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youtube - scheduled blocking


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simple question - is it posiible to temporarily (by schedule) block youtube? If yes, how can I do that?

i.e I need to block all youtube videos between 7am - 4pm. While children have online lessons they shouldn’t have access to YT (any videos). But - sometimes teachers link them a video on YT they should watch - is it possible to “allow-one-time-only”?


OR - is it possible to block certain word/s/topic in YT searcher? Not single YT site but all sites witch certain words (i.e. korean, fortnite, wow, etc.)


I know i can block entire youtube site permanent by using categories. I know that i can allow specific YT site. But that’s not what i/m looking for.

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  1. Is it possible to temporarily (by schedule) block youtube
  2. Is it possible to “allow youtube, one-time-only”  ?
  3. Is it possible to block certain word/s/topic in YT searcher? Not single YT site but all sites which certain words (i.e. korean, fortnite, wow, etc.) ? 

Hello @SoroQ-PL

Welcome back!

  1. No.
  2. Hmm, yes, if you wish to manually apply allow/block exclusions, however, that’s not practical, so, no. 
  3. No, in the old Kaspersky Total Security (KTS), Parental control application, since superseded by Kaspersky Safe Kids (KSK), there was a Content Control  feature, that may have achieved the outcome you require, however, unfortunately, Content Control was never developed as a KSK option. 
  4. There are 3rd pty apps that may do the “block by schedule” job; sadly, we’re not allowed to make recommendations & or name these → google the requirements, the information is easily found. 

Thank you🙏


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simple question - is it posiible to temporarily (by schedule) block youtube? If yes, how can I do that?

i.e I need to block all youtube videos between 7am - 4pm. While children have online lessons they shouldn’t have access to YT (any videos). But - sometimes teachers link them a video on YT they should watch - is it possible to “allow-one-time-only”?


OR - is it possible to block certain word/s/topic in YT searcher? Not single YT site but all sites witch certain words (i.e. korean, fortnite, wow, etc.)


I know i can block entire youtube site permanent by using categories. I know that i can allow specific YT site. But that’s not what i/m looking for.

This is obviously the most needed feature of current Kid’s users. ​The request is all over this forum in one form or another.

Please submit a help ticket asking for the feature. The developers are being very stubborn in their stance. It’s not that they cannot add it, they are not convinced of the need: Possibly because development is occuring in a country where normal school is still in session.

They probably do not read these forums. But certainly they will read a support ticket.

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Hello @SoroQ-PL & @SST,

Kaspersky heavily relies on cases logged, we’ve frequently had them tell us, “as you’re the only parents requesting this, it’s not a “popular” request”, that’s despite the fact there’s dozens of comments, in their forums for the same / similar features. 

Regarding “They probably do not read these forums”, Kaspersky experts/employees do read & participate in these forums, however, (ioe), their approach to changes & problem management is inconsistent. Bottom line, Kaspersky subscribers should always take the time to log a request. 

  • In your MyKaspersky account, fill in the FeedbackI have a complaint template, include:
  1.  A detailed history
  2. What caused the problem?
  3. Did you try to solve the problem? How?
  4. Why is the change/feature required?
  5. How would it help parents?
  6. How would it help children? 
  7. Text from an error message? Screen shot? Video?
  8. Community topic URL?



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Note: the process may take a very long time, each request is measured against many benchmarks and not all requests are successful. 
  • When feedback from the Kaspersky Technical Team is available, please share it here in the Kaspersky Community? 

Thank you🙏


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