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  1. Добрый вечер, уважаемые участники Форума! Сегодня, для увеличения быстродействия антивируса и уменьшения кол-ва всплывающих окон, требующих принять решение "разрешить/запретить" для действий приложений, я включил настройку "Автоматически выполнять рекомендуемые действия". Теперь такие решения автоматизированы, у чего, несомненно, есть плюсы, (наверное, особенно они ощущаются в случае заражения). В настройках Предотвращения Вторжений заметил вот это уведомление: Означает ли это, что "Спрашивать пользователя" теперь равносильно "Разрешить", т.е. группа "Слабые ограничения" теперь равносильна группе "Доверенные"? Есть ли, в таком случае, способ настроить Касперского всё-таки спрашивать каждый раз, когда приложения собираются совершить определённые действия (например, для всех групп у меня было установлено "Спрашивать пользователя" в пункте "Завершение работы Microsoft Windows"), со включённым параметром "Автоматически выполнять рекомендуемые действия", чтобы все при этом все остальные решения (например, решения по компонентам "Интернет-защита", "Файловый антивирус", "Мониторинг активности" и "Сетевой экран") принимались автоматически? Не стесняйтесь просить пояснений, если в вопросе что-то не совсем понятно. Заранее спасибо!
  2. 系统:Windows 11 专业版 21H2 22000.2538 卡巴斯基加强版: 从卡巴斯基内安装密码管理器,后期频繁出错。今天安装后明天开机就报未知错误,且警告弹窗会间隔多次弹出,重装无效。
  3. Starting today I had problems with the program "FanControl" not reading CPU temperature after a few seconds and the RGB Control of my RAM through GigabyteControlCenter not working correctly anymore. Both problems are fixed by uninstalling Kaspersky Plus. Adding those programs to exceptions in Kaspersky doesnt work. Whatever got updated yesterday or this morning by Kaspersky caused those issues, since it was working fine before. I guess it has something to do with Kaspersky blocking access to hardware sensors and/or the SPD Hub of RAM. I got the hint from FanControl's issues tracker on github (https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases/issues/2571), where another person had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling Kaspersky. I hope this bug can be fixed asap or at least a workaround with exceptions for certain programs is made available.
  4. I'm not sure but this software has completely messed up my game.. the game that I've been playing for a long time, and it hasn't affected my computer at all. when I tried logging into the game from the launcher I received a warning message from Kaspersky Plus about a trojan... There was NO way for me to ignore the message.. it forced me to deal with the problem... since then I've been struggling to start up my game. Here is the text Event: A backup copy of the object was created Application: ESO User: DESKTOP-73L625R\Raijin User type: Initiator Component: System Watcher Result description: Backup copy created Type: Trojan Name: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a Threat level: High Object type: Process Object path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client Object name: eso64.exe MD5: D0928B79E160A5BC8ECABFFD965765DD I'm having trouble finding the "backup copy" in my client folder... apparently, Kaspersky Plus deleted the "eso64.exe" file which caused my game to no longer work for me. This is a false report that caused me to be unable to play my game.
  5. Acabei de comprar o produto e simplesmente não consigo acessá-lo na minha conta. Na verdade, eu não consigo é entrar na minha conta.
  6. I've recently upgraded my Kaspersky Total Security to Kaspersky Plus and noticed that my subscription key is not giving me Unlimited VPN access which is also part of the bundle package. What needs to be done so that I can also start using Unlimited VPN access?
  7. Hi everyone, as per the subject I noticed that at a certain point I would say randomly in the report viewer relating specifically to the firewall logs no more logs appear whereas if I export the file in .txt format the logs are there. This happens both with the default log retention settings and if I disable them all, thus maintaining all the logs without limits over time. To see the new logs generated I have to delete all firewall reports manually. Kaspersku plus latest version. Thank you all.
