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  1. Windows 10 专业版 21H1 19043.1706 卡巴斯基加强版 该文件为TeX Live的安装文件,报毒如下 可能为误报,请分析. 1. 关于TeX Live :https://www.tug.org/texlive/;https://ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/texlive/Images 2. TeX Live安装文件的下载路径(5.6G):https://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/texlive/Images/texlive2024.iso 3. 该iso安装文件中报毒的文件 “xz-5.6.0.tar.xz” 在下面的链接中 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aIMPYPg2nKPKthjGDdSN3rtk3qY-sIMr/view?usp=sharing https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/cdafe1632f139c82937cc1ed824f7a60b7b0a0619dfbbd681dcac02b1ac28f5b
  2. Hallo, der Kaspersky-Kundenservice (Telefon/Chat) ist gerade nicht erreichbar und ich werde ihn erst am Freitag kontaktieren können. Vielleicht hat hier jemand eine Idee, was ich noch machen kann. Mein PC wurde vor zwei Jahren von einem IT-Fachmann aufgesetzt, d.h. es wurden Windows 10 + Kaspersky Total Security installiert. Kurz vor Ablauf der Kaspersky-Lizenz habe ich es aktiv verlängert, d.h. ich habe von Kaspersky ein vergünstigtes Angebot für ein gleichwertiges Programm - Kaspersky Premium für 5 Geräte - angenommen und bezahlt, da es Total Security so nicht mehr gab. Es wurde für mich automatisch im Zuge der Verlängerung ein Benutzerkonto unter meiner E-Mail-Adresse bei Kaspersky erstellt. Als ich mich dort das erste Mal anmeldete, sah ich unter Geräte MEIN PC und FREMDER PC. FREMDER PC war unter einem Nachnamen registriert. Dieser war mir unbekannt und ist auch nicht der des IT-Fachmanns. Heute hat FREMDER PC noch mindestens zwei neue Geräte hinzugefügt. Das war mir dann zu blöd und ich habe die drei unbekannten Geräte von meinem Benutzerkonto getrennt. FREMDER PC wurde daraufhin immer wieder hinzugefügt, ich habe jedes Mal das Gerät von meinem Benutzerkonto getrennt. Ich möchte nicht, dass fremde Menschen ein von mir bezahltes Abo (Kaspersky Premium) nutzen oder ich diese über mein Kundenkonto verwalten muss (Kaspersky Plus - siehe weiterer Verlauf). So kontaktierte ich heute Nachmittag den Kundenservice per Chat. Folgende Lösung gab es: Die Verlängerung des Premium-Abos wurde zurückgenommen und ich bekomme mein Geld zurück. Die Person vom Kundenservice schlug mir vor, ein Kaspersky-Abo für nur ein Gerät zu kaufen oder die ungenutze, auch in meinem Benutzerkonto hinterlegte Kaspersky-Plus-Lizenz für drei Geräte zu nutzen. Dieses war bei der automatischen Benutzerkonto-Erstellung schon hinterlegt. Das Abo nutze ich jetzt und hätte ich es doch nicht getan. FREMDER PC fügt sich trotzdem weiter bei meinen Geräten hinzu und versucht, FREMDER LAPTOP hinzuzufügen. Meine neue Idee wäre, das Benutzerkonto komplett zu löschen und ganz von vorn anzufangen mit einem neuen Benutzerkonto und einem Abo von Kaspersky nur für ein Gerät. Es gibt nur einen kleinen Haken: Bei meinem aktuellen Benutzerkonto habe ich noch ein Abo von Kaspersky Safe Kids. Das möchte ich auch weiterhin nutzen, kann den Lizenzcode dafür nicht mit meinem neuen Benutzerkonto verwenden, weil die Lizenz mit meinem alten Konto verknüpft ist. Ein neues Kaspersky Safe Kids-Abo möchte ich nicht abschließen. Die Einrichtung des ersten Abos hat viel Zeit und Nerven gekostet, bis es so lief wie es soll. Zugriff auf mein Benutzerkonto hat FREMDER PC nicht. Ich denke, er braucht den auch nicht, wenn er die Lizenzschlüssel zu den Kaspersky-Premium- bzw. -Plus-Abos hat. Passwort habe ich trotzdem vorsichtshalber geändert. Die Online-Hilfe von Kaspersky ist zu meiner Thematik nicht besonders aussagekräftig. Danke schonmal im Voraus für eure Tipps und Hilfe!
