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Kaspersky Safe Kids Blocks All Categories Despite Settings


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Hello. Kaspersky Safe Kids is blocking websites of “Adult content, anonymizers, gambling, weapons, software, alcohol, violence, profanity” despite settings meant to only be blocking “Adult content, anonymizers, gambling, and weapons.” Please help.

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Hello @Paragon59


  1. Which device does your child have: Windows, Android, iOS, MAC? 
  2. Child’s birth year please?
  3. Has KSK ever blocked only the sites you require: “Adult content, anonymizers, gambling, and weapons”? or has it always blocked: “Adult content, anonymizers, gambling, weapons, software, alcohol, violence, profanity
  4. If you manually apply Allow & Save for Categories “software, alcohol, violence, profanity”, what happens? 
  5. May we have a full screen image of the problem please? 
  6. Is KSK Premium or Free? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello @Paragon59,

Thank you for posting back & the additional information👌

  1. Re “KSK has never before blocked Software, Violence, and Profanity”, so this is a new problem? When did it start? 
  2. Which KSK version is installed → on the Windows taskbar, rightclick the KSK icon, select About
  3. Is Safe search ON or OFF?
  4. Is KSK Premium or Free? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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