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Error kpm-agent-product-action:?action=DoNothing;isStartupAction=1

Go to solution Solved by Danila T.,

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Follow these steps:
Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and run (copy\paste, then click Enter):

pkill kpm
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/*kpm*
rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/*kpm*
launchctl remove com.kaspersky.kpm.bl.resolver

Connect KPM with MyKaspersky  again. Check problem.

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hi, after I type 


pkill kpm
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/*kpm*
rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/*kpm*
launchctl remove com.kaspersky.kpm.bl.resolver 


and I restart my Mac, it works 🙂 thanks 


how come this issue would ever happen by the way? thanks



Edited by Sasha666
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  • The title was changed to Error kpm-agent-product-action:?action=DoNothing;isStartupAction=1
  • 2 months later...
1 minute ago, Mp974 said:

Hello. I have a similar issue with URL ksec.//openFromLoginitem. If you have a solution. Thanks.

Image 28-12-2023 à 16.08.jpg

Follow these steps:
Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and run (copy\paste, then click Enter):

pkill ksec
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/*ksec*
rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/*ksec*
launchctl remove com.kaspersky.ksec.bl.resolver

Connect KSeC with MyKaspersky  again. Check problem.

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