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Yury Parshin

Kaspersky Employee
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  1. Hello, Problem fixed. Please update bases of our product and perform reboot. We apologise for the inconvenience Thanks
  2. Hello, Problem fixed. Please update bases of our product and perform reboot. We apologise for the inconvenience Thanks
  3. Hello, TDSSKiller is discontinued and not supported anymore. it was fully replaced by KVRT utility. All links will be fixed (redirect to KVRT)
  4. It's unknown what's in this video. But definitely not a publicly available utility Terminator using Zemana driver
  5. It is impossible to block generically all vulnerable drivers in advance because we are working on the same access level. But is is possible to block known drivers, rules for blocking are updated regularly
  6. Yes, blocking does not requires detection (it's still legal popular driver)
  7. We blocked this utility since 2023.06.02, there is another terminator on the video
  8. Hi. We know about this utility and vulnerable driver from Zemana. Our product blocked them since 2023.06.02. We need a specific sample, which is on the video
  9. Добрый день Сегодня стало доступно обновление KVRT, где реализованы детект и подчистка подобных записей. Главное запустить переименованный исполняемый файл
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