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Configure what options are in the Main Window?

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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Is there anyway to configure what options are visible at the main window?  I don’t use the password manager or the VPN, but every single time I open KTS to go into the settings, there those buttons are right in my face.

I personally would prefer to have links to just about every other part of the application there, that are actually useful to me, like logs, rules, etc.

Something really nice about Comdo, is it lets the user decide what tasks they want to show up in the main window, so the options are actually helpful.



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Hello @Johnnydoesit

Welcome again!

Currently the KTS GUI is not configurable. 

  • A similar request has been discussed previously, reference: Change or Remove items on KIS Dashboard by @A5A
  • For product development, some of Kaspersky’s evaluations are based on numbers, the more a feature is requested, sometimes the higher the possibility of implementation.
  • Raise a request, use FeedbackI have a Suggestion template via Kaspersky Technical Support



  •  After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Note: the process may take a very long time, each request is measured against many benchmarks and not all requests are successful. 

When feedback from the Kaspersky Technical Team is available, please share it here in the Kaspersky Community? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Thanks @Flood and Flood's wife , I appreciate your time and well-written posts.  It is very apparent you put a lot of thought and effort into them.  I personally feel that Kaspersky is a big enough company that they could afford to have staff members more directly involved with the forums, or pay someone like yourself to forward information when required, but how they run their business is up to them.  For now, I am going to move on to other products that provide more direct support via their forums, without the need to constantly be submitting things via dashboard.  If Kaspersky wants feedback bad enough, they will have to make some adjustments, and if not, then oh well.

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Hello @Johnnydoesit

You’re most welcome ☺ !

Thank you for the feedback👌

  • In many ways Kaspersky is an archaic behemoth; there are times when we have & do submit requests on behalf of other Community members, however, to give you an example, we submitted a FeedbackI have a Suggestion request, on behalf of another Community member & encouraged all the others, who were also complaining about the issue, to do the same. Eventually, after 18months, Kaspersky closed the request, stating, as one reason, no other people had the requirement. This is despite the fact we’d provided information from 10+ others, who had complained. 
  • Unless there’s a “verified bug”, acknowledged by Kaspersky, Kaspersky frequently pushes one to believe, they’re the only person in the entire world, with the issue/request. 
  • The other circumstance may be, an issue is happening, that we cannot replicate, we almost always request logging a case as data/traces from the machine may need be analysed.
  • Late last year, Kaspersky Community Admin issued an edict: no data/logs/traces were to be sought or submitted, via the Community, because Kaspersky’s own data collection tools were not compliant & may breach various Privacy policies. 
  • There’s a small team of Kaspersky employees who actively participate in the Community, they’re identified by ‘Kaspersky employee’ beside their name. 
  • The majority of Community contributions are a valuable resource for the Kaspersky business, maybe, one day, that will dawn on them. 
  • We’re happily independent of Kaspersky, in every respect, apart from paying for & using their software, helping other Community members & spending considerable time, energy & resources, logging & managing cases, for issues that are Kaspersky created. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


Hi @Schulte 🖐

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Hi @Schulte

We did say “hi”, but our post has been deleted, ho hum!

If Kaspersky can’t handle honest feedback, they should not have a Community forum. 

Hi @Johnnydoesit

Not sure if you got to read our reply before it was “censored”, we said “thank you” and provided some more helpful information. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello @Johnnydoesit 


At the moment we are not collecting product requests through this Community.

Also Kaspersky Lab cannot guarantee that a user's issue will be resolved by submitting a query to the Community.
If necessary, Kaspersky Lab employees or other participants of Community may ask a user to submit a request to Technical Support using the standard channels for submitting requests (My Kaspersky, Company Account).
Community help is provided by Kaspersky Lab employees and by other participants of the Community.

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Hi @Schulte

We did say “hi”, but our post has been deleted, ho hum!

If Kaspersky can’t handle honest feedback, they should not have a Community forum. 

Hi @Johnnydoesit

Not sure if you got to read our reply before it was “censored”, we said “thank you” and provided some more helpful information. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Thanks, yes I saw your post.  I am not sure why it was censored.  All of your posts are very professional, and you clearly put solid effort into being ‘politically correct’, punctual, positive, and helpful.


Hello @Johnnydoesit 


At the moment we are not collecting product requests through this Community.

Also Kaspersky Lab cannot guarantee that a user's issue will be resolved by submitting a query to the Community.
If necessary, Kaspersky Lab employees or other participants of Community may ask a user to submit a request to Technical Support using the standard channels for submitting requests (My Kaspersky, Company Account).
Community help is provided by Kaspersky Lab employees and by other participants of the Community.

Yes, I do understand.  My suggestion is basically that it would require very minimal investment to have better interaction/support in these forums, especially regarding feature requests.  My opinion is that Kaspersky is under-estimating the value of feedback posted here in general.  You have a really nice product, and it is obvious the GUI is very well thought out, but a few very small tweaks would really be game changers and would not negatively affect the average user.

Thanks for your response.

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