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  1. @Danila T., I sure hope so, very shortly. Kaspersky has known about this US ban for some time. I can no longer get updates from the Google Play Store, from which I downloaded two Android copies, which are now being updated by the Samsung Galaxy Store (I own two Samsung Galaxy phones). I am a new Kaspersky Premium customer (May 2024). If you check my past posts, you will see that I was flamed by a Forum Master and sent a PM by a Moderator for pointing out that flaming was contrary to Forum Guidelines. That happened because the Samsung Galaxy Store updates are not current. Happily, @Flood and Flood's wife were able finally prove, that despite being a Kaspersky newbie, I did not have the option to even determine whether my phones were a part of KSN and no option to include it or not. I will say that I love the product, but the actions that Kaspersky has taken, and not taken, with respect to the US ban on their products, have given me serious reason to be concerned. I live in Canada. I don't want any product doing a silent forced installation of software that I have not explicitly consented to, just like my US neighbours. I will also say, as a longtime respected member of many security Forums, that I have never witnessed an English Forum as "locked down" as this one. You have your Forum Guidelines, which include the nebulous condition that Moderators will be obeyed and can make up their own rules. I don't know if the Russian Forums are so constrained, but the impression that the English Forums leaves with a newbie is that you better learn our rules, and you had better learn them fast, that is, if you can find them. Kaspersky is such a great product. The corporate communications strategy does not begin to do it justice. I suspect that they will be teaching the Kaspersky response to the US ban in MBA courses as to how to do it wrong. You will, I hope, pardon me. I have US friends and family. Kaspersky has let them, and me, down. I live in Canada. I can't get current K updates for my phones from the Google Play Store. As a customer, I am weary of waiting for solutions from K. Respectfully submitted, Phil
  2. As a relatively new Kaspersky Premium user (May 2024), I have been following Kaspersky's actions very closely and also the feedback that is being received from their loyal US customers on this and other Forums. I am a Canadian, living in Canada, so I am not directly affected by the US government ban. Forum Rules prohibit me from sharing my opinion on the topic of the US government's ban to deny the right of its citizens to choose the AV solution they deem to be the best to meet their cybersecurity needs. Like many, I am personally distressed that an alternate, unrated, virtually unknown AV solution was foisted upon US customers without their explicit consent when Kaspersky was banned there, by Kaspersky. I think Kaspersky is the best AV solution I have ever used in my 36 years of using computers, but I will have to seriously consider moving on to another AV solution when my subscription expires, if this type of corporate conduct that Kaspersky customers can expect in the future. From my perspective, this transition was very badly handled. Kaspersky must demonstrate the utmost respect for its customers or lose them. Customer communication was seriously lacking. The rights and choices of US customers were not respected. I predict that this imbroglio will not only cost Kaspersky US customers, which the US ban accomplished in any event, but it will also cost them customers in other countries who are watching with great distress what Kaspersky did to our fellow global US citizens who trusted Kaspersky. In the end, there are no winners here. US citizens have lost the right to use the foremost AV solution in the world. Kaspersky did not respect their wishes or those of other customers who have been witnesses to the SILENT FORCED installation of alternate software, not of their choosing and without their consent. I believe my comments fall within Forums Rules. I am attempting to provide Kaspersky with constructive commentary on how this transition was handled, but if this post and I disappear, you will know I was wrong. It won't be the first time. Good luck, my US friends. Regards, Phil
  3. I always boot into Safe Mode when I occasionally want to restore a System Restore Point. Safe Mode loads minimal drivers and OS files, so there is less to interfere with the restore process. The issue with AV products, not just Kaspersky, causing errors when trying to restore a System Restore Point is well documented, so well in fact, that the Windows error message mentions that as the most likely suspect when a "restore" fails. Just my experience. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  4. @Bandar, You can check URLs yourself using VirusTotal. I just checked the link there myself. 2/96 vendors deemed it malicious, but they are not big players in the AV industry, so I expect that those two positives are false positives. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/0a82a09d0e746edeb48b3fcc783f3e6cb745215ae2dadd371fd1a6261aefb058 I tried to go to the site. There were many redirects, and then I ended up nowhere. The site could not be reached by me any ways, which might be a country-specific restriction. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  5. @Flood and Flood's wife, Thank you for sharing that information. I'm interested to see how and when HQ resolves this issue. Have a great weekend. Regards, Phil
