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Safe Search On Youtube?google is not working


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Hello @Pankaj87665

Welcome back!

  1. Which device does your child use: WindowsAndroidMac, iOS & which OS version 
  2. KSK version
  3. Child’s birth year? 
  4. When you say “Safe Search on Youtube google is not working? What happens
  5. Why is Restricted mode OFF
  6. Which browser is the second image from? 
  7. Is there more than one “child safety/monitoring” software installed? 
  8. Provide sites/URLs/search criteria, that are not working, so we can test?

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife 

1.I'm using KSK on Windows 10 and Android 9.

2.KSK version are all latest for windows it is and for android it is

3.My Son Age DOB is 2007.

4.It is beacuse in youtube,google,bing,yahoo it is not forcing safe search on.KSK should force restricted mode always on,and don't let to turn it off.

5.It is from Microsoft Edge.

6.It is due to fact that Safe Kids is not forcing the Safe Search Always on.



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Hello @Pankaj87665

Thank you for the information👌

  1. Re the second image, is that from Android or Windows, which software is it - why is ACTIVATE Restricted mode OFF → post a full screen of that image ? 
  2. Do you understand Google/Youtube → Restricted mode, has nothing to do with KSK? 

Thank you🙏


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