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  2. Hello, Since one week I get a lot of "invalid certificate" warning about well known websites; e.g., connect.facebook.net (see attached screenshot). I'm using Kasperski Free (currently since a long time without issue in Windows 10 Pro FR (22h2 build 19045.5608). How could I solve this reccurrent issue?
  3. За решением вам в техподдержку нужно. Другое дело что я сомневаюсь, что у них есть готовое решение.
  4. Прочитал. Там же нет решения?
  5. Добрый день, @Антон665, Рекомендую вам ознакомиться этой темой: и обратиться в поддержку для диагностики и решения возникшей ситуации. Известна ли данная проблема поддержке или разработчикам ( @Danila T., @Mikhail Shakhov, @Igor Kurzin, @Romanamors ) нам неизвестно. В качестве временного решения можно попробовать отключить данный режим работы приложения.
  6. Buongiorno, ho comprato codice attivazione Plus per 3 dispositivi e 2 anni in negozio fisico. Ho installato su un pc e sul cellulare senza problemi.....ora vorrei aggiungere un altro pc (terzo dispositivo), ma non riesco: sia inserendo il codice direttamente sull'applicativo scaricato sul secondo pc, sia partendo da MyKaspersky aggiungendo nuovo dispositivo!! In entrambi i casi dopo inserimento si mette in attesa e non succede nulla!! Mi sapete suggerire dove sbaglio o dove è il problema? Grazie molte!
  7. Добрый день. Подскажите я выбрал определенные приложения, что бы только для них работал впн. Все ок они работают. Но когда я захожу в игру "мир танков" то то пинг за 200, это значит что на него распространяется впн. Почему так и как это исправить? Я для этого и настраивал приложения, что бы играть не выключая впн.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to get a premium license (subscription) on android. I'm linking the Kaspersky account but it only gives me a VPN Premium but Antivirus remains Free, even though I have more devices license available if needed. My Kaspersky Subscriptions Page shows 1. Kaspersky Internet Security for Android Free which only has one device my android phone and 2. Kaspersky Premium 5 devices whitch has the same device (my android phone). The device shows the same things
  9. Today
  10. Vasileios Papapaschos

    Activation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security

    Thank you so much for your time and assistance. Indeed, it got activated by itself a few days after the installation of the latest distribution package. Thank you so much.
  11. Hello, You may copy/publish answers from our forum, but be sure to link to the original answer (link to the answer on our forum as the original source).
  12. you may have unexpectly turn off auto mode by un-check the box Perform recommend actions. Please check the settings. It should be located in exclude setting.
  13. If you encounter Kido worm You should firstly run windows update and make sure all patch are installed. reboot you windows. than run a full scan. Kido will exploit and spread though the local area network. so every PC in the local network should be fully updated. I found that the detected file is in the windows recycle bin try clear all the recycle bin and run full scan again.
  14. Die Abonnement Abschlüsse und Ihre Laufzeiten usw kannst Du im Entsprechenden Anbieter Konto wo die Lizenzen im Namen Kaspersky verkauften anschauen. Deiner wird wohl noch vom Digital River.ltd sein. Bei Interesse kann Dir der Artikel helfen. https://support.kaspersky.com/de/common/buy/15921 Hier mal ein Beispiel von einem Einkauf von mir *****@*****.tld Onlineshop, betrieben von Digital River. Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie Ihre Rechnung als PDF-Dokument. Bitte bewahren Sie dieses Dokument sorgfältig auf. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie eine separate Nachricht erhalten werden, die Ihre Bestellbestätigung, Ihren persönlichen Aktivierungscode sowie den Download-Link zu Ihrer Software enthält. Diese wurde parallel zu dieser E-Mail gleichzeitig von unserem System versandt. Informationen zu Ihrer Bestellung: Bestelldatum: September Bestellnummer: 40 Haben Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Bestellung? Unser Support kann Ihnen weiterhelfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr Digital River Support, offizieller Betreiber des Onlineshop von Kaspersky Lab Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese E-Mail wurde von einer Adresse gesendet, die nur als Benachrichtigungsadresse dient und keine eingehenden E-Mails empfangen kann. Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese Nachricht. Onlineshop Support von Digital River: Kontaktformular Technischer Produkt Support von Kaspersky Lab: Digital River Ireland Ltd. ist autorisierter Verkäufer von Lizenzen, Programmen, Dienstleistungen und anderen Waren, die in diesem Verkaufsbereich angeboten werden. Datenschutzrichtlinien Verkaufsbedingungen © Copyright 1997 - 2017 Kaspersky Lab. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Der neue Shop Anbieter von Kaspersky ist Nexway hier sein Konto wo die Lizenzen Laufzeiten Anpassen an Zahlungsmittel wenn zum Beispiel die Karte abgelaufen sei usw https://shop.kaspersky.de/enduser-portal/login
  15. Flood and Flood's wife

