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A File that isn't Malware currently detected as Malware


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Hello @Lash77


  1. Read before you create a new topic!
  2. Without seeing what type of file, name etc & the actual detection information, it’s difficult to provide specific advice.
  3. IF the detection is a false positive, only the Virus Lab & Kaspersky Technical Support can fix.
  4. IF the object has been quarantined, use Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal to scan the object and, also, use the Submit to reanalyze, Send object for re-validation option. 
  5. IF you think it’s a false positive, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, fill in the Malware, False positive template, zip the .exe file, name the zip archive malware, or infected & protect the zip archive with a password, add the zip archive to the request; add the password to the request; Support may request Logs & or other system data, they will guide you if necessary:



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.

➡ Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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Good Day,

My operating system is Windows 10 and the file was saved on my hard drive.

We were using the file with no issues and then this issue occurred.


The response was the following:


 To exclude an application from scanning follow the instructions here:

To exclude a file from scanning please follow the instruction here: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/13971#block

To exclude a URL from scanning follow the instructions here:


This didn’t work initially but after rebooting the computer it did work.


Thank you for your help.

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