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what access do they have if my friends/family share device now

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First of all,

Hi there,

And I'm new to this. 

I want to ask, that my friends are using kasperky premium for 1 account 3 device, however he actually only need 2 device, for his pc and phone, so he gave 1 slot device to be used. 

My questions are:

1. Is he able to see all of the data or my password from his myKasperky account? 

2. Is he able to remote to my computer from myKaspersky account? 

3. Is there anyway to block or separate from my side/device to be not controlled or seen or data collected from his account? 

I know he is my friend, and probably will say that I should buy for my own account, but if I already buy for my own account and I share device slot to my family, I still want to know how far other can access to my/other device if that the case, just to be safe. 

For any reponse, thank you very much. 


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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Boncip said:

I want to ask, that my friends are using Kaspersky premium for 1 account 3 device, however he actually only need 2 device, for his pc and phone, so he gave 1 slot device to be used. 

My questions are:

  • 1. Is he able to see all of the data or my password from his MyKaspersky account? 
  • 2. Is he able to remote to my computer from MyKaspersky account? 
  • 3. I know he is my friend, and probably will say that I should buy for my own account, but if I already buy for my own account and I share device slot to my family, I still want to know how far other can access to my/other device if that the case, just to be safe. 
  • 4. Is there any way to block or separate from my side/device to be not controlled or seen or data collected from his account? 

Hello @Boncip


  1. No. 
  2. No. 
  3. The Subscription *owner* shares the subscription, to allow for the other user to use the subscription; from their MyKaspersky account, on (your) device they will be able to: View the list of computer security problems and fix *some of them* remotely, Scan the computer for viruses and other threats  - Full scan & Quick scan, Update databases and application modules, Configure *some* Kaspersky components & Disconnect (your) device. *READ* Remote management of computer protection. They will not be able to see (your) passwords or manage any of (your) data/files etc. *READ* Shared protection & all the sub-articles. Also note, Remote management & remoting to (your) computer are *different*, in (your) Kaspersky application, Self-defense, do not Allow managing Kaspersky settings via remote control applications & do not enable external management of system services, *READ* Self-Defense settings image.thumb.png.afab1229a210929b924f7ea6368dac37.pngimage.thumb.png.fb869b38ed6ff94a762f42db2ada9cac.png    image.thumb.png.371798c4190fe8bf540a751492417426.png
  4. (you) can Password protect (your) installed Kaspersky application, *READ: How to password-protect access to the application management functions - however, this may not prevent the subscriber performing the above actions in point 3. as they *own* the subscription & they have *shared* their subscription with you - so they retain some control:         image.thumb.png.a632fb282039f22dbe6e4e9dcaca986d.png

Any questions or problems, please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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I see, your answer about remote management and remote your computer answers is different, seems removes my worry about sharing issues.

Thank you very much for your explanations

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