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Security Alert - Root Certificate expired and invalid name. [Windows XP] [Closed]


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I am getting a Security Alert. It says "Information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed or changed by others. However, there is a problem with the site's security certificate." This is followed by the following: a Green Circle with Check: "The security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority" a Yellow Triangle with !: The security certificate has expired or is not yet valid. a Yellow Triangle with !: The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site." Looking at the Certificate, in the General tab, The certificate icon has a Red Circle with X, and it says "This certificate has expired or is not yet valid." Additional information in this window include: Issued to: Issued by: Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate Valid from: 6/19/2018 to 6/18/2020 One choice available seems to be "Install Certificate" button. "Issuer Statement" button is grayed out. Or, "OK" button exits the window. What is going on? Why? And, what do I do to stop this Security Alert from popping up. The machine is a Windows XP machine devoted to running legacy software.
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Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Karlo, ' Welcome! Please post back KIS version # & release info? Screen images of the popup & each certificate screen, there should be at least 2? &, if you check KIS reports, export any entries that specifically report the certificate issue and upload with your reply please? Thanks!
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Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Karlo, Thanks for posting back. Please provide the requested info? I can't see any images. Thanks.
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Sorry. I thought that I could attach without embedding into message. KIS Version is Here are images I also noticed this morning that KIS wants to reboot the computer after an update. I've rebooted and will see if that resolves the problem. Do you think it is unrelated to a need to reboot? If so, what else should I be on the look-out for, or try? Thanks
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Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Karlo, Thanks for posting back and the images, slowly, slowly, we're getting there!
  1. Re the KIS/update/reboot - that "sounds" like a KIS "patch" update to (f)?
  2. We also need the certificate "Details" & "Certification Path" images please?
  3. How often is the popup occuring?
  4. When did the popups start?
Regarding XP, it's important to read: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/compatibility/10929 Thanks.
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"Regarding XP, it's important to read: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/compatibility/10929" There, it is writren, "The following Kaspersky Lab products will be compatible with Windows XP SP3 according to the scheduled" What "product" do i have?
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Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Karlo, The 2nd screen Details & the 3rd screen, Certification Path
  1. You advised: "The machine is a Windows XP machine devoted to running legacy software"...
  1. How often is the popup occuring?
  2. When did the popups start?
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  • 9 months later...

Hello, @karlo 

The digital certificate has invalied, you should check your system date whether It is correct or not. Or install new KIS product to renew the valid one.


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