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hi ... can anyone heal the file with the extension redmat?
Hi, welcome to the forum! Just so I understand what you mean by "heal a file with a .redmat extension" Do you mean by fixing corruption of the file and was the corruption caused by Kaspersky software? Also what do the files with a .redmat extension do?
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Hello Thinkpaduser: Welcome!
  1. What is .redmat?
  2. What do the files with a .redmat extension do?
Redmat - ransomware-type infection. The infection comes from the Djvu ransomware family. Redmat is a high-risk ransomware designed to stealthily infiltrate computers and encrypt most of stored data. Ari Koesmiadi, Welcome! What to do: Send a couple of sample files, zipped & marked "possible Ransomeware: .Redmat" to technical support team via https://my.kaspersky.com, to see if they can be decrypted.
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Hello Thinkpaduser:
  1. What is .redmat?
  2. What do the files with a .redmat extension do?
Redmat - ransomware-type infection. The infection comes from the Djvu ransomware family. Redmat is a high-risk ransomware designed to stealthily infiltrate computers and encrypt most of stored data.
Ah right, a quick search of Kaspesky's and nomoreransom.org's list of decryptors yields nothing for Djvu ransomware
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quick search of nomoreransom.org's list of decryptors yields nothing for Djvu ransomware Try .redmat
https://www.google.com/search?q=.redmat&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:y&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinvvnisdLiAhUTfX0KHf1RBggQpwUIJg&biw=1356&bih=645& Djvu ransomware https://www.google.com/search?ei=cb73XJ32GNuP9QPejKzgAg&q=Djvu+ransomware&oq=Djvu+ransomware&gs_l=psy-ab.12..0i71l8.0.0..1835...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.UaDDPEA_xs8
This may or may not help: https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1085795270368071681 This is a decryptor for .djvu files EDIT: Actually it should work as .redmat is listed in the forum post on Bleeping Computers for it
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