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potentially a malicious exe that kapersky detects as safe!

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Posted (edited)

so i recently made a post and i asked a question to a mod about this so he told me to make a post about this!

heres the virustotal link:https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/274655e208fdbb597a5dd9b8538d15fa1e388be7b3365eb01db357d3318180ad/relations

why is this probably malicious? well recently theres been a thing going on on youtube that includes file sharing. its for a program called alkad rust(its a client that host servers for the game called rust its free) and its becoming quite popular. apart from this client theres people making loaders that allow modifications on this client since its allowed on some specific servers where people are allowed to use this modifications whit no restrictions and you fight whit other people that have the same programs that modify. talking about this modifications half the time this videos are filled whit kid things like minecraft npc's dancing so they can probably trick kids into downloading these programs. 

and what does the modification programs have to do whit this? well half of these PAID and FREE clients/modifications are malware and include mainly crypto miners or RATS

so today i have this exe that only gets 8 virus total scans and its a supposted cryptominer from i was told . I was actually going to run it but i got kinda concerned . so i did some research and kapersky detects it as good ? im shure this is a cryptominer. If not a cryptominer then it still potentually malicious and can cause harm to peoples pc

dont know how to hide the link to the file so ill wait for a mod since the mod that i was talking 2 said:

  • When posting suspect - potentially malicious URL(s) or files to the Community for review, modify the information so it's not *live*
Edited by MRnutty200
spelling mistake
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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, MRnutty200 said:
  1. so i recently made a post and i asked a question to a mod about this so he told me to make a post about this!
  2. heres the virustotal link:https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/274655e208fdbb597a5dd9b8538d15fa1e388be7b3365eb01db357d3318180ad/relations

Hello @MRnutty200

Welcome back!


  1. We're not 'a mod'. 
  2. *Also* your original topic has been replied to; please read it: does anyone know where i can scan big files\installers? Kaspersky scan doesn't do the job !

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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New malicious software was found in the attached file. Its detection will be included in the next update.
Thank you for your help.

Best regards, Malware Analyst
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