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Permit Unlimited time on MS Teams and restrict time for games ON WINDOWS


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As my kids PC is used both for education and gaming, I want to permit to let my kid use the computer with no time restriction MS Teams and a couple of other apps like Skype and Zoom.


Then I want to restrict gaming apps to max of one hour per day.

Would it be possibe to create such a scenario?





PS I use free evaluation premium trial 

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Hello @AndreasGR


  1. For the games apps you wish to time limit, in KSKApplication monitoring, select the app, change from Allowed, to Restricted, set “Specify how many hours a day the child can use this application”, select OK, to apply the change & Save (in the KSK main screen).
  2. For apps (Skype etc), you wish to be available 24x7, repeat the steps, except, set the hours to 24:00 → all day:






Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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@Flood and Flood's wife Thank you very much for the help.


Is it possible to group all the “gaming apps” so that I can set a limit for all of them?

example:  I want my kid to be able to play any installed game, but the total “gaming” time cannot exceed One Hour….

This would be great if it could count time (sum up time) on any device (tablet, pc etc)



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Hello @AndreasGR,

You’re most welcome☺ !

Thank you for posting back👌

Sadly, no, it’s not possible to  group all “gaming apps” so a time limit is applied to the group, the options available for Application Categories (groups), are Allowed or Forbidden, there is no Restricted option available; we agree with you, it would be great if KSK could count time (sum up time) on any device




Just a heads up, if you notice any applications in Category Unknown, take extra care, if necessary manually Allow or Forbid → KSK does not automatically manage apps in Category Unknown

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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