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  1. Past hour
  2. Hallo, ich habe 2 Laptop und 3 Android geschützt da ich eine 5 Platz Lizenz habe. Zeige ich das so an wie Du steht da... 3 von 5 Geräten geschützt. Hä ? 🤔 In MyKaspersky werden alle 5 als geschützt angezeigt.
  3. Servus Leut, ich habe es jetzt so gemacht. Kaspersky VPN und Secure deinstalliert. Kaspersky VPN und Secure neu installiert. Allem zugestimmt was notwendig ist. Unten auf ICH HABE EIN ABONEMENT geklickt. Lizenzschlüssel eingegeben. Meldung ( Sinngemäß ) : Achtung ! Ihr Code ist schon in MyKaspersky aktiviert ignoriert bzw bestätigt. MyKaspersky angemeldet auf dem Android. Meldung: Gut gemacht ! Sie haben nun 365 Tage Schutz. Das wars 👍😁
  4. Today
  5. Good afternoon. I would like to know if there is any configuration to prevent APP Lock from requesting the password or fingerprint every time an application is opened, so that it is required only once when unlocking the phone or after a certain period of time (for example, every 5 minutes). It is extremely irritating to have to unlock the app repeatedly, even if you have used it in the last 10 seconds. Navigating between two apps with the lock activated makes the experience very slow. Other locking apps already have this function available. Is this configuration available? If not, where can I contact to suggest this improvement? Thank you
  6. Boa tarde. Gostaria de saber se há alguma configuração para evitar que o APP Lock solicite a senha ou impressão digital toda vez que abrir um aplicativo, de modo que seja exigido apenas uma vez ao desbloquear o celular ou após um intervalo de tempo determinado (por exemplo, a cada 5 minutos). É bastante irritante ter que desbloquear o aplicativo repetidamente, mesmo após o uso recente. Alternar entre dois aplicativos com bloqueio ativado torna a experiência muito lenta. Outros aplicativos de bloqueio já possuem essa função disponível. Existe essa configuração disponível? Se não, onde posso entrar em contato para sugerir essa melhoria? Obrigado.
  7. Hallo, beantwortet irgendwie meine Frage nicht.
  8. Добрый день. Для текущего релиза нельзя получить серийный номер. Мы можем рассмотреть добавление данной функциональности, но не могли бы вы, пожалуйста, предоставить краткое обоснование необходимости.
  9. Just found out from local "dealer" in my country, that there are no more licences for KAV and they are offering only for Kaspersky standard/plus/premium, among other Kaspersky products, which are not KAV and KIS.
  10. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. Problem Sometimes it's necessary to check KATA detects, for example IDS, IOA, Sandbox detects. Step-by-step guide IDS detects (SPAN) To check IDS detects (SPAN) you can use tcpreplay utility on server configured to receive SPAN traffic. KATA 4.0/4.1 tcpreplay package for such versions could be found here https://rhel.pkgs.org/7/epel-x86_64/tcpreplay-4.4.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm.html KATA 5.+ and tcpreplay tcpreplay package is not installed by default, so you should install it manually, using step-by-step guide below: 1) Download this package from HERE 2) Place downloaded file tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb to your KATA node. For example, use scp: [user@host]$ scp <your-path>/tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb admin@<kata-ip>:/tmp 3) Run installation on your KATA node with the next command: [admin@katahost]$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb Success! Now you can use tcpreplay on your KATA 5.+ or any other UBUNTU system! Before using tcpreplay you should enable tx capture for span: KATA 3.7.* In technical support mode from user root run following commands : systemctl stop apt-preprocessor.service systemctl stop suricata.service rmmod pf_ring Edit file /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf: change line: options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=0 min_num_slots=16384 # tx capture is disabled to: options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=1 min_num_slots=16384 # tx capture is enabled save file. Start pfring and related services back: modprobe pf_ring systemctl start suricata.service systemctl start apt-preprocessor.service KATA 4.0/4.1 Edit file /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf: change line: options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=0 min_num_slots=16384 # tx capture is disabled to: options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=1 min_num_slots=16384 # tx capture is enabled save file. In technical support mode from user root run following commands: systemctl stop docker rmmod pf_ring modprobe pf_ring systemctl start docker tx capture for span is now enabled KATA 5.0/5.1/6.0 - see https://forum.kaspersky.com/topic/how-to-enable-tx-capturing-in-kata-katakedre-37514/ Eicar traffic detect: Upload EICAR-Test-File_TCP.pcap sample to server with SPAN interface, then execute command from root shell: tcpreplay -i ens34 EICAR-Test-File_TCP.pcap # ens34 in this example is SPAN interface Nmap traffic detect: Scenario is the same as for Eicar detect, only .pcap file differs (# tcpreplay