  3. Доброго времени суток, имею проблемы с антивирусом, иногда блокирует доступ даже если нажать на кнопку перейти на сайт, например форум discuz.turzx.com , антивирус заругается на сертификаты, если нажать на перейти на сайт то он так и будет бесконечно перенаправлять на turzx.com, пробовал сайт discuz.turzx.com добавлять в исключения Настройки безопасности / Интернет - защита / Расширенная настройка / "Настроить исключения" либо ниже "Доверенные веб - адреса" проблему это не решает
  4. I'm having internet failures (Ethernet and Wifi), apparently with the integration of the Kaspserky DLL and Windows: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 11 24H2 26100.2454 Placa Mãe: X670 AORUS ELITE AX (rev. 1.0/1.2) BIOS: F32d 12,33 MB Oct 16, 2024 Kaspersky Plus: kaspersky4win202121.19.7.527pt_46480.exe ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nome do aplicativo com falha: DllHost.exe, versão: 10.0.26100.1, carimbo de data/hora: 0x807e878c Nome do módulo com falha: kpm_integration.dll, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x6737728e Código de exceção: 0xc0000005 Deslocamento de falha: 0x00016676 ID do processo com falha: 0x5428 Hora de início do aplicativo com falha: 0x1DB46FB31679041 Caminho do aplicativo com falha: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DllHost.exe Caminho do módulo com falha: ID do relatório: 3eaa80df-84dc-41e6-bda1-6deda8698a8b Nome completo do pacote com falha: ID do aplicativo relativo ao pacote com falha: - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" Guid="{a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}" /> <EventID>1000</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-12-05T09:51:34.1943531Z" /> <EventRecordID>3916</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="23292" ThreadID="23296" /> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>DESKTOP-5O0SQGC</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2675060994-2334295476-2516587185-1001" /> </System> - <EventData> <Data Name="AppName">DllHost.exe</Data> <Data Name="AppVersion">10.0.26100.1</Data> <Data Name="AppTimeStamp">807e878c</Data> <Data Name="ModuleName">kpm_integration.dll</Data> <Data Name="ModuleVersion"></Data> <Data Name="ModuleTimeStamp">6737728e</Data> <Data Name="ExceptionCode">c0000005</Data> <Data Name="FaultingOffset">00016676</Data> <Data Name="ProcessId">0x5ab8</Data> <Data Name="ProcessCreationTime">0x1db46fb44b16a77</Data> <Data Name="AppPath">C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\DllHost.exe</Data> <Data Name="ModulePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.19\kpm_integration.dll</Data> <Data Name="IntegratorReportId">db29f026-7c9c-41d3-b210-938dcad5162a</Data> <Data Name="PackageFullName" /> <Data Name="PackageRelativeAppId" /> </EventData> </Event> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller is reset by tx hang. - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="rt25cx21" /> <EventID Qualifiers="49156">9</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-12-05T10:19:18.2112820Z" /> <EventRecordID>3699</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="636" /> <Channel>System</Channel> <Computer>DESKTOP-5O0SQGC</Computer> <Security /> </System> - <EventData> <Data /> <Data>Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller</Data> <Binary>000008000200380000000000090004C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C000000</Binary> </EventData> </Event> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Incident Number: INC000017089634
  5. Есть ли совместимость продукта Kaspersky Premium c ОС IOS версии 18.2?
  6. После удаления пароля от настроек Kaspersky Total Security программа стала не только автоматически открываться (как было раньше), а ещё и разворачиваться после запуска, что несколько мне мешает. Есть ли какой-то способ, чтобы автозапуск оставался, но программа автоматически не перекрывала экран после своего запуска? ОС: Windows 10, 22H2 (19045.5011) Версия антивируса: (m).
