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  1. Welcome. Please download the Kaspersky Free English version , then uninstall your current version , reboot and install the EN version. Here is the download link https://www.kaspersky.com/free-antivirus You might have to change temporary your Windows keyboard or region settings.
  2. Hi Flood, Thanks for the quick reply! You are right, yesterday after opening this question here I discovered that I could open an Incident inside my account and so I did it. The request I made a couple of months ago was straight in a kind of “test” webpage from Kaspersky, but I just inserted my e-mail contact, but was not logged inside My Kaspersky. Now I have created an incident inside my account and the support already answered me with a couple of extra questions. Let’s see.
  3. As post above indicated…. In addition - kaspersky scanning on the background your files and also if you run scan (FULL or QUICK) then pulsing or ROOTKIT scan (this runs automatically).
  4. I’ve been using Kaspersky A/V paid version with Comodo Firewall for years on Windows 7 and 10 computers. I noticed a while ago that on Windows 7 Kaspersky crashes a few minutes after the computer is on if Comodo Firewall is installed. Kaspersky can be restarted but will crash again a few minutes later. After some testing it appears this happens with both Kaspersky A/V paid and free versions on Windows 7 if Comodo Firewall is installed. If Comodo is turned off/paused it still causes a crash, it needs to be uninstalled completely. On Windows 10 Kaspersky and Comodo seem to coexist together OK. I need to continue to run Windows 7 for a couple more years on this particular computer so unfortunately I can’t just upgrade it to Windows 10 for a quick fix. So while Kaspersky A/V works on both Windows 7 and 10, they don’t run on both systems equally well. I’ve tried installing the latest versions of both Kaspersky and Comodo on a freshly installed Windows 7 OS with these results. I believe I have any overlapping features turned off on both programs as I turn most of the features off on the programs and am just using the main A/V in Kaspersky and the basic firewall in Comodo. I’d love to have both of these programs running on that Windows 7 machine.
  5. Hi again, I actually uninstalled and then reinstalled and all was good. The reports would only go back two hours :-( Thanks for the super quick reply though :-)
  6. Hello Mike, If you wish to invert the Kaspersky red/black icon to green shield Open the "Information" window of the Kaspersky software, as shown in the image Press the following keyboard keys: IDDQD  The icon should change. Thanks.
  7. Hello @libove, Thank you for replying and the additional information👏 Kaspersky Security Cloud Free has more configurable options than older versions of free Kaspersky AV software. Version App main window Notifications options If the Quick Scan completed notification is popping on the Desktop, image 4, in Windows Notification Centre, image 5, uncheck Show notification banners for Kaspersky Security Cloud, image 6, see video at the end of my reply to show how the alerts change when the options are checked or unchecked; you may also wish to uncheck uncheck Show notifications in the action centre (for Kaspersky Security Cloud), image 6 again, however, suppressing all notifications can be unwise. Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 LinkThank you🙏 Flood🐳
  8. Welcome. Are you using Safe Money or Secure data Input? Please tell us what Kaspersky product and version, browser, how are you surfing, etc. Also, please check system date/time is correct. Any better? If not, please post the screenshot of the error. How to take and post screenshot: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/492 PrtSc (Print screen) key (upper right part of keyboard)> open Paint (Start > All programs > Accessories) > Edit > Paste, File > Save as (jpeg or png, Not bmp). When replying, bottom left of reply box > Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Submit reply.
  9. Hello @libove Welcome! May we have an image of the Quick Scan notification that requires a response please? In Notification Settings, what has been configured? What Action on threat detection settings have been configured? Is Kaspersky Security Cloud licensed? Please post back? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳
  10. I don't want to have to acknowledge the Quick Scan Completed - No Threats notification every time. How do I turn off that notification entirely? thank you,
  11. Thank you for your quick reply. I was not expecting an answer so quickly so I’ve tried this: disassociated the windows account with KSK, and re-associated it (fortunately, previous settings were saved and I did not needed to re-configure everything). And it seems to work again. But something was clearly “broken”. Time schedule & limits were not working properly, but were working till now. Next, internet filter had also stopped working (it was not detecting my son account anymore and was no more reporting visited websites). I will check if this happen again and will update this post if needed. Thank you!
  12. Hello @KattM8, You’re most welcome☺ ! Thank you for letting us know you’ve resolved the issue and the steps taken to get there👌 We’re delighted the issue is resolved🤸 Re “other AV’s picked up a couple other things, not detected by KTS, minor but believe this may need to be looked into”, without knowing what was picked up, it’s not possible to advise, if you’d be kind enough to provide the report data/detections please, we’re more than happy to look into your findings. Re “scan pause/full screen youtube” is it every scan: Full, Quick, Selective, Vulnerability? Please let us know? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳
  13. Quick or full scan not working on on Mac using macOS high sierra. I tried to generate a report with the KLlogsGather script unsuccessfully.