  8. here is the question: please I need support I'm currently stuck at question 3 in my learning process of basic investigation which is a cause in the Kaspersky Cloud Pro I purchased I have solved the required question as expected. I arrived at supposedly the correct answer but the system refuses to accept my answer now I cannot further my learning for over 3 days now please I need the correct answer that will solve this problem here is the expected URL: \Device\HarddiskVolume4\server.exe but the system is not accepting it. please help me. Find out if anything was launched from the connected flash drive. Remember that if a process is launched from an external drive, its path begins with “\Device\” Enter the executable file's name:
  9. Version of your operating system: Windows 11, version 23H2 Name and version number of the Kaspersky application: Kaspersky Plus, Details the nature of problem: Hello! When I turned on the PC an hour ago, I've got a message that the program is containing an error (error status 0xc000012f). I can't unistal the program as some component and the folder containing it is missing and I can't instal the program again without reinstalling either. I can't open My Kaspersky either (thankfully I've got the KAspersky version from the Application list in Settings.) Also my usb mouse suddenly stopped working though it's fully charged and I tried different usb ports. I don't know if it could be connected to the antivirus stopping working. The Windows security system is on, but it had never interfered with the work of Kaspersky Plus before. screenshots of the problem and detailed description: 1) If I turn on the PC or try to instal Kaspersy Plus anew without unistalling it first, I get this message: 2) If I try to unistal the Kaspersky Plus to reinstal it, I get this pop up window. It's said there that the Feature I want to use is on my network resources which are not available now. It's also said that I shall click on "OK" to repeat the process or I shall give another path to the folder which contains "product.msi" file. I tried to reach the AVP21.16 folder, but it just doesn't exist. The Kaspersky program doesn't even have an icon now. 3) Last connection time was on 21.05.2025 at 14:34. After this I haven't turned on the PC until an hour ago. 4) The error window I get when I try to instal Kasperky anew. I would be very grateful for your help! Kindest Regards Julia
  10. KSK has sort of cancelled its VPN service in India. My query is, what happens if you go for auto renewal/buy Plus/Premium again? Does the VPN simply stop working when the current subscription ends or does it work as normal after auto-renewal/buying again? I'm looking for actual user experience, not tech support answers.
  11. Guten Tag! Ich bekam heute die Meldung von Kaspersky, dass meine Email-Adresse mit einem Twitter-Account verknüpft ist und von dort Persönliche Daten und der Aktivitätsverlauf abgeflossen sind. Dies hat mich überrascht, da ich mich nicht daran erinnern konnte, jemals ein Konto angelegt zu haben. Auch die Rückmeldung vom Twitter-Support fiel negativ aus: Ich freue mich über Infos, bzw. Tipps. Vielen Dank und LG Christof Hello, We weren’t able to locate an account with the username you mentioned, or affiliated with the email address you’re using. If the username was incorrect, please file a new report. As of our most recent review, that username is available on X. You can claim it by signing up for a new account. Please note these are available on a first-come, first-served basis and it can be claimed at any time. Please don’t respond to this email, as replies are not monitored. Thanks, X Support
  12. Everything I do in my browser my kaspersky makes the request for the route "gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/". I want that to stop!
  13. As I can see, the new plans (Standard, plus, premium) aren't available for most of the eastern europe countries, when will they be available there? I want to switch from other antivirus to kaspersky, but I'm waiting until the new versions come out to Poland, which hasn't happened yet of course.
  14. Os recordamos que ya está disponible para su descarga la nueva versión de productos Kaspersky Estándar, Plus, Premium y VPN, que podréis descargar en: Instaladores Kaspersky v21.17.7.539: Kaspersky Standard, Plus y Premium v21.17.7.539 España: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-es/Kaspersky4Win/ Kaspersky VPN vv21.17.7.539 España: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-es/KSDE/ Kaspersky Standard, Plus y Premium vv21.17.7.539 Latam: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-mx/Kaspersky4Win/ Kaspersky VPN v21.17.7.539 Latam: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-mx/KSDE/ Saludos.
  15. When using my computer, at apparently random times, the icon disappears from the taskbar, and the PC tells me Windows will be taking over. Sometimes the avpui.exe process is still running, sometimes it's gone. But it seems pretty much that the system runs unprotected from that time on. Only thing that helps is reboot the PC, after which the icon reappears. Since it seems random, i can't reproduce it happening, but would love to have a solution. Oh, the usual suspects are already eliminated, like bad sectors, corrupt windows files, that sort of thing... eternal + 2 days of gratitude for the winning solution!
