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  1. At least i guess you should work with Virustotal for updating signatures because submission dates are too old. I don't know how Kaspersky works but at least they should "know" very known malware samples. Anyway, it's up to you.
  2. Thank you for your help. You can find other similar (%100) samples with links (i will send via PM). Some of them is %100 FUD and no one detected them yet. I will send after 5-6 hours with links and IP addresses. I have some work now
  3. Thanks for the quick explanation but i did same steps like you. Downloaded to my Windows computer (Windows 10 - i don't think it's relevant with 10 or 11) and not detected. And then i copied that from Downloads to Desktop and still not detected. Not deleted. I wish i would record a video about this but i only took screenshot. By the way console_zero.exe needs some libraries like in that error. Malware is downloading some libraries and executing itself. If you want re-procedure the attack simulation i can help you. Also we prepared a report an analysis report about this malware type. Anyway, let's wait the final verdict and see how it's going. But as i said before i copied the malware and it didn't detect. My KP version is
  4. I tried to explain events via pictures and links. I especially took the screenshots full screen for date and time. Hope it helps. I bought Kaspersky Premium subscription and tested some malwares with it's Real Time Protection feature. I download some samples from known malware sample websites. KP (Kaspersky Premium) is detecting "some" of them while downloading to my computer (i guess because of their HASH'es). BUT i tested some samples which i encountered on the internet and tried to copy to my computer and KP did NOT detect this KNOWN (Virustotal 52/73) malware and other one is KNOWN (Virustotal 48/73) malware. I rescanned these malwares at 21:13 or 21:14 (UTC +3) and still NOT detecting. I am curious is Kaspersky updating their data through Virustotal or NOT? Because first file's first submission date 9 SPT and second file's first submission is 19 AUG. How Kaspersky CAN NOT detect these KNOWN malwares? Can someone (Kaspersky Malware Analysis Team) explain me this situtation? I don't feel safe while using Kaspersky Premium because it doesn't meet my BASIC requirements. If possible may i buy Kaspersky EDR/XDR for home use with low price or big discount? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Kind Regards. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/020420f20ee32bda982599939e5d4bcffcabd57e22a911f5eeeabf29e4dede7a/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d90564f22fc7b04020a55e592056b659edec8e70d9463c77d79bb82bd370fa57/detection
  5. Hi, I have 2 questions. First one is i configured tablet for Block mode and i set 3 hours. When 3 hours is used, user can still use allowed applications. I checked the app but couldn't find where can i block also apps when 3 hours is used. I got notification from my phone "Device is locked" but user still can use allowed applications. I found a section for allow/restrict apps but when i removed the apps from there also it's removing the apps from global settings. Is there any way to block all aps when 3 hours is used? Second question is i set 3 hours for time limit. When tablet is locked (screen lock) is time counting still continue or time counting continues when tablet unlocked? Thanks in advance. Kind Regards.
  6. Thank you so much for kind message and long explanation. Then i will wait the solution until they reply me. Ok, let's wait. By the way my problem is about Real Time Protection. Firstable i wanna say something i am cyber security specialist (there is no ego believe me). i would use my company's EDR agent but then i thought i can buy for personal and i really like kaspersky EDR but antivirus is really garbage. Let me explain issue. i downloaded some malware from malware sample websites. you know they are password protected zip files (password is infected). i configured my kaspersky's heuristic scan to the highest option. i extracted the malware zip file and kaspersky did nothing. NORMALLY, in MOST "basic" antivirus software when you extracted, downloaded (or trying to download), copied a malware, antivirus MUST detect and quarantine that file. But in kaspersky, i extracted the malware file and i accessed the malware folder and more and more i copied that to desktop from downloads and kaspersky still is not detecting malware. I tried at least 10 malware and all of them are NOT fud (fully undetectable). They are detected by at least 15 antivirus engine. i am asking you now. is kaspersky detecting malwares only when they are executed? If it is i wanna refund my money because this is useless for me.
  7. I received below e-mail. Dear Customer, Your request numbered XXXXX is waiting for your review. If your problem is not resolved, please reply to this email. If you have not received a response from the Technical Support team, please check your Spam/Unwanted mailboxes. If you do not take this reminder message into consideration, your support request that you have opened to the system within 10 days will be considered resolved and will be automatically closed. Best regards, Kaspersky Technical Support Team Now i am asking you dear Forum Master. I will try explain step by step. Your request numbered XXXX is waiting for your review. -->>> It's waiting my review? Where is the solution? Where is their reply? If your problem is not resolved, please reply to this email. -->> How my problem is solved? Where is the solution? I didn't get any solution? I didn't get any e-mail about my request or question or case? If you do not take this reminder message into consideration, your support request that you have opened to the system within 10 days will be considered resolved and will be automatically closed. -->> How my problem can being solved? Where is the solution? Where is the technical team response? They say "it will be automatically will be marked as resolved" Are you kidding with me? I created the ticket 4 days ago and i today i got this reply. If i am a licensed user and if i bought your service will i must wait for work days? Will i must wait for live chat before 6pm? How this is possible? Now i am asking again if i got that reply where is the solution and where is the technical team response? If they sent that e-mail to technical team and why they start writing e-mail by "Dear Customer" and if they sent this e-mail to technical team WHY they say "we are waiting your review"?
  8. Hi all, I bought Kaspersky Premium and i am really regretful about this. I wanna refund of course but first i wanna check support ticket reply. I got an email about check "Your XXXX request number is waiting for your review." But i couldnt find the support tickets section. Please can someone tell me where is that? P.S.: I'm Kaspersky Premium user
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