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  1. Nothing, fool. I paid them, 30 euros for a one year one seat license. Don't accuse someone of something without proof, or better yet, try it yourself, enable the one click "ask to connect" option, then try replicate it in kaspersky. I spent hours on this in Kaspersky and there was no way to enable a simple ask to connect to net option for apps, i.e. an outbound firewall notification. It's ridiculous, hence, I searched for solutions. Now grow up, and stop sucking mummy's thumb.
  2. It absolutely amazes me that in 2023 Kaspersky still haven't updated this and have left the outbound notification settings as archaic as they were a decade ago. it's either all or nothing, you can't just be notified when an app tries to access the internet, you are notified and have to approve every single action it makes, every registry change, every folder access, EVERYTHING. Kaspersky programmers, please, try Glassware firewall, and the simple "ask to connect" option. They have nailed it, much like Little Snitch did on Mac. The only way they could make it even better is to add an "allow now" option as well as the "allow", in case you want an app to have internet access in only specific ocasions. That said, it is SO easy to control with one click in Glasswire that I can understand why they didn't find the need. Overall, Glasswire is a masterclass on how you do an outbound INTERNET CONNECTION firewall prompt. Simple and I am actually considering either disabling kaspersky firewall and buying glasswire, as long as Kaspersky will work with it, or going back to Malwarebytes and using glasswire with that. I can't believe I am the only one that wants simple control over what accesses the internet, but it seems that way since not a single soul answered besides myself LOL. No wonder Kaspersky don't bother. But then again, the market is there, as the successful glasswire shows, so people do want it, and I suspect they try kaspersky and just move on when they realise how complex this one thing is, that should really be simple.
  3. Hi, but which is superior to use? For example, does disabling windows core isolation and allowing Kaspersky to take over, actually provide better security?
  4. Your app is a disgrace Kaspersky. It has been quiet for 2 days, I thought that was it, and I was minding my own business watching a movie on amazon prime when what did I get? A big popup on the bottom right covering a quarter of the screen asking me if I wanted to install Kaspersky on my mobile. Sure, there was an option for "don't ask me this again" but I have no idea how many more different messages I am going to get before this stops happening, or if it WILL stop. I am going back to the combo of defender and Malwarebytes and getting a refund on Kaspersky for a second time. There won't be a third. I have compiled a list of grievances I have with the operation of the product, that I wanted to talk to support about, specifically how you can't enable outbound internet connection notifications without enabling the main app interaction notification which notifies you about EVERYTHING an app tries to do (launch, modify registry, access said folder, etc etc). All I want is an "this app is trying to access the internet, deny or allow" but I have to click 9 different allows just to get ONE game to run, it's crazy. So anyone who wants to keep their sanity just disables all outbound notifications. Sure you can trust an app but not even that is foolproof, I have trusted HD Sentinel 100 times and it disappears from trusted on every launch and I get registry access popups, so I just gave up and disabled those notifications. Why you don't have a "depth of notifications" and for example "alert on internet access only attempt" option, in SUCH a deep program, I have no idea. You've made the outbound notifications all but useless as it stands. And who wants to completely trust every app on their system anyway? I had been compiling all the data and how it could be made more user friendly but I don't think there's a point. At this stage the program is as bad as Mcafee and Norton in the spam department and doing the things I specifically want an AV app to NEVER do. I have no idea why someone like Kaspersky who I always trusted and respected would resort to these childish tactics, but, that's it for me. All I want to know is how to remove the program with NO trace in my registry and without messing anything up that would make me think I need to format and re install windows 11. Anyone with knowledge on that? How to truly and completely uninstall this adware? (it's adware by its very definition, as I have unticked all the notification popups and it's still behaving as adware would, as I have explained. Advertising the mobile app while I am on a PC, is adware. I took pics for proof also).
  5. My issue is, with both firefox and EGDE, if you say continue in normal browser but UN CHECK save settings for this website, even if the website is listed as ASK in the safe money URL section, it will never ask me again until I have cleared browser history/cookies. Then it will prompt me again. It can't be a chrome issue because it is behaving identically in Firefox. Both latest browser versions, windows 11 all up to date, latest kaspersky standard. "ASK" is chosen as default global safe money action. This is quite frustrating. Because It was all working fine until 1) I accidentally opened a site in a protected browser whilst I had "save this site settings" CHECKED. I then closed the safe browser and saw the previous safe money page with a link I could click to continue to page in my standard browser, which I did. No matter how many times I have cleaned my cache with ccleaner and the browser itself, turned safe money on and off, deleted all website presets from safe money, it will not behave. It will always use the standard browser and not prompt me until I run ccleaner, then I get prompted again.
  6. I just thought if others had experienced it and what their solution was, if any. Regardless, I think you were right, the forum is impossible to get any kind of real help in, so, lesson learned.