  14. Hi Flood! I used "unfortunately" just because it was something that I wanted to avoid, but there was nothing else to do. But the device is working fine now. I guess I realized what was wrong. About a month ago there was a system update that now I believe didn't go well. I think so cos' now that the device was restored and the system reinstalled I noticed that there were some errors concerning some settings like personal preferences in the display, for example. But I couldn't tell it before. So, maybe that caused the KIS bug. The device is fine now. I did lost some critical data, but my fault really, cos' I didn't have recent backups. I haven't reinstalled KIS yet. Even though it wasn't a KIS problem it was not a pleasant experience. Maybe I will install it later but haven't so far. If there's anything else I could add that would be helpful let me know. Again thanks a lot for your help! Problem solved. Thanks! Here's the screenshot of the unlock screen. The regular keyboard is back. ?
  15. i just dont believe how stupid this is. i downloaded kaspersky last night, and did a quick scan. after that, i continued watching YT videos. but not long after, the wifi stopped working on my laptop. it said “connected, no internet”. i asked my family members if they had the same problem, they didn’t. so obviously it wasnt the wifis fault, it was my laptops fault. so i decided to disconnect and reconnect. but, the wifi thing disappeared entirely. even in the settings, i couldnt find anything related to wifi, it literally disappeared. restarting the laptop helped, but this happens atleast twice a day. i even uninstalled kaspersky (which LITERALLY took me hours), but the problem is still there. i’ve never had this problem until i downloaded kaspersky. any help?
  16. Hello Flood! (in the following screen) Is this where you unlock your device with password, letters, no numbers? Not really. This screen is KIS isn't it? I've never seen it before. I attached the picture of the lock screen where my PIN is in alphabetical code. I use the regular Samsung keyboard to unlock it. Your "pin" in this screen, is in alphabetical code? That's the problem, since this is KIS screen, I think, I don't know what PIN it requires. It doesn't accept the alphabetical code here. If I can't unlock the device and there's no other option I do need help for factory reset. Thank you so much for your help!
  17. Hi petsy! The free KIS does have the anti-theft option. I unlock my device with password, just letters, no numbers. And the KIS keyboard - that's in the picture I attached - doesn't allow letters, just numbers. I am the 1st and only owner of this device. And I've never had a problem with it. I am not on Android 9 cos' it's an old device. I guess this version is not supported. Thanks for your help!
  18. Those are the messages. The only keyboard I have access to is the above and I don't know what PIN is required to unlock it.
  19. Hi Flood! Thanks for your reply! 1. I don't know the version, but it was updated 2, maximum 3 weeks ago. 2. Most of it. I don't have recent backups for my WhatsApp account and some recent documents. That's my main concern. 3. The message says to return the device to the owner. I was in the middle of a call when it stopped working. I was able to use the regular Samsung keyboard to type my password. When I called back the person I was talking to it locked the device and showed up the message above. I went to My Kaspersky to get the required PIN. A RECOVERY CODE - 16 numbers - were given. Tryed it out a couple of times. It didn't unlock the device. Same message shows up. Then I disconnected the device on My Kaspersky. Nothing changed. Same message. The device is still locked. Thanks for your help.
  20. Thanks for your quick response :) i will follow your instructions.
  21. Thank you all for the quick help! A feature request (support ticket) has already been sent. 😉
  22. Hi, Just a quick update. Unfortunately, previous days reports have not deleted so I’ll create a support ticket as you suggested. Many thanks for all your help. Kind regards, Dave
  23. Thank you for this quick answer! Is there a publicly available list of all supported search engines?
  24. Hello @lilium66, Thank you so much👏 , what’s also very interesting is the notification, to Windows Notification Center. Kaspersky documentation is very clear, it refers to OneDrive Cloud only, not GoogleDrive or any other Cloud storage: Scanning files in OneDrive cloud storage In Windows 10 RS3 or later, Kaspersky Security Cloud does not scan files in OneDrive cloud storage. If Kaspersky Security Cloud detects such files during a scan, it shows a notification stating that the files in cloud storage were not scanned. The following components do not scan files in OneDrive cloud storage: Full Scan Selective Scan Quick Scan Background Scan The report on the operation of Kaspersky Security Cloud contains a list of files in OneDrive cloud storage that were skipped during scan. Files downloaded from OneDrive cloud storage to a local computer are scanned by real-time protection components. If a file scan was postponed and the file has been uploaded back to OneDrive cloud storage before the scan is started, this file may be skipped during a scan. When running applications and scripts, the Application Control and System Watcher components download applications from the OneDrive cloud storage to the local computer to scan. Please raise the issue with Kaspersky Technical Support, they’re the ones who’ll be able to provide a definitive answer. They will ask for traces, thankfully the issue is able to be replicated, otherwise, it would be a PIA for you😉 Please do share their advice when it’s available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳
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