  6. @lostentimenspace, I am a Windows user of Kaspersky Premium since May. For ten years before that, I was a BD user and a top-ten contributor to their Forums, dealing with the many bugs in the Windows version of that product. I have been very impressed by the Kaspersky Premium product and would never consider returning to the "competition." I am really sorry that you had such a bad experience with Kaspersky Technical Support. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  7. @Satheesh, Welcome to the Kaspersky Forums. Like @Berny and @harlan4096, I am able to open the site as well. Why do you think that Kaspersky is blocking it? Are you using a VPN? As @Berny requested, can you post a screenshot of the website access failure? Thank you, and have a great day. Regards, Phil
  8. @ahm, Welcome to the Kaspersky Forums. Please let us know what game you are playing. Some sites don't like VPN connections. May I ask why you are using a VPN to play the game? Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  9. @sa5o, Here is a screenshot of my registry entry. The official position of Kaspersky is to reinstall the product, but this registry hack worked for me. Your mileage may vary. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Good luck. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  10. I have Kaspersky Premium, Version This is what I am seeing: Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  11. @Flood and Flood's wife, Thank you for the explanation. I am running the Galaxy Store update on my phones. That explains why I cannot find an "Off" or "On" button. I have been warned by PM by a Moderator, so I will respond no further. Abandoning this topic. Thank you again, @Flood and Flood's wife. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  12. @nexon, Now, you are starting to annoy me. I most certainly am NOT a "troll." I have NOT insulted you. I don't have "Information". In my version, it is "About" that takes you to Legal Information and then the KSN Statement. You are joking, right? I have already posted a screenshot in this topic: https://forum.kaspersky.com/topic/does-accepting-the-ksn-statement-on-android-enhance-the-protection-49801/?do=findComment&comment=183440 I know how to take screenshots on my computer and on my phone. I know how to post them. There is no button, period. May I politely and respectfully ask you to abandon this topic? You are not answering my legitimate questions. May I also remind you of the Forums Guidelines, specifically: Unethical behavior (obscenity, rudeness, or insults directed at other participants or at the company). I am signing off for the day in the hope that someone will be willing and able to answer my questions. I do appreciate your initial efforts to help me, but it seems to me that you have some conflict with me, of which I am unaware. Have a great day. Signing off. Regards, Phil
  13. @nexon, No, I am not joking. That is offensive. I run the English version of Kaspersky Premium, Version, on my Samsung Galaxy S21 (update and scan done this morning). No such button appears on my version. Samsung Galaxy S21 is running Android 14, security patch level: 2024-07-01. I don't like your tone. Perhaps someone else can help me. All I am seeking is answers to my questions. I have ABSOLUTELY no desire to offend you or anyone else here on these Forums. If I have inadvertently offended you, I apologize. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  14. @nexon Thank you for your reply. The question remains unanswered. Perhaps someone else might be able to enlighten me. Thank you. Have a great day. Regards, Phil This question also remains unanswered. If anyone can respond, I would appreciate it. I would like to learn how things work here. Thank you, and have a great day. Regards, Phil
  15. @nexon, Thank you for your reply. I did that. I was not prompted to accept the KSN statement. I scrolled all the way to the bottom. I can find nowhere to turn KSN on or off on my mobile device or how to determine whether it is on or off. I guess if you accept KSN during the installation on a mobile device, then you can never turn it off on that mobile unless you remove and reinstall it, whereas you can on a Windows computer . . . Have a great day. Regards, Phil
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