  7. 卡巴基斯21.19版本自动拦截123网盘下载,之前的21.17和21.18版本是可以下载的,不知道是我软件的原因还是卡巴斯基病毒库的原因
  8. My licence for Kaspersky Internet Security is expiring at the end of the month and am planning to move to Kaspersky Plus as KIS now appears to be a legacy product. If I buy the licence to cover 3 devices, I assume this will include my iPhone and iPad running the Kaspersky Security & VPN for iOS (iPhone and iPad) As I believe Apple Apps are sandboxed I wonder whether this means I would need to have the VPN turned ON all the time for Kaspersky Security & VPN to actually work? Is this the case, or are the other aspects of the App able to function without the VPN being active?
  9. In the past I have always used the Kaspersy Software removal tool ... kavremover.exe ... before installing a different version of Kaspersky protection. So before Installing Kaspersky Plus, I ran the app kavremover.exe but it didn't remove Kaspersky Internet Security as hoped, so used Windows uninstall instead. Is kavremover.exe now a redundant legacy App?
  10. Hello, as the tiel implies I am experiencing point black a sudden lag in the UI, now the application itself works like a charm, it's just the UI that is laggy and choppy. Is anyone experiencing the same?
  11. Hallo zusammen, hat jemand Informationen dazu gefunden, wie die Anmeldedaten vom Kaspersky Passwort Manager in den Browser oder eine App übertragen werden? Mir geht es in erster Linie darum, ob die Daten bei diesem Prozess verschlüsselt sind. Mich verwunderte die Einstellung in der Android-App, dass die Zwischenablage alle paar Sekunden geleert wird. Daher hatte ich die Befürchtung, dass dies über die Zwischenablage funktioniert. Da Informationen in der Zwischenablage im Klartext gespeichert werden, fände ich das ziemlich unsicher. Viele Grüße
  12. I recently purchased 5 Kaspersky Plus sealed Activation Cards. When I tried to create a My Kaspersky Account and enter the activation codes, I was advised that the codes were already activated on another My Kaspersky account. I tried a second new sealed Activation Code and this was also registered to another email account. I didn't recognise either of these email accounts. After trying to Activate the 5 newly purchased activation codes from a reliable supplier, I was only able to successfully activate 1 of the 5 activation codes. After over a week of trying to get some support with these activation codes, Kaspersky at first they though I was trying to con them, I was finally able to convince Kaspersky that I didn't activate the codes, and after they did some checking, realised that 4 of the 5 codes where Activated before the date of my purchase invoice. I'm still waiting for a response from Kaspersky saying they will replace the 4 Kaspersky Plus codes for me. All I am getting is to return them, opened, to my supplier and ask for a refund. If I can't get Kaspersky to believe me in under a week, I'm sure that a supplier isn't going to believe me without proof. Only Kaspersky has the proof. They are not fourth coming in sharing it with me. More importantly, how do Sealed Activation Code Cards get used by someone else. Again no expiation from Kaspersky. Gnomie.
  13. My Windows 11 device is currently suffering from a problem that makes Explorer to launch extremely slowly and making the context menu almost unusable. The symptom looks like Explorer is taking forever to load Kaspersky's context menu. Uninstalling Kaspersky solved the issue and re-installing it can reproduce the problem. The context menu looks like this if Kaspersky is installed ("正在加载..." means Loading...) When trying to show more options, Explorer will become unresponsive and must be killed using Task Manager. If you wait long enough, the context menu will eventually load. The version of Kaspersky Plus is I didn't experience this problem before yesterday, and I haven't downloaded/installed any new software during this time. I checked all other context menu entries and tried to uninstall them, but it seems like it's Kaspersky that is causing the issue. Disabling Kaspersky has no effects, it must be uninstalled for Explorer to function properly again. The last Windows Update is on 10/26 and the patch is KB5044384. I've been using Kaspersky for years and never experienced problems like this. But I think I'll just uninstall Kaspersky for my PC to handle my work properly.
