new subscription. Its just automatically on all devices choosing My old subscription.

What should i do with it!?!?!

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1 hour ago, Alex7775 said:

What should i do with it!?!?!

Hello @Alex7775


  • How long has it been since the Nexway cancelation was processed - if it's less than 48hrs it may be the updated information has not yet been received... 
  1. Contact Kaspersky Customer Service, on the support page, select either Chat OR Email, then fill in the template as in our image (fill in the correct software application that you have, we've selected KTS as an example) & provide a detailed history; also include:
  • The date of the purchase.
  • Your full name.
  • The e-mail address used for the purchase.
  • Activation code. 
  • Order number from the confirmation e-mail (if it's available). 


Any issues or problems please do not hesitate to post back? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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