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KId manages to desactivate and uninstall KSK

Regis M.

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Hello my 12y kid who is not especially a geek find a way to desactivate or even more to uninstall kaspersky Safe kids from his android phone (brand: WIKO) making KSK totally useless at this stage can someone help me with 2 answers please: 1/ is it a known issue ? many videos on yutube to explain how to avoid KSK but nothing i can find as a solution to this problem 2/ is there any known solution ? if yes can you explain me step by step in very plain english as i am not a native english speaker ? many thanks in advance
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Hello Regis, Welcome! Would it be helpful if we provided information in your language? If so please let us which language you're comfortable with please? Also, please tell us the
  1. Kaspersky Safe Kids, version please
  2. Wiko, model, version please?
Just to briefly get started, you have the Master KSK account, thru this you control child's access to how the phone is used depending on what features you "allow", "block" etc. We can step you thru all of this. Please post back. Thanks you!
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Hi "Flood" thanks for your quick reply I am french so obviously french will be great but english in a reaonnable level would be fine also I don't need explanation from kaspersky website that i already read many times. Everything works fine on a daily basis (block apps, limit time, request/permission...) I need a patch or a solution to prevent my son to play around with his WIKO Ufeel and disable KSK I have KSK on my mobile (master) i have to check his when we are back at home tonight Thanks in advance
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