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Kaspersky Password Manager
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Kaspersky Safe Kids
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Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
Sicher. Privat. Außergewöhnlich schnell. So sollte Internet sein.

Kaspersky Standard
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Seguridad. Rendimiento. Privacidad. Todo en una única aplicación fácil de usar.

Kaspersky Small Office Security
Proteja fácilmente su pequeña empresa

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Kaspersky Safe Kids
Supervisa a tus hijos, incluso cuando no estés con ellos

Kaspersky Small Office Security
Protégez votre PME sans effort

Kaspersky Plus
Combina recursos de segurança, desempenho e privacidade em um aplicativo

Kaspersky Small Office Security
Proteja a sua pequena empresa sem esforço

Kaspersky Premium
Proteção completa para seus dispositivos, privacidade online e identidade

Versão Premium
Kaspersky Safe Kids
Fique de olho nas crianças, mesmo quando não estiver por perto

Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
Segura. Privada. Excepcionalmente rápida. Como a internet deveria ser.

Kaspersky Standard
Protezione avanzata con ottimizzazione delle prestazioni dei dispositivi

Kaspersky Small Office Security
Protezione immediata delle piccole aziende

Versione premium
Kaspersky Safe Kids
Accertati che i tuoi figli siano al sicuro, anche quando non sei con loro

Kaspersky Secure Connection
Простое решение для защиты конфиденциальности и безопасности ценных данных
Kaspersky is blocking my website without reason
Hello @CnP.TOP, Welcome! Submit the site using Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal: https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ & OR, submit direct to Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - ask them to escalate to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts - for analysis; when filling in the template -> select (your) Kaspersky application from the drop-down-list (A) Both methods are documented, read: A website is completely or partially blocked by a Kaspersky application. What should I do? *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
Kaspersky is blocking my website without reason
I'm writing a personal blog and using .top domain since it's the most cheap domain. It was detected by Kaspersky as a threat though it's not. How can I contact Kaspersky team to let them recheck my website and remove it from threat list? Just wonder it was blocked because it's an .top domain or not? Thanks alot. -
password manager chrome app installed but the software does not see it
Hello @thenax, Welcome back! Is this a continuation of the KPM Chrome extension issue starting back in Jan 2025? KPM is now at version (a) / 1741787757_7668 / Please share the Windows 11 full build number -> open the dialogue box Run by pressing Win + R keyboard hotkey Type winver and click OK. Post back what's shown in the WINVER app please? Do the following: In KPM, go to Import/Export section, Backup copy, select Create Copy, save the Backup, read: Sezione Importazione/esportazione, sezione Copia di backup, Crea copia Exit KPM, do not start again at this stage. Windows, create a Restore point, read: How to create a restore point in Windows. *Uninstall* the KPM extension from Google. Exit the Google browser & do not restart again at this stage. *Uninstall* KPM using Windows, read: Disinstallare l'applicazione, *work from dot-point 3 onwards* When the KPM uninstall is complete -> shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, when the computer is OFF -> power ON by pressing the power button, login. Start a Google Chrome browser. In Google Chrome -> turn OFF Autosave and Autofill settings. Download a *new* KPM executable from (your) MyKaspersky account. Install KPM. The KPM extension *should* install during the process & this should be reflected in the KPM application IF the original issue *persists*, read: Estensione installata. Configurare il browser affinché l'estensione funzioni correttamente & contact Kaspersky Customer Service, read: Come ottenere assistenza dal Servizio clienti , *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* Please share the outcome, with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋- kaspersky premium
- windows 11
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Kennwörter aus dem PWM ausdrucken!
Hallo @Mozuser, eine .cfg-Datei ist im Grunde eine Textdatei. Du kannst sie mit dem Editor öffnen und lesen. Entweder markierst Du sie und wählst per Mausrechtklick "Öffnen mit..." (dann den MS-Editor auwählen) oder Du benennst sie einfach von ".cfg" nach ".txt" um und doppelklickt sie. Kannt Du dann etwas damit anfangen? -
Kennwörter aus dem PWM ausdrucken!
Ich würde gerne meine Passwörter vom Passwortmanager ausdrucken, mit der Anleitung von der Kaspersky Webseite kann ich nichts anfangen. https://support.kaspersky.com/kpm/win8.6/de-de/139187.htm es wird eine cfg Datei gespeichert und keine txt. kann bitte jemand helfen? -
Троян «Триада» на китайском смартфоне за почти 6 тысяч рублей в белой коробочке.
Ребята, а почему у меня троян на смартфоне «Триада» не позволяет обновлять приложения или скачивать приложения с Rustore? Ну ирония, Rustore можно обновлять и «Рутуб», а всё остальное мертво? Просто пишет ошибку, вот и всё. Версия андроида 7.1 Характеристики смартфона: оперативки 2 и 10 ГБ места. Пришла смска от AntivirusMF с предупреждением, что у меня вирус на смартфоне? Потом Сбербанк предупредил, что у меня подозрительная вирусная активность на смартфоне? Но в чем ирония, нету никаких сниманий денег, и все фотки и видео, что я на почту свою кинул и на комп скачал, все они чисты и без вируса? Смартфон нужен был для фоток и видео, и этот китайский гибрид Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A с другой внешностью норм, у него два мощных стереодинамика качественных и бесполезное 5G... Единственное, что меня бесит, так это то, что в Google Play нет этих проблем, там всё нормально скачивается и обновляется?! -
password manager chrome app installed but the software does not see it
I installed the Google Chrome app dedicated to the password manager but if I run the Windows software "Kaspersky Password Manager" it always tells me that it still needs to be installed. Why? How do I solve it? windows 11 - version / 1741787757_7668 / kaspersky premium
- windows 11
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