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[Feedback] KS Primum and Subscription plans

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At first, I've been using KS top of the line anti-virus for almost 6 years and currently using Total Security with 1month left to renew.

I saw that Total Security is not available anymore and replaced with KS Premium, so I bought a license for 10 devices for 3 years however I refunded the product in less than a week.

The reasons for cancelling the subscription and getting a refund is the UX is not great, I know this is subjective but KS Premium is advertised as family product. Also, I know there are work around for everything, but why do I have to go through that? and why I have to do the same thing on more than 5 PCs in different time zones.

Issues made me refund the product (I never had these issues previously).

  1. The amount of notifications is insane. Virus news, Browser security issues,...etc. These not windows notifications but KS.
  2. The network warning thing. I don't remember exactly, but something around "Is this network yours" or something like that.
  3. I'm software developer and one of the annoying issue I ran into is KS spamy injection of calls in browser network and the solution was to uncheck a checkbox/flag to not do any injection.
  4. Many things changed in the UI that almost made any help on the internet useless.
  5. Password Manager, this was going to be a devastating issue. After installing KS Premium the old Password Manager identified the license, however after removing KS Premium, I lost access to the vault and I found out that my passwords weren't backed to cloud so I ended up loosing all of my password. Luckily, I had a backup on different PC. This is why I will never us KS Password Manager anymore or won't be using 2 products from the same company.

New  issue came up later on when I decided to give a shot to lower tier (Standard) were I hope it won't be spamy as Premium. I have between 6-7 PCs, so for

  1. Standard: I will have to buy 3 license (9 devices) - 2 years max
  2. Plus: I will have to buy 2 licenses (10 devices)  - 2 years max (I really don't need VPN or Data Leak Checker on every PC, maybe 1 or 2 only)

So, you end up in weird license/subscription scenario.

I hope KS UX team consider that not every user should or suppose to be a techsavvy to know what on earth is going on and what are these notifications. Simplicity is a bless, notifications are a hell (unless you are in an office setup).

I'm now evaluating different antivirus and password manager and I just wanted to give my feedback as I love and trust KS and I hope after a year KS 2024 will be better.

All the best KS Team,

Best regards,


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