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  2. /p"INSTALLDIR=C:\KTS" means in C:\KTS (existant folder) I think so it should work but it's not, unless I'm overlooking something again
  3. Если я правильно подобрал ключ к вашей криптограмме, то речь про блоги в домене blogspot.com, который получают через blogger.com. При открытии страниц с описанием блогов на vseblogi.blogspot.com, а также при переходе по некоторым их адресам периодически детектируется скрипт, но не вредоносный, а относящийся к категории not-a-virus (рекламное ПО, ПНП и т.д.). Для анализа корректности детектирования нужно обратиться в поддержку ЛК. Если ключ для расшифровки текста мной подобран неправильно, сообщите больше подробностей. А то переписать название продукта и номер ее версии вам лень, но задаете вопрос так, чтобы из сообщения никто ничего не понял и долго ломал голову над тем, что же все-таки имелось в виду.
  4. @Nooshin Thank you for your feedback, i amicably close this Topic.
  5. FYI it was just a simple blog post regarding how to prevent phishing attacks in WhatsApp. Not malicious or anything else. Either way, I got my answer somewhere else. Thanks for your time Flood and Flood's wife.
  6. 卡巴斯基加强版 Windows 11 Professional x64 23H2 Build 22631 按照论坛里给的示例,在 安全---入侵防御设置---管理资源 中禁止腾讯系应用读取浏览器敏感信息,这个设定是在卸载使用卡巴斯基全方位安全软件之前时设置的,使用了大概有一年左右,后重新安装了卡巴斯基加强版,因为不知道卸载时是否保留了之前的设置,又在 安全---入侵防御设置---管理应用程序 中给TENCENT组和TENCENT TECHNOLOGY SHENZHEN组设置了 文件和系统注册表---个人数据---应用和程序设置---浏览器中重复了禁止读取。 然后微信可以正常使用,直到昨晚,微信提示没有网络连接(已登录状态),退出微信后依然无法登录,并提示无网络连接,如图 在 管理应用程序中解除了访问限制后,微信可以正常登录使用。然后又在管理应用程序中恢复了禁止读取,微信依然可以正常使用。然后正常关机,今天下午微信又提示“网络连接已断开”,再次于应用程序管理中解除禁止读取后,微信依然无法联网(这个现象在我刚安装卡巴斯基全方位安全软件时就出现过一次,没想到升级后又出现了)。 请问,我要如何更改对应的设置呢?
  7. Today
  8. Ich habe mir Kaspersky Standard jetzt mal in einer VM zum Test installiert. Sieht noch ungewohnt aus, aber kommt man denke ich rein. Noch bisschen rumtesten und dann entscheide ich, ob ich von KIS2021 umsteige. Trotz allem wäre es nett, wenn @Schulte noch meine Fragen bei Gelegenheit aus dem letzten Post beantworten könnte? Des Weiteren hätte ich zu Kaspersky Standard noch eine Frage, die mir beim Testen in der VM aufgefallen ist. In KIS2021 gab es noch die Funktion des Web-Anti-Virus. Diese finde ich unter Kaspersky Standard nicht mehr. Wurde diese entfernt oder in eine andere Funktion integriert? Abgesehen davon sehen die Funktionalitäten vom Namen her größtenteils gleich aus.
  9. So, the issue is fixed with a Kaspersky setting reset to default?
  10. Hi Added... Makes no difference - NAS is still blocked Well - The fault is mine... I did a "RESET Settings" and Poof ... The NAS came online !!! Thanks for your help and patience!
  11. Главное чтобы не распространилось предлагаемое нововведение на ползунки (тогда с правилами сетевого экрана придётся помучаться при их настройке 🙂 )
  12. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. For this type of detection (probably a false positive): PDM (Proactive Defense Module) of System Watcher Module, I guess on execution but not on demand scan, Your best bet is to report to Kaspersky Official Support: K. Support They will ask You to enable / collect Kaspersky product traces while the issue is reproduced, and then send those traces to be analyzed.
  13. Позволить выбирать checkbox по клику на текст, а не только по самому checkbox: Сейчас приходится целиться именно в сам чекбокс, это неудобно!
  14. Hello. I’m Youngkwang Oh from IRONMACE. We are serving a game called 'Dark and Darker' (https://darkanddarker.com). Recently, your AntiVirus is misdiagnosing our own anti-cheat programs (Tavern.exe, TavernWorker.exe). The diagnostic code is 'PDM:Trojan.Win32.General' and it is misdiagnosed by your System Watcher. For your information, our anti-cheat is packed with VMProtect for security. Many of our players are suffering from inconvenience because of this. We submitted detected images. Please review it as soon as soon as possible. Best regards.
  15. Хорошая идея, присоединяйтесь 😉 Обычно через бета-тестирование быстрее фиксятся многие проблемы. 🙂
  16. Hello @Studynx, Thank you for posting back & the *extra* question. Read Install the application from the command prompt again, pay attention to: INSTALLDIR. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  17. Take a look at this for example. They told me to create a master config file and download the KTS installer, put them in the same folder and run the above commands in the CLI, and that did nothing. Nothing happened.
  18. Guten Tag, Ich habe gestern (09.05.24) Windows neu aufgesetzt. Habe Kaspersky Internet Security Installiert und mich mit der selben E-Mail Adresse angemeldet, wo ich das Abo habe. Bin davon ausgegangen das würde reichen und die Lizenz ist dann Aktiv, aber leider nicht dem nicht so. Wie kann ich die Lizenz aktivieren? Abo ist aktiv, letzte E-Mail habe ich am 30.04 erhalten, dass das Abo verlängert wurde. In der E-Mail stand zwar das ich ein Aktivierung Code in einer separaten E-Mail erhalte aber habe keine bekommen. Ich hoffe das mir einer helfen kann. MfG
  19. Oh I've already done that. Can I get help thru here or must I absolutely wait for their response back?
  20. FYI - no-one said the action was correct OR incorrect - how would anyone know when what was done is impossible to know. No-one has enough respect to send a PM with any information - as *other* moderators kindly do - some people have no concern what-so-ever of the hours we invest assisting users & *furthermore* we don't care - we gave up caring about anything you did or said when you started your bullying campaign against my wife in the old forum. Furthermore - we're here to help Kaspersky users. We can't do that without basic information as defined by Danila T. *Finally & *FYI 'moderator', we've provided *OR* steps for the OP to take - clearly that's escaped you.
  21. @Nooshin FYI , the link was correctly deleted by the Moderator Team according the Forum rules, reposting the URL is unnecessary.
  22. @Nooshin, IF the BLOG was malicious we sure hope you didn't post it to the Kaspersky forum; IF it was *not* malicious & was deleted for another reason, showed porn or something else - hide whatever is causing it to be deleted by the moderator & post a *screen-print* so we can read the URL? OR IF (you) have *licensed* Kaspersky software, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template with YOUR OS & select MALWARE as the primary topic, as shown in the image below; please include the *source* of the blog - KCS will not waste time trawling through all the web articles & a *detailed history*
  23. Hello @Studynx, Thank you for posting back & the *extra* question. Why are you asking in this topic, the answer has already been shared with (you) in (your) already existing topic: How can I customize the installation of Kaspersky Total Security via the command line / code? IF (you're) having so much trouble with the silent install & clearly you are - and you've not shared *any* detailed information that allows anyone in the Community to assist -> IF KTS still has an *active* license -> log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image; please include any screen images of the error & a detailed history. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you: Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  24. Will command line arguements (such as silent installation, skipping EULA, etc) NOT work for the old KTS then? That's the one I currently have
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