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Júlio Pradera

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  1. Good night @Flood and Flood's wife. I'm sorry, but I think I didn't express myself correctly. As for Opera and Vivaldi, I already believed in you the first time. That's why I skipped topic 1 in my last post. I was just surprised that these browsers aren't supported, as Kaspersky seems to be working normally. For example, I'm attaching a screenshot of Protected Browser working in Opera. But I understand that maybe Kaspersky developers don't guarantee that everything will always work 100% in these browsers, which is why they say these browsers aren't supported. I'm just surprised to learn that it works so well in browsers where it shouldn't. That's all. However, even though these two browsers aren't supported, I also did the test in four other browsers that are supported. So this is kind of irrelevant, because the problem is happening in all browsers. The print I sent you previously, for example, was in Chrome. This is what was on my mind when I replied to the second topic. I was no longer thinking about Opera or Vivaldi. You sent me a list of the browsers supported by CTV, and their respective versions. I had already said that I also tested it in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, so I just added the information that they are all up to date. By the way... CTV was just an example. This issue occurs on absolutely every video streaming website I've visited, with the exception of Disney+, Netflix, and Prime Video. And last, but not least, my joke when answering topic four, is that, as I said in topics two and three, the problem disappears when I turn off the antivirus. The problem isn't the browser chosen, the version installed, the website accessed, the existence of DRM, or whatever. The problem is that while Kaspersky is activated, online video playback is hampered. Maybe the problem is caused by some Kaspersky update failure, or maybe it's a conflict with something else I have installed on my computer. But for sure the problem is related to Kaspersky, or it wouldn't go away when the antivirus is turned off. I hope that now I have expressed myself better, and properly explained my answers. I've already contacted support, and I'm waiting for a response. Having an answer, I'll come back here to update. Thanks.
  2. Good afternoon @Flood and Flood's wife. 2. All my browsers are up to date. Also, if the problem was the browser, turning off the antivirus wouldn't solve it. 3. I already tried to do that and it didn't work. I tried before I found that the problem is the antivirus and not the browser. 4. You already know what I'm going to say, right? lol 5. Okay. I'll contact support and see what happens. Thank you so much for your help.
  3. Good afternoon @Flood and Flood's wife. Are you sure? Because it works just fine (except for that problem, of course). I've tried with and without VPN, but there was no change. Sure. I just went to the CTV website (using Chrome), clicked on the first show that came up and waited. The problem occurred around 13 minutes (I only wish I had picked a show I enjoy watching lol). I'm using Kaspersky Security Cloud Personal. No, with YouTube it's weirder. The service acts as if I have no internet connection. However, if I copy the video link and open it in another browser, or even in an incognito tab, the second page works, while the first still doesn't work, even if I refresh it. But even if the problem appears differently, it doesn't happen if I have Kaspersky disabled. Nope. Specifically with CTV, no. But on some of the other websites I'm logged in. I'm in Vancouver, Canada. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help with this one. I just cleaned up my computer, and my browser history has been deleted. There doesn't seem to have been anything reported at the same time. Thank you for your help.
  4. Recently I've been having constant problems watching videos online. On some sites, like Netflix and Prime Video, I don't have any problems, but on others, like CTV, it's impossible to watch any video. Even YouTube crashes from time to time. On any site that I access (apart from those mentioned), I start watching any video, and after a few minutes of playback a message appears saying that the video cannot be played. Error code 241001 usually appears. The problem happens in all my browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi and Yandex). I found a post from 2019 here on the forum from a person with the same problem, saying that it solved the problem by turning off Anti-Banner and Private Browsing. I've tried disabling both, but nothing has changed. The only thing that stops this problem from happening is disabling the entire antivirus. In my last test I turned off the antivirus for an hour and started watching a movie. About six minutes after the antivirus came back the movie crashed. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to solve this problem? My Kaspersky version is My operating system is Windows 10 Core x64, version 21H1, build 19043.2130.
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