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Kaspersky Security Cloud lagging my computer

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hey Guys! I've been browsing the forum for a few days and while I was able to find similar posts, none had a solution to my problem, so I'm opening a new thread.

I recently installed a brand new and fresh Windows 10 to my machine, and as a recommendation, I migrated from AVAST to Kaspersky Cloud Free.

I begin to experience some problems that I didn't have on my previous windows builds, and after a LOT of troubleshooting and trial and error, I was able to determine that the culprit was the Kaspersky software, and I know that for sure, because whenever I close the software and use the computer without it, i runs smoothly and with no problems at all.

I apologize in advance for any English mistakes, since it's not my natural language.



Problem: Kaspersky Security Cloud is lagging some things on my computer

For reference, I'm using the free version as a test before considering buying the full service.



  • KSC with high CPU usage - SOLVED! (solved by uninstalling and doing a clean install)
  • When composing messages on websites like WhastApp Web or Gmail, or typing and Ad inside Google Ads, the action of typing the text is clearly lagged and delayd to when I actually hit the keys on the keyboard (something around 0,5s to 1sec delay). This is really important for me to solve, because not only I have a horrible experience while composing clients messages or emails, but I also record online lessons and the delay makes a terrible experience for the class.
  • I use a bluetooth keyboard connected to a USB dongle. Whenever I'm reading something and the keyboard enters sleep mode, when I try to press a key for it to reconnect to the computer, the reconnection freezes the hell out of my computer
  • Audio drift on videos: for some reason KSC is conflicting with my audio drivers and some videos on YouTube or Netflix series will have audio drift problem (audio not syncing with image). After a while watching the video, you can clearly notice that as time goes by, the image becomes more and more out of sync with the audio.

As I mentioned earlier, if I turn off KSC, all the problems goes away! So I know for sure the problem is the software.



Computer Specs:

  • System: Windows 10 Pro x64 - Version: 1909 - Build: 18363
  • Software Version: Kaspersky Security Cloud Free - (b) 
  • Processor: i7-8700k @ 3.70GHz
  • Motherboard: Asus ROG Maximus X Hero
  • GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
  • Memory: Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200mhz - 2x8GB DDR4

I had the same setup running on another Windows 10 Pro 64bits but with AVAST installed and I didn't have any of the problems I've mentioned.



GSI Report: I've attached the GSI report I saw people asking for on other posts.



Typing problem demonstration and example:


Holding a key on Whatsapp Web with KSC ON: Pay attention to how the cursor stutter if I hold the ‘j’ key


Holding a key on Whatsapp Web with KSC OFF: Look how smooth and fluid it is with KSC closed


Composing an Ad inside Google Ads with KSC ON: Watch how the phrase stutter and appears in blocks as I type


Composing an Ad inside Google Ads with KSC OFF: Watch how the phrase appears smooth on screen and every letter appears as I type.



Hope all of this information helps.

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Hello @leandrofm


  1. Does the stutter happen if the onscreen & or virtual keyboard is used? 
  2. Is Kaspersky Security Cloud Free or licensed/subscription? 
  3. Regarding the sync issue, please provide a video? 
  4. Regarding the “sleep/re-connection → freeze” issue, please provide a video? 

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


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Hey Flood!

  • Patch: I don't know what exactly is the patch since my interface is in Portuguese. When I click on “support”, there's this: Version: (b). Is that it?
  • Keyboard: The problem happens with both physical and virtual keyboard (on-screen)
  • Version: I'm using the Free version of Kaspersky Security Cloud
  • Sync Issue: I'll try my best to record this, but is really that: The video begins the way it should, and after a while, you notice that the image is behind and not synced with the audio
  • Reconnect Issue: I'll try my best to record this



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Hey Flood, I was able to solve items 3 and 4 by reinstalling their drivers, and even though Kaspersky was the problem (they worked when KSC was closed), now it's not happening again.

The overall stutter while typing still persists. I have turned off Everything inside KSC and the problem still exists. The only time when the problem does not happen is when KSC is fully closed and not running on windows. 

Any ideas? The GSI report was good for anything?

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Hello @leandrofm

  1. Does the stutter happen in every supported browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge Chromium and may we have videos of each? 
  2. Does the stutter happen in every private / incognito supported browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge Chromium and may we have videos of each? 
  3. What method was used to uninstall & reinstall KSC, please detail

Note: please make all videos full screen, upload to cloud & post links please? 

Thank you🙏


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I will provide the recordings later today, but to keep you in the loop: Yes, the stutter happens on all of those browsers: Chrome, Edge Chromium, and Firefox, and it doesn't matter if they are in normal or incognito mode, the stutter is there on all of them.

Regarding the uninstall method, I followed the guideline from this post:

  • Uninstall, restart
  • Windows Disk clean up, restart
  • CCleaner for any missing registry or installation files, restart
  • Install KSC, restart
  • Update everything, restart

No matter what I do, if KSC is running, the stutter is there. If I close KSC completely, the stutter goes away. I even tried to reinstall windows from scratch (which I did twice) and the problem continues.

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  • Solution

The GSI report was good for anything?

From your Windows Event Log :
“A resolução de nome para o nome gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com expirou depois que nenhum dos servidores DNS configurados respondeu“

This event is probably not  the cause from your issue but can you please apply this option :
Kaspersky Settings > Additional > Network > Traffic Processing > uncheck Inject Script > reboot

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Hey Guys, thanks for the feedback!

@Berny The recommendation to uncheck the Inject Script does seem to work. I can now use WhatsApp Web, Google Ads, and a few other websites without the stutter. I have to work today so I'll test this further for the day as well as tomorrow, and I let you guys now.

Any ideas on why this is causing the machine to stutter?

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Flood, using “we” can mistakenly set other people into thinking that you represent a company, e.g. Kaspersky. If there are two people behind “Flood”, I suggest that you change the nickname accordingly, e.g. Margaret&John or Flood Family. Its totally fine to use “we”, when “we” means you and other members of the forum, e.g. , like in “Let us know”. 

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@Igor Kurzin

  • Anyone who has read any of our replies will be familiar with our stated position, we have nothing to do with Kaspersky, and have never claimed such an association. 
  • We have no need to misrepresent any of our posts and or our professional associations. 
  • We own our work, fortunately, it stands well apart from Kaspersky. 
  • Furthermore, we happily state, & will restate at every opportunity, we have no wish to have any association with Kaspersky & have never made any such representations. 


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