  16. So my Kaspersky Protection extension seemed to be lagging (I changed my Data Collection Blocking settings in the app, but nothing changed in the extension, even after I had turned my PC off and on again), and I decided to uninstall and then reinstall it. The problem is that the extension is no longer available for installation in Chrome Web Store, while in Kaspersky Plus app the indicator says the extension is working, so I can't install it from there too. In this case, how do I get it back?
  17. Title: "Kaspersky Plus Slow Scan and High Memory Usage on Windows 10 Pro 22H2" Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with Kaspersky Plus on my system. During full scans, the process is slow, and there's a significant spike in memory usage. System Specs: OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4 cores 8 threads RAM: 2x4GB 2133MHz GPU: Radeon RX 6600XT SSD: XPG SX8200 Pro 512GB HDD: Hitachi HGST HTE541075A9E680 SATA (750GB) Issue Details: Full scans are slow, with noticeable memory consumption increase. No conflicting software or processes detected. Updated Kaspersky Plus to the latest version, but problem persists. Request for Help: Seeking advice on optimizing Kaspersky for efficient full scans without compromising system performance. Total space to scan is 815GB. Thank you for your assistance! Best regards, Mathias Bak Sørensen
  18. Is there a way to open Kaspersky Plus, straight into Application Activity(Running) tab? I use that quite often and would like a shortcut if possible. This is on Win11 Thanks
  19. Здравствуйте. Пару дней назад я купил подписку Standart на 5 устройств на 3 года. Сейчас хотел бы поменять эту подписку на Premium на столько же устройств и такой же период. Можно ли это как то сделать? Или нужно опять покупать а деньги за эту уже не нужную мне подписку просто пропадут? Есть ли какой то инструмент для такого случая? Или, если переходить, то нужно например оформлять возврат денег, пока 30 дней не прошло и покупать заново? Если это вообще сработает... Какие есть варианты?
  20. I have an application that I run daily at my PC startup, every time Kaspersky pops up, and shows that the application with restrictions is attempting to receive sound... No matter what I choose, Remember my choice for this sequence or Trust this application, this pop-up will be there the next time I boot up my PC. It's been 2 years now and it's annoying. Is there any way I can stop this from appearing? I don't use mic in that application so doesn't matter if it was blocked or not.
  21. Is there an offline installer for Kaspersky Plus? I have downloaded the 4 MB application from My Kaspersky, and presumably its going to connect to the internet to download the acutal flies. I need to install AV on my new computer and don't want to connect to the internet without AV.
  22. But above functionality available in Kaspersky Plus Is there any way I can get to install this version Kaspersky Plus Really need help.
  23. After subscribing since 2018, and for the last couple of years just sucking up the auto-renewal, I was determined this year to put it to an end, and I have finally succeeded! I hope this information helps anyone else who is struggling to get rid of this payment. Please note this may only work if your payment is collected by Digital River... check your bank for last year's payment and if it is marked 'DR' or 'DRI' in the payment reference, this should hopefully work for you. When you get the renewal email reminder which provides an order number and password, click on the link for amending your payment details. You'll be taken to a page with your billing address and payment info. Underneath the 'reset' and 'Submit' buttons, there's a link for 'Back to main help page' - click it. This will take you to a FAQ page - select the cancel auto renewal heading. Now you'll be taken to another page where you need to re-input the Order Number and the Password from the email they sent. Once in there, click the cancel button (not manage subscriptions) and this will allow you to cancel the auto renewal. Seriously, the most ridiculous process ever, but it worked for me (after 2 years of unwanted renewals!). I've added screen shots to this in the hope I can help others who are struggling, and like me have ended up just letting the money go out each year. Good luck all.
  24. Selam Ben Kaspersky Plus kullanıyorum. VPN Bağlanamıyorum Dün öğlene kadar çalışıyordu ama dün akşamdan beri böyle hata veriyor Diğer VPN Sağlayıcılarında denedim yine aynı hatayı aldım Windows Güvenlik duvarını kapattım belki Kaspersky kendisi ile alakalıdır dedim ve onuda kapattım ama sonuç aynı
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