HackTool.Nmap.HTTP.C&C.pcap). After testing detects from span we strongly recommend to disable tx capture back again by the same way as described above for enabling. AM Engine Use EICAR's - https://www.eicar.com/ Email - send the EICAR via SMTP to KATA 25 port. (SMTP processing needs to be Enabled of course). ProTip: you may use local swaks mail client on CN to skip elaborate mail setups. swaks examples swaks --server --port 25 --from antony@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --attach eicar.com swaks --server --port 25 --from antony@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --body "link_to_EICAR_here" Endpoint - put an EICAR file to the endpoint and fetch it using GetFile task, queue for scanning. YARA detects By default, no YARA rules are supplied with the product. For test purposes one can use a test rule from YARA docs https://yara.readthedocs.io/en/v4.1.0/writingrules.html rule ExampleRule { strings: $my_text_string = "text here" $my_hex_string = { E2 34 A1 C8 23 FB } condition: $my_text_string or $my_hex_string } The rule will mark any analyzed object containing $my_text_string or $my_hex_string. IoA detects To check IoA detect (IoA detects can be checked only if you have KEDR license): Copy .bat file from attached archive Test_IOA.rar(not_infected) to any folder on host with installed EDR and start it. After some time(KATA need several minutes to transmit and process telemetry from EDR) check alerts in KATA. Alert should have type ioa_test_detect. For testing IoA detects on host more than once, .bat file should be placed to different locations on this host. On the host with installed KEA run command below in the cmd.exe shell: wmic.exe sfdguninstallkasperskyblabla There can be something else instead of sdfg and blabla, important part of command is uninstallkaspersky Command execution will fail with error, but it's not important. After some time new IoA detect should appear in KATA web-interface. IoC detects One can use the custom rule for testing - Ioctest.zip (infected123) - it is triggered for "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" Automatic sandboxing in EDR To check automatic sandboxing: Unpack the archive with sample, use default password for samples: autosbtest.zip NB! Do not change MD5 of the sample. Run the sample on EDR-protected host and wait for automatic SB detect: Sandbox detect To check sandbox detect we can use file SA_sleep.exe from archive no_am_detection sample.rar. Password is inside text document in archive. Go to KATA senior security officer web-interface. Choose Storage → Upload and upload SA_sleep.exe from attached archive for KATA checking. Kata should enqueue it to sandbox , then a bit later verdict from SB should be Suspicious Activity. If SA_sleep.exe produces Not detected verdict then please use test_sb.bat from the test_sb.rar URL reputation Firstly, confirm K(P)SN is configured and works properly. MD5 used in this example should return UnTrusted status: Check KSN on KATA command for KATA 4.+ and 5.0: docker exec -it `docker ps | grep ksn_proxy| awk '{print $1}'` /opt/kaspersky/apt-ksn_proxy/sbin/ksn_client --ip --hash 9C642C5B111EE85A6BCCFFC7AF896A51 for KATA 5.1: docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep ksn_proxy| awk '{print $1}') /opt/kaspersky/apt-ksn-proxy/sbin/ksn_client --ip --hash 9C642C5B111EE85A6BCCFFC7AF896A51 Secondly, For traffic: access http://bug.qainfo.ru/TesT/Aphish_w/index For email (SMTP processing needs to be Enabled), send the link above via e-mail. For quick and dirty test: swaks examples swaks --server --port 25 --from fisherman@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --body "http://bug.qainfo.ru/TesT/Aphish_w/index"
  11. @Yoji Is the ' Reserve activation code ' showing up in your profile ? ↓
  12. Hallo @Scrivade, willkommen. Der "Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter #2" ist in der Regel ein Überbleibsel eines Upgrades oder einer Installation über eine vorhandene. Der Treiber gehörte ursprünglich zum VPN, er ist in dieser Form verzichtbar. Bitte prüfe die vorhandenen Treiber im Windows-Gerätemanager in der Rubrik "Netzwerkadapter". Dort sollte entweder der "Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter" (ohne '#2') gelistet sein oder einer wie "Kaspersky VPN". Den mit der "#2" kannst und solltet Du entfernen, den anderen (falls vorhanden) behalten:
  13. First of all, Hi there, And I'm new to this. I want to ask, that my friends are using kasperky premium for 1 account 3 device, however he actually only need 2 device, for his pc and phone, so he gave 1 slot device to be used. My questions are: 1. Is he able to see all of the data or my password from his myKasperky account? 2. Is he able to remote to my computer from myKaspersky account? 3. Is there anyway to block or separate from my side/device to be not controlled or seen or data collected from his account? I know he is my friend, and probably will say that I should buy for my own account, but if I already buy for my own account and I share device slot to my family, I still want to know how far other can access to my/other device if that the case, just to be safe. For any reponse, thank you very much.
