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Residual registry entries after overwrite installation from 21.3 to 21.16

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I recently manually updated from KIS 21.3 to Kaspersky Premium 21.16 with an overwrite installation. I saw from some fan forums saying it's recommended to first uninstall and then install rather than overwrite as the latter leaves registry residuals and services. So I checked in my registry, and I found the registry residuals are mainly in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\FirstBoot\Services, for example in the screenshot.




Given this key, just out of some sort of minor neat freak, is it safe to delete the values for the 21.3 version? Besides, I didn't see values for 21.16 in this key, is it abandoned and replaced by other functions in newer versions?

Last thing, is it true that "first uninstall then install" is better than "overwrite installation"? 

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