  14. Umur K

    VPN Sorunu

    Aboneliğimde VPN hizmeti bulunuyor ancak uygulamalarda gözükmüyor erişim sağlayamıyorum? Lisans anahtarını da girdiğimde çözüm olmadı 😞 (Aboneliğimi başka birinin bana paylaşması şeklinde elde ettim cihaz hakkı bulunuyor)
  15. kaspersky plus 23.09.2025 браузер Firefox 132 не даёт проигрывать фильмы на okko, отключаю защиты всё ок Отключал по очереди: Антивирус, Инет Защиту, amsi , Защиту от сет. атак, Сетевой экран не помогло. Что предпринять?
  16. On the 18th and 19th June, I downloaded and paid for two standard and one plus version. Having realised what had happened I cancelled the unwanted versions and requested a refund. Kaspersky acknowledged the cancellations and told me I would recieve my refunds within 7 days. That was nearly two moonths ago! They have told me that they do not know how to issue refunds but are working on a solution - would you believe! Since then I have exchanged numerous emails, but have not been offered any explaination as to why there is a problem and when I might receive my refunds. It is becoming clear that they are simply trying to stall and have no intention of giving any refunds - despite their 30-day refund guarantee. Is this fraudulent trading and should I now involve Trading Standards?
  17. Hello, I work in an I.T. company, and we manage a couple of companies' antivirus infrastructure. I began to manage another company, and went through the usual motions of setting it up, however I couldn't download the distribution packages, it just loads nothing, barren. Something was giving me weird vibes when I had to accept the agreement, took me a few hours of trial and error, but it loaded and I accepted. Now it doesn't give me the distros. What do I do? I contacted their e-mail, and even their office in my country but they refuse to pick up. P.S. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, User European Edition 15-19 Build version:
  18. nagamasban_karir

    payment Plus

    Hello. I went through payment for 1 year Kaspersky Plus, and I got message from my bank that the payment has been successful. even though, I didn't get my activation email even I already got invoice payment my order number is "*********" .please help me to solve it
  19. Hi, I had run a quick scan about two days ago, and I hadn't noticed that the AV had found two (one?) corrupted objects and a missing file. Just wanted to know what I can do about it and what it means. The relevant part of the log: 10/14/2024 6:32:35 AM C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86\MsiInfo.exe\Obsidium Corrupted Object corrupted File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86\MsiInfo.exe// Obsidium Corrupted OMNI\[redacted] Initiator 10/14/2024 6:32:35 AM C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86\MsiInfo.exe Corrupted Object corrupted File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86 MsiInfo.exe Corrupted OMNI\[redacted] Initiator 10/14/2024 6:34:03 AM C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86) Not processed Object not processed File not found File C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86) Not processed OMNI\[redacted] Active user
  20. Hello, I have a pos software which i run for years without any problems.But, these days, the "HEUR:Trojan.Win32.InversedShelma.gen" is detected in the *.exe file and KP try to delete it. Anyone heard about this trojan.I made a search on the google but nothing ! thanks
  21. Hello, dear members of the forum! In my Kaspersky settings, I have always had this "Restrict external management of this application" feature enabled, but today, testing Google Chrome Remote Desktop service, I found out that it allows me to easily change Kaspersky's settings and save the changes as well (because I can remotely click "yes" in the "Do you really want to change the settings?" window). Considering this, how do I get this external management restriction actually working? Thanks in advance!
  22. So my Kaspersky Protection extension seemed to be lagging (I changed my Data Collection Blocking settings in the app, but nothing changed in the extension, even after I had turned my PC off and on again), and I decided to uninstall and then reinstall it. The problem is that the extension is no longer available for installation in Chrome Web Store, while in Kaspersky Plus app the indicator says the extension is working, so I can't install it from there too. In this case, how do I get it back?
  23. How can I change in the My Kaspersky account, my password manager license bag. Beacuse the Kasperky Plus includes a password manager?
  24. 之前通过客服渠道回应8月产品线更新,同步推出premium等版本
  25. Aquí puedes encontrar enlaces de descarga para todas las aplicaciones de Kaspersky para dispositivos móviles. Las descargas y actualizaciones de las aplicaciones de Kaspersky desde Google Play no están disponibles temporalmente. Puede descargar y actualizar aplicaciones de Kaspersky en Android utilizando uno de los métodos de este artículo. Si necesita ayuda para instalar o activar aplicaciones en su dispositivo Android, siga estas instrucciones.
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