  14. I was looking at my Kaspersky Plus report and I saw in the safe browsing section two reports that was marked with the red warning sign. One of em read as this Event: SSL connection with invalid certificate detected User type: Not defined Application name: SearchApp.exe Application path: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy Component: Safe Browsing Result description: Blocked Object name: tring.clo.footprintdns.com Reason: Invalid certificate name. The name is not included in the list of allowed names or is explicitly excluded from it. With this, I want some answers. I have saw similar questions to mine but I still do not understand. AFAIK it's related to SearchApp.exe but what is tring.clo.footprintdns.com/ moiafdaws.clo.footprintdns.com ? Kaspersky had a notification asking me to block the SSL which I did. And so, what is it? And am I safe?
  15. Jez... its getting worse... the nags just keep on coming. So I now get regular (almost every day) a pop up to nag me to renew.. My Kaspersky icon in the sys tray has gone red... and its now even getting windows security to alert and nag me.. WHY? when I have a new subscription already loaded into my account which will (so they tell me) automatically kick in when the old sub expires.... SO how am I supposed to renew so I dont get these nags? even if I do as the nags say and "renew" and pay for renewal... unless I enable the new term immediately (and lose/throw away remaining days on my existing sub.... and I am not doing that, out of principle I am not gifting them sub days just because they cant get their systems to work properly.)... how is it supposed to work?
  16. @Fábio Lucas Entendo e compreendo a sua frustração. Não acredito que este problema esteja há 2 ou 3 anos assim até porque não há muitos relatos sobre isso na comunidade e mesmo que houvesse logo a Kaspersky observando o problema já teria corrigido (não é interessante para ela manter os problemas ativos). Observe que aqui na comunidade somos usuários, ajudantes do fórum, moderadores e até funcionários da Kaspersky dando ao máximo para ajudar os usuários na medida e sempre que possível, mas, nem todas as vezes é possível solucionar o problema por aqui e por este motivo encaminhamos e pedimos aos usuários para entrarem em contato com o suporte. Além disso, muitos usuários que contribuem para a solução dos problemas aqui (não recebem nada da Kaspersky por isso), pelo contrário, na maioria das vezes gastam seu próprio tempo tentando ajudar outros usuários pelo simples fato de gostar e amar o produto na qual usamos.
  17. Mein PC sagt mir, dass ich ein Treiberproblem bei Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter #2 habe. Ich bin darauf gestoßen, weil bei mir plötzlich bluetooth weg ist- ob beides miteinendaer zusammenhängt? Und : wie kriege ich das Treiberproblem weg? Danke im Vowege für Tipps. Scrivade
  18. Estou respondendo aqui apenas para deixar registrado para caso alguém com o mesmo problema apareça por aqui. Eu já formatei várias e várias vezes o notebook e em todas as vezes, sem exceção, o problema sempre persistia. E esse problema já existe por anos (2 a 3 anos). Então cansado e de saco cheio de tanto usar o teclado virtual eu vim procurar o suporte. Agora eu vou entrar em contato diretamente com o suporte e ver o que pode ser feito. Caso eu tenha alguma novidade e se eu puder estarei atualizando aqui para deixar registrado.
  19. @vi_cio Bem-vindo Entendo que não deseja que apareça o ícone de website seguro nas buscas no navegador. Para remover o ícone das buscas, faça o procedimento abaixo:
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