  7. So I am minding my own business watching a movie (browser was in windowed mode, not full screen), and Kaspersky just decided to pop up a nice big message asking me to rate how easy it was to activate the program. Almost had a heart attack (figure of speech). To shut it up, I rated it 7 stars and then it wanted to text.. it just HAD to keep bothering me, didn't it. So I explained my rating. I do not want to do this garbage. WHAT THE......? I had already unchecked ALL the notifications promo options etc... in Kaspersky options, so I presumed crap like this would never happen. I have used the app for all of 2 days, and already, this... I need to know NOW if this is going to be something that keeps happening, as this is something I will NOT nor EVER tolerate. I believe no PAID app has the right to do that nonsense and I consider that to be PUP behaviour in itself. If this is going to continue, I am uninstalling, getting a refund and going back to Malwarebytes, so please tell me ASAP. Just be honest about it so I know. This is poor behaviour and not cool in any way shape or form. Avira never bothered me with crap like that, nor Malware Bytes. It's a shame, as Kaspersky is my favourite overall AV product thus far, and I thought I was finally happy and had a good all in one security program, but I really won't tolerate promotional popups of any kind or asking for ratings popups. That's not what I buy an AV suite for. I am on Kaspersky standard, so I better not see annoying popups telling me to get the VPN and upgrade to a higher tier etc, I *specifically* CHOSE standard as it's the only one that doesn't include or install the VPN, as I never, ever will use any VPN other than Nord, and I specifically get annoyed at AV products with this new trend to force install their logged VPNs that I will never use. I just want a product that never hassles me.... so.... again, please let me know if this will keep happening. And if so, shame on you. If not, and that's it, well ok then.
  8. I think I worked it out. I have to uncheck perform actions automatically in options then in the firewall application control, there is an option at the top to globally choose "ask" for internet connections. However, if I choose this, all the apps current green, allowed, also go to ask. This is what I wanted to avoid. But I think I just have to go to them one by one and choose "allowed" and then anything new in the future will ask me for permission. Does that sound about right? Can I group choose allowed by selecting multiple apps? I can SELECT multiple apps by holding down shift click but if I try choose allow/deny etc, it clicks back to highlighting only one app for me to affect with changes.
  9. Hi! I have set up my new computer, and have installed Kaspersky in default mode. I have not changed any options thus far. All the apps and processes that I am happy with, are already listed in the trusted department and have outbound internet access. I'd like to leave that as is. What I am trying to work out is if I can set the firewall up to notify me only if any NEW apps not already on the list try to access the net, i.e. outbound. This was one thing I loved about Avira (but hated everything else) as that was so easy to do, I just chose an option to notify me on new apps, it took seconds. All the apps that had already accessed the net and created allowed rules automatically, I never received pop ups for, but any new app I installed that would try to connect to the net, popup. This is what I want. This is why I have allowed it to operate for a few days to create automatic trust rules for all the basic OS stuff and basic apps I have already installed. But there ARE plenty of audio plugins and other apps I do NOT want phoning home once I start installing my games and music software. I would like a popup to decide on a per app basis, nice and easily. I really hope Kaspersky can do this as I am in love with this AV more than any other I have ever used, overall. The system has barely taken any performance hit and I feel truly protected from malware. Game performance is not affected either. All is great. Happiest I have been with an AV suite in the longest time. But I haven't been able to work it out for myself, as it's also a very complex program with tons of options. An easy to follow guide how to do this would be incredibly appreciated!!!
  10. I honestly just want periodic scanning disabled. I don't want to remove it or anything. If for some reason I ever exit Kaspersky, I would like Defender as a backup. It's always good to have a backup. But as it stands now, I don't even use it for 2nd opinion scans, I use Emsisoft Emergency Kit for that purpose. I used to use Malwarebytes for that purpose but Kaspersky won't shut up about it being incompatible, which is such nonsense, as I was only using the offline scanner part of it.
  11. There is no possible way to disable the service. it is greyed out. You can only start it if it's stopped. This is the latest version of Win 11 pro. As I said, I seem to have managed to keep it disabled for now by disabling tamper protection. Startup items are not managed in MS config in Win 11, in fact it tells you to go to Task Manager in msconfig. There is no Defender startup task in my startup items. Microsoft are hiding it and making it very hard to disable compared to windows 10, however for some reason with Kaspersky it would re enable, which as said didn't happen to me with other AV.
  12. It seems to have persisted with a reboot by disabling tamper protection. Note, this has only ever happened to me with Kaspersky, EVER. Before that I was using Malwarebytes and Avira and Defender never, ever re enabled periodic scanning on its own.
  13. Hi, I am having an issue with Defender periodic scanning re enabling itself at every reboot. I do not need this system resource. I even turned it off in group policy editor and it simply re enables every single boot. Any ideas?
  14. what on Earth is the issue here? Why can't I talk about it at the forum if I want to? Is it against the rules?
  15. I don't think so, there's been tons of discussion at the forums about it, and someone here will know. I believe that. I use a laptop, hence a windows precision trackpad, so that's probably the issue and it's probably unfixable.
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