    How to delete net-worm.win32.kido.ih

    Hello @Gia Bao, Welcome! Read: Net-Worm.Win32.Kido. Disable autorun from all drives. Kaspersky Internet Security 21.3 is Kaspersky's *old* software, it's been replaced by Kaspersky Standard; Kaspersky is offering a *free-upgrade*. Please uninstall KIS, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power ON by pressing the power button, login. Download Kaspersky Standard: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product Install Kaspersky Standard, make sure (you) sign-into the Kaspersky Standard *application* with the same email address that (you) use to sign-into (your) MyKaspersky account, so the Kaspersky Standard application & the License/subscription *synchronise*. Run a Database update. *Again* - shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power ON by pressing the power button, login. Run a FULL scan, allow it to complete. From (your) second image - the infected file(s) is in Recycle - IF Net-Worm.Win32.Kido is infecting a USB & no other drives & cannot be cleared, OR if (you) think the computer is infected, read: You suspect your PC is infected. What should you do? & log the issue, on the support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select either Email or Chat, then fill in the template as shown; include a *detailed history*; Support may request logs & other data; they will guide you. NOTE - when including images - change the Kaspersky GUI to ENGLISH please - open the Kaspersky app, press keys Shift and F12. To revert to Vietnamese -> press Shift and F5 or reboot the computer. *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* Please share the outcome, with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  16. Version of your operating system Windows 11 Name and version number of the Kaspersky application Explain in details the nature of your problem. KIS cant delete Virus net-worm.win32.kido.ih on USB. If necessary, attach a screenshot of the problem .
  17. Tschekker

    Falsche Bedrohung oder echt

    Hallo zusammen, nach einer Nachricht von @Flood and Flood's wife möchte ich meinen Thread ergänzen. Folgende Info habe ich erhalten. "Die aktuellste Dokumentation lautet: Liste von Apps, die mit Kaspersky für Windows inkompatibel sind – 12. November 2024, statt 14. Dezember 2020. Malwarebytes wird von Kaspersky seit vielen Jahren als inkompatibel geführt. Die Dokumentation vom 12. November 2024 definiert eine bestimmte Malwarebytes-Version 3.5.1 wurde im Mai 2018 veröffentlicht; V 4 und 5 wurden inzwischen veröffentlicht – es könnte sich also um einen Dokumentationsfehler handeln." LG Tschekker Windows11 Pro, Version 24H2 (KB5053598) Kaspersky Premium: Kaspersky Passwort Manager: Kaspersky VPN:
  18. Flood and Flood's wife

    i cant find vpn

    Hello @tet15521, Welcome! *Confirm* (you're) not in a location where local regulations restrict/limit use of VPN technology - read: VPN unavailability in certain regions IF the license/subscription has processed normally the VPN download link should be available in (your) MyKaspersky account. IF the license/subscription has processed normally - an email should have been sent with the VPN download link - check (your) Junk mail in case the email is there? On the main Kaspersky Premium window, the Kaspersky VPN link is also available: To install Kaspersky VPN, read: Hardware and software requirements & How to install the application The latest KVPN is also available from: https://kas.pr/ksec_win_global IF issues persist & are not due to any listed in points 1. 2 3 or 4, log the issue, read: How to get customer service, on the support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select either Email or Chat, then fill in the template as shown; include a *detailed history*; Support may request logs & other data; they will guide you. *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* *Also*, Kaspersky Premium VPN *Unlimited* is available for 1 User Account on however many devices the subscription is for. Please share the outcome, with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  19. Hello @JAV2022, Welcome! Read: Known issues - Mac (even tho, ioo the issues (you've) described are not defined in the KI doc). Kaspersky VPN version is up to 3.5; uninstall the existing software; reboot; download & install 3.5, recheck? IF the problems persist log the issue, read: How to get customer service, on the support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select either Email or Chat, then fill in the template as shown; include a *detailed history*; Support may request logs & other data; they will guide you. *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  20. Description: I am experiencing multiple issues with the Kaspersky VPN application on my Apple MacBook. Firstly, when I launch the app and select a node to connect to, the application freezes and becomes unresponsive. Additionally, I am unable to quit the app normally, and it appears to stop functioning entirely. Secondly, there are times when the application doesn’t even open properly—upon launching, it fails to display the interface at all. These issues persist despite restarting the app and my device. Details: Device: Apple MacBook Air Operating System: macOS Monterey 12.3.1 Kaspersky VPN Version: 3.4.2 Steps to Reproduce: Open the Kaspersky VPN application. Select a node from the available list (if the interface loads). The app freezes immediately after selection and cannot be closed without force-quitting. Alternatively, launching the app sometimes results in no interface displaying at all. Troubleshooting Attempted: Restarted the application. Restarted my MacBook. Ensured my internet connection is stable. Could you please assist me in resolving these issues? Any guidance or a potential fix would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  21. syncing is back, I'll try changing the master password problem with kaspersky's servers ? when I try to change the master password ?
  22. So, I went to the site to change the main password and it wouldn't leave the page, it just froze there, it wasn't a problem with my net. now I'm trying to access the vault, I can't even change the main password, which is the same, or make the backup through the windows app. the question is? backing up to create a new vault? will it restore the authenticator codes too? or just the passwords? take a look at the images ...
  23. 用chrome直接登录网址没问题,但是用matlab webread访问,卡巴斯基阻止并报恶意链接。 上述现象本周一开始,之前没有这样。
  24. i bought kaspersky premium but i cant find the vpn or how to donwload it
  25. Yesterday
  26. Hallo @Grantler, willkommen. Die Mails und das Popup stammen höchstwahrscheinlich von Kaspersky. Wenn Du noch die Total Security (dann wahrscheinlich die laufen hast, sind die Benachrichtigungen sicher etwas intensiver. Diese Version ist zwar noch sicher, sie wird aber nicht mehr weiterentwickelt, Der Nachfolger ist "Kaspersky Plus". Ich schätze Deine Skepsis, sie könnte ruhig weiter verbreitet sein. Kontaktiere bitte über Deinen My Kaspersky-Account den Support, dann hast Du